Monthly Reporting Requirements

Last updated on September 20, 2024


The Monthly Report Forms (HR0081), also known as “monthly reports”, are attached to computer generated cheques. For cheques that are printed in the office, generic or “blank” Monthly Report Forms are available and attached to the cheque. Monthly Report Forms are also available on the ministry’s website for printing through My Self Serve (if registered), and over the telephone (through the self-serve telephone system).

Under the Employment and Assistance Act and Regulation, recipients of income assistance (excluding Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers (PPMB) and those residing in a special care facility) and hardship assistance are required to complete the Monthly Report Form (HR0081) and submit it by the 5th of every month as a condition of ongoing eligibility.  The monthly report is a declaration of further need. In addition, these recipients of income assistance and hardship assistance are required to report all income and any changes in circumstances on the monthly report every month.

Family units receiving income assistance with a member in the PPMB category or with a member residing in a special care facility [see Related Links- Support, Shelter and Special Care Facilities] have nearly the same reporting requirements as recipients of disability assistance. The exception is they do not have to report a specified income replacement benefit from the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) or ICBC every month. These benefits are unearned income to be reported if it is the first time they receive the money or the amount has changed.  

Under the Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act and Regulation, recipients of disability assistance are required to report all qualifying income received and any changes to other income and/or circumstances by the 5th of the month following the change. Those in receipt of hardship assistance under the Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act and Regulation have the same reporting requirements as those receiving hardship assistance under the Employment and Assistance Act and Regulation.


All recipients of income assistance, hardship assistance, and disability assistance are required to report accurately and completely when required to do so. Most recipients are required to report monthly, but there are exceptions for disability assistance family units and income assistance family units in which a member is in the PPMB category or residing in a special care facility. This section outlines when a report is required. 

Awareness of reporting obligations will reduce overpayments.



Reporting Requirements for Recipients Receiving Income Assistance or Hardship Assistance

Effective: September 1, 2024

Recipients of income assistance (excluding Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers and those residing in a special care facility), and recipients of hardship assistance are required to report all and any employment income or other money received, any changes in their circumstances and verification as required of changes, in addition to requesting further assistance each month.


Reporting Requirements for Recipients Receiving Income Assistance (Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers, Residing in Special Care Facility)

Effective: September 1, 2024

Recipients of income assistance in the Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers (PPMB) category and those residing in a special care facility have nearly the same reporting requirements as recipients of disability assistance. The exception is they do not have to report a specified income replacement benefit from the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) or ICBC every month. These benefits are unearned income to be reported if it is the first time they have received the money or the amount has changed.  


Reporting Requirements for Recipients of Disability Assistance

Effective: September 1, 2024

For recipients receiving disability assistance, the completion of a Monthly Report Form (HR0081) may be a requirement for eligibility. The HR0081 is to be completed to report income and changes in circumstances as outlined in this section.

Recipients of disability assistance are required to submit an HR0081 when one or more of the following occur:

  • they receive earned income;
  • they receive unearned income that is a specified income replacement benefit from the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) or ICBC;
  • they receive any other income and/or money if it is the first time they have received the money or the amount has changed.  
  • there is any other change in their circumstances that arose in the previous calendar month

If a disability assistance recipient has used up their AEE limit for the exemption year, any earned income is deducted dollar for dollar from assistance.  If earnings exceed the amount of disability assistance, the recipient is eligible for Medical Services Only [see Related Links – Medical Services Only].

Those in receipt of Medical Services Only coverage as a result of employment income should continue to submit the HR0081 each month in order for the ministry to re-establish eligibility for disability assistance when:

  1. the recipient's income falls below the disability assistance rate; or
  2. the recipient is eligible for an annual earnings exemption in the new calendar year

 [For more information, see Related Links - BCEA Application - Stage 1 –  Medical Services Only Recipients Requesting Assistance.]


Changes that Must be Reported

Effective September 1, 2024

Recipients of income assistance (excluding Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers and those residing in a special care facility) and hardship assistance must report changes in their circumstances such as address, shelter/utility costs, number of dependents, changes in employability and employment status, whether they are attending school, and any changes in assets.

They are required to report all employment income, and any other kind of money received.  It must be clearly and completely reported on the monthly report and submitted to the office by the 5th of the month following the change.

Recipients of income assistance in the Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers category and those residing in special care facility have nearly the same reporting requirements as recipients of disability assistance. The exception is they do not have to report a specified income replacement benefit from the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) or ICBC every month. These benefits are unearned income to be reported if it is the first time they have received the money or the amount has changed.

Recipients of disability assistance must report changes in their circumstances such as address, shelter/utility costs, number of dependents, whether they are attending school, and any changes in assets.


Monthly Reporting, Time Frame and Additional Documentation

Effective: July 25, 2022

Recipients must report all changes that occurred during the calendar month. The Monthly Report Form (HR0081) must be submitted by the 5th of the following month. For example, changes between January 1st and January 31st must be reported and submitted by February 5th.

Recipients can submit their monthly report online (if registered for My Self Serve), by telephone (through the self-serve telephone system), or the paper version (HR0081) can be submitted by mail, or in person. [For more information, see Additional Resources – My Self Serve.] Changes that occurred during the calendar month must be clearly and completely reported on the HR0081.  All receipts, pay slips, and statements or documentation to support the change must be attached.

If a monthly report is submitted online through My Self Serve all supporting documents must be submitted either as electronic attachments through My Self Serve, mail, fax, or in person.

If a correction is required to a monthly report submitted through My Self Serve, the monthly report may be restarted through My Self Serve within the same benefit month, or a paper monthly report must be submitted by mail or in person.

If a monthly report is submitted by telephone through the self-serve Monthly Reporting option, all supporting documents must be submitted by mail, fax, or in person.

If a correction is required to a monthly report submitted by telephone through the self-serve Monthly Reporting option, a paper monthly report must be submitted by mail or in person.

The original, signed, monthly report must be submitted with the date(s) and description of the change clearly indicated.

Both recipient and spouse must sign the monthly report.



Reporting Requirement Content

Effective: July 16, 2018

The EAW will review all reported changes and update case information before payment is generated for the next month.  If necessary, the EAW will assess eligibility for assistance and/or an earnings exemption.  This is often referred to as the reporting period and is the time lag between when the change occurred and when it affects the assistance month.

Staff will review all Monthly Report Forms (HR0081) and action any changes prior to the next assistance month payment being generated.

[For information on applying earnings exemptions, see Related Links - Income Treatment & Exemptions.]  

[For Monthly Report (HR0081), see Forms and Letters] 



Steps for Reviewing and Processing the Monthly Report (HR0081)

Effective: July 25, 2022

Before cheque issue cut-off (the Friday before Cheque Issue Day), the Monthly Report Forms (HR0081) are received electronically (by My Self Serve or the self-serve telephone system) or, where received in paper form, are gathered and date stamped.

Staff are to ensure the following when reviewing monthly reports:

  1. Recipient (Applicant 1) and, if applicable, spouse (Applicant 2) signature(s) is/are completed
  2. Date is completed
  3. All questions are completed
  4. Explanations are provided if any changes are indicated
  5. Columns pertaining to the declaration of income for the recipient and spouse to be completed
  6. Proof of declaration of income is attached if applicable (e.g., pay stubs, receipts and any other supporting documentation)

Staff will review the monthly report to assess eligibility for assistance based on current regulation, policy and procedures.  [For information on how to apply earnings exemptions, see Related Links – Income Treatment & Exemptions – Policy – Employment Income.]

Staff will update the case with any changes in recipient information reported on the monthly report, such as address or shelter costs.

Staff will record all income reported on the system using the appropriate income types and include applicable notes on the case.  For example, if a recipient attached a pay stub to their monthly report, the notes on the appropriate tab should indicate the name of the employer, amount of income received and applicable dates of pay.

Staff will also note any changes in assets, trusts, or any other kind of money or value received on the appropriate tab.

If an HR0081 is received and cannot be processed due to issues such as:

  • incomplete or incorrect entries on a paper report (e.g., questions not answered or missing signature)
  • incorrect entries on a My Self Serve online report (e.g., wrong income amount)
  • incorrect entries on a self-serve telephone monthly report (e.g., missed reporting income)
  • verification documents are needed (e.g., no pay stubs uploaded or attached to verify declared income)
  • recipient declaring a circumstance that may impact eligibility (e.g., declaring an outstanding warrant.

Staff are to contact the recipient to attempt to resolve the outstanding issue as soon as possible. 

If a correction is required to a paper or self-serve telephone monthly report, then a corrected monthly report can be submitted using a paper Monthly Report Form (HR0081). Staff should contact the recipient by their preferred method of communication with further instructions on how to correct their monthly report form.

If a correction is required to a monthly report submitted through MySS, then a corrected monthly report can be restarted through MySS. The recipient can initiate a restart once within a reporting period. Staff can initiate a Monthly Report Restart message multiple times, if needed, within a reporting period.

Staff should consider how much time is available before cut-off when determining what action is appropriate. Signals are to be used only as a last resort if needed to prevent a payment being issued where the amount may be incorrect or the recipient’s eligibility may be in question.  Staff should make two attempts to contact recipients prior to signaling [for more information on signaling, see Related Links – Individual Case Management]  . 


Recipients Receiving Income Assistance or Hardship Assistance

Effective: March 1, 2023

Recipients of income assistance (excluding Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers and those residing in a  special care facility) and recipients of hardship assistance are required to report all changes in addition to requesting further assistance each month.


Recipients of Disability Assistance, Recipients of Income Assistance who are Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers (PPMB) or in a Special Care Facility

Effective: September 1, 2024

Recipients of disability assistance, and recipients of income assistance who are Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers (PPMB), or in an approved special care facility are required to report when one or more of the following occur:

  • they receive earned income;
  • they receive any other income and/or money if it is the first time they have received the money or the amount has changed;
  • there is any other change in their circumstances that arose in the previous calendar month.

The monthly report is to be submitted by the 5th of each month.

Recipients who meet the above circumstances must submit a monthly report so that the EAW can continue to monitor and apply conditions of eligibility to ensure there is no inadvertent overpayment or miscalculation due to a misapplication of conditions of eligibility rules.

This means the EAW will review the information on the monthly report and determine if an earnings exemption should be applied and whether there is a change in the amount of assistance the recipient is eligible to receive [see Steps for Reviewing and Processing the Monthly Report above].

Staff should remind recipients of their obligation to report and explain the process for reporting accurately and completely.  This reduces delays in determining eligibility for assistance and the number of overpayments recipients incur.

If a recipient is unable to complete a monthly report due to any special needs such as physical, developmental, psychiatric, language and/or literacy barriers, alternate arrangements should be made.  For instance, these recipients should be encouraged to seek assistance from advocacy groups, friends and/or family where appropriate.  Where these resources are unavailable, the recipient can make an appointment to meet with an EAW or outreach worker to complete the monthly report.

For disability assistance recipients only:

  • PWD recipients in receipt of Medical Services Only (MSO) coverage as a result of employment income should continue to submit the Monthly Report (HR0081) each month in order for the ministry to re-establish eligibility for disability assistance when the recipient becomes financially eligible. [For more information, see Related Links - BCEA Application - Stage 1 and Eligibility Review].
  • Staff will need to assess eligibility for disability assistance based on what the PWD recipient is reporting each month on the monthly report while in receipt of MSO coverage as a result of employment income. Staff will need to manually reinstate PWD recipients onto disability assistance if their income drops below the disability assistance rate before January income/March benefit month.

[For further information on how to apply earnings exemptions, see Related Links – Income Treatment & Exemptions.]