The ministry works in partnership with various community services and agencies to provide homeless people with assistance and support services. The objective is to reduce the likelihood of continued homelessness and promote long term housing stability.
Homeless Indicator Guidelines
Effective: February 9, 2009
The homeless indicator assists staff to identify clients who have been homeless, in order to provide appropriate and specialized services.
A client will be considered homeless if they have been:
Homeless Indicator
Effective: February 9, 2009
The target population for the homeless indicator is chronically homeless people who have been homeless for long periods of time, or who are street entrenched. The homeless indicator should only be selected if the client meets the criteria.
To determine whether to activate the homeless indicator flag, use the following as a guideline.
A client has been:
Note: If in future the client does meet these criteria, the homeless indicator should be set.
A client is housed or has been living in:
If the housing situation of a client changes from homeless to any of the above housing scenarios, or if the client received a Shelter Allowance greater than $75 per month for 12 consecutive months, then the homeless indicator should be removed.
During the application process, staff must determine whether an applicant is homeless, and set the Homeless Indicator.
When staff are aware that a recipient has become homeless (based on guidelines above), the Homeless Indicator must be set.
Homeless – Application Protocol
Effective: September 1, 2024
When staff are aware an applicant is homeless or the applicant is accompanied by a BC Housing Outreach Worker through the Homeless Outreach Program, the application process is expedited. Homeless applicants should be seen immediately upon arrival to the office. All homeless applicants should receive the same service delivery whether they are accompanied by a BC Housing Outreach Worker or not.
1. Eligibility Requirements
2. Income Assistance Payment – Same Day Service
3. Articulate requirements clearly
Reporting and follow up to be explained to the applicant, including:
4. Caseload Management