WorkBC Employment Services

Last updated on September 4, 2024


WorkBC offers free employment services for everyone seeking work. WorkBC Centres provide a welcoming, safe and accessible environment and offer a wide range of services and supports, ranging from independent, self-serve information and resources to 1:1 personalized job counselling support, skills training, work experience and on-the-job support to help people prepare for, find and keep good jobs.

WorkBC supports are not only for unemployed British Columbians but also for people who are underemployed or in a job where their hours are not stable, and for people whose work is not in line with their skills (sometimes referred to as precariously employed). Anyone in this situation will be able to connect with WorkBC to obtain assistance in finding a better job, which may include access to services such as skills upgrading, training, self-employment, and work experience programs.

The Ministry may refer recipients to WorkBC unless they meet ministry non-referral criteria [see Procedures]. 

Recipients who are not formally referred will be encouraged to connect with their local WorkBC Centre for valuable services available for training, skills enhancement, or employment. Sole recipients with dependent children or supported children may be eligible to participate in the Single Parent Employment Initiative (SPEI) if they are currently on income or disability assistance and have been for at least three months. While participating in approved services through SPEI, recipients are eligible to remain on income assistance, and may be eligible for other financial supports. 

Sole recipients without employability-related obligations who have dependent children or provide care for a supported child can also participate in SPEI, and can self-refer to WorkBC Centres. 

[For more information on Single Parent Employment Initiative eligibility, see Related Links – Education & Training.]



Program Referral to WorkBC Employment Services (ES)

Effective: September 1, 2024

The ministry will identify recipients with an employability plan for formal referral to WorkBC Employment Services (ES) or an Indigenous Skills and Employment Training (ISET service provider) during the employability planning process. Recipients who self-identify as Indigenous can choose to request a referral to ISET rather than WorkBC. Recipients who are referred to WorkBC will be assessed to confirm their employment and service needs by WorkBC.

Recipients may not be referred to WorkBC if they meet one of the ministry’s non-referral reasons. However, all recipients who are seeking to become employed are encouraged to access WorkBC’s employment services. 

WorkBC may request a formal referral from the ministry if it identifies a ministry recipient who:

  • has not been formally referred by the ministry, and
  • who would benefit from mutual WorkBC and ministry case management, and
  • wants to participate in WorkBC case management

 Referrals requested by WorkBC should be provided unless the recipient is inappropriate for referral due to the ministry’s non-referral reasons, or they already have an Employability Plan (EP).

Recipients may be eligible for some WorkBC supports in addition to WorkBC self-serve services without being case managed by WorkBC. These may include financial or other supports, when needed for job search or for starting employment, (e.g., short term certificate courses required as a condition of employment for a confirmed job.  [For more information on WorkBC financial supports for recipients with confirmed job offers, see Related Links- Confirmed Job Supplement].


Recipient Outcomes

Effective: September 1, 2024

For most recipients, their WorkBC Employment Service will assist them in obtaining meaningful employment. For some recipients, achieving employment may be a long-term goal.  These recipients can be supported to achieve community attachment when they are not yet ready or able to work. Community attachment can be a volunteer placement or a referral to other community services that directly improves their level of employment readiness. Recipients who achieve a community attachment outcome will also be encouraged to return to WorkBC employment and skills training services as soon as they are ready and able to work towards labour market attachment.

When recipients who are case managed by WorkBC obtain employment or self-employment, this information is communicated to the ministry.