Confirmed Job Supplement

Last updated on September 20, 2024


Where no other resources are available to cover the cost, a confirmed job supplement may be provided to BCEA recipients with a confirmed offer of employment to purchase the essential transportation and work-related items they need to begin a job that will enable the family to leave assistance.

The confirmed job supplement is available under the Employment and Assistance Regulation and Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Regulation.




Effective: April 12, 2013

Effective March 4, 2013 WorkBC Employment Services (ES) policy allows all BCEA clients to access WorkBC job start supports, whether or not a BCEA client is case managed by WorkBC ES.

Clients seeking a confirmed job supplement (CJS) should first contact WorkBC ES to confirm whether they are eligible for WorkBC ES supports and if the requested support is available through WorkBC ES. If not, the client may be considered for a CJS.

A CJS may be provided to or for a recipient who is eligible for income assistance, disability assistance, or hardship assistance if all of the following apply:

  • a recipient in the family unit obtains confirmed employment that will enable the family to leave income assistance, hardship assistance, or disability assistance;
  • the recipient requires a specific employment-related item in order to start work;
  • no resources are available to the family unit to cover the cost.

Although usually issued on a one-time basis, the CJS may be provided more than once where circumstances warrant (such as seasonal employment).

Recipients who ultimately do not accept the job that the CJS was issued for may be subject to employment-related sanctions.  [see Related Links – Sanctions – Policy – Table: Employment Related]  Any decision on CJS will be subject to reconsideration but is not subject to appeal to the tribunal [see Acts and Regulations – EA Regulation – Section 81, or EAPWD Regulation – Section 73].


Confirming Employment

Effective: December 1, 2003

Staff are responsible for verifying the information submitted by each client.  

A job offer letter submitted by the client should be on the business letterhead (if possible) or at minimum should provide the name, address and telephone number of the employer, and a contact person.


Types of Items that may be Purchased

Effective: April 2, 2012

The confirmed job supplement (CJS) may be used to purchase an essential employment-related item such as the following:

  • transportation to the job (such as a bus pass)
  • supplies required for occupational health and safety (such as work gloves, goggles, safety work boots)
  • work clothing and other essentials (such as uniforms, rain gear, rubber boots, tools not normally provided by the employer, and haircuts)

The CJS is not to be used for relocation costs, training, tools, or other implements normally provided by an employer, nor is it to be used to purchase disability-related technical aids or workplace accommodations.



Assessing Eligibility for the Confirmed Job Supplement

Effective: April 12, 2013

To assess eligibility for the confirmed job supplement (CJS), run the Assisted Eligibility tool:

Confirm whether the client is being case managed by WorkBC Employment Services (ES).  Clients being case managed by WorkBC ES are eligible for job start supports through WorkBC ES and are therefore not eligible for CJS, unless the required support is not available through WorkBC ES.  To confirm WorkBC ES case management, check the client’s case in the system:

  • For employment obligated clients – if they are case managed by WorkBC ES, they will have a WorkBC ES program referral, an open system WorkBC case and an Employment Plan (EP) for WorkBC.  They should be advised to ask WorkBC ES about job start supports. These clients are not eligible for CJS, unless the required support is not available through WorkBC ES.  If they are not case managed by WorkBC ES, continue to step 2.
  • For non-employment obligated clients – if they have an open WorkBC case, contact WorkBC to confirm whether they are being case managed. They should be advised to ask WorkBC about job start supports. If they are case managed by WorkBC ES, they are not eligible for CJS unless the required support is not available through WorkBC ES. If they are not case managed by WorkBC ES, continue to the next step.

If the client is not case managed by WorkBC ES, direct the client to WorkBC to determine whether the requested support is available.

Confirm that the recipient has:

  • provided verification of the confirmed job (for example, job offer letter or contact person) [see Policy – Confirming Employment]
  • provided specific details about required items, and demonstrated that alternative sources of funding were fully explored but were unavailable

Evaluate whether the confirmed job is likely to lead to financial independence, and review the case history.

Review the case to determine if a CJS was previously issued.

Record the following information on the case as part of the approval process:

  • confirmed job verification [see Policy – Confirming Employment];
  • employer information, including name, address, and telephone number;
  • job title or brief description, starting wage, and number of hours per week;
  • amount of supplement requested and the specific need;
  • alternative financial resources explored; and,
  • approval obtained from the supervisor or manager.

For clients who are not eligible for CJS, provide the client with a denial letter that explains why the client is not eligible.

Authorities and Responsibilities



Effective: April 2, 2012

Position Amount
EAW and Community Integration Specialist Approving items for the CJS up to $250
Supervisor Approving items for the CJS up to $1,000

 A summarized Authority Level matrix is available in Additional Resources.

Frequently Asked Questions


Question   Is the confirmed job supplement (CJS) available to enquirers and applicants as well as recipients?

Answer    No.  The CJS is only available to members of family units eligible for income assistance, disability assistance, or hardship assistance.


Question   Is the confirmed job supplement (CJS) available to recipients participating in WorkBC Employment Services (ES)?

Answer   In most cases, yes.  Effective March 4, 2013 WorkBC ES policy allows all BCEA clients to access WorkBC ES job start supports whether or not a BCEA client is case managed by WorkBC ES.

Clients seeking a CJS should first contact WorkBC to determine whether they are eligible for WorkBC ES supports and if the requested support is available through WorkBC. If not, the client may be considered for a CJS.