BC PharmaCare plans

Last updated on February 27, 2025

PharmaCare has 12 plans that help B.C. residents pay for prescription medications, medical devices and supplies, and pharmacy services. One person can be covered by several plans. For most plans, you must be enrolled in the Medical Services Plan of B.C. (MSP).

Fair PharmaCare Plan

Fair PharmaCare helps B.C. residents pay for many prescription drugs and dispensing fees, and some medical devices and supplies. Fair PharmaCare coverage is based on income. The less you earn, the more help you get.

First Nations Health Benefits (Plan W)

100% coverage of many prescription drugs and dispensing fees, some medical devices and supplies, as well as certain over-the-counter drugs and health products. Plan W is funded by the First Nations Health Authority.

Income Assistance (Plan C)

100% coverage of eligible prescription costs for B.C. residents who are

  • Receiving benefits and income assistance through the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction (SDPR), or
  • In the care of or in an agreement with Ministry of Children and Family Services (MCFD)

SDPR and MCFD send eligibility information to PharmaCare. You do not need to apply to PharmaCare for this coverage.

Psychiatric Medications (Plan G)

100% coverage of eligible costs for B.C. residents of any age with clinical and financial need (i.e., if your annual income is lower than $42,000). The plan covers certain psychiatric medications.

Your physician or nurse practitioner (the prescriber) confirms your eligibility, together with the local mental health and substance use location or Child and Youth Mental Health team.

If you are eligible, your prescriber will submit an Application for PharmaCare Plan G form (PDF, 896KB) on your behalf.

Coverage is for up to 1 year and needs to be renewed if you require further coverage.

Know your renewal date and visit a healthcare provider about a month ahead to submit a new application.

Long-term Care (Plan B)

100% coverage of eligible prescription drugs and medical supplies for permanent residents of licensed long-term care facilities registered with PharmaCare Plan B. When someone becomes a permanent resident of a Plan B facility, they are automatically covered under Plan B.

Not all facilities are registered with Plan B. You may wish you ask before moving in (or moving a loved one in) to a long-term care facility whether the facility is covered by Plan B.

  • Coverage is automatic if you move into a Plan B registered long-term care facility

Note: Plan B does not apply to:

  • People staying in extended-care, acute-care, multi-level, or assisted-living facilities
  • Short-term patients in a licensed long-term care facility (e.g., patients staying in a facility temporarily to provide respite for their caregivers)

Cystic Fibrosis (Plan D)

100% coverage of eligible digestive enzymes in the Plan D formulary and partial or full coverage of other products in the formulary, depending on your other PharmaCare plan (i.e., Plan C, Plan F, Plan W, or Fair PharmaCare). For coverage, you must be registered with a provincial cystic fibrosis clinic. The cystic fibrosis clinic arranges Plan D coverage for their patients.

Important: PharmaCare can only cover items in the Plan D formulary if you purchase them at a pharmacy, as you would a prescription drug. This is because the pharmacy must submit a claim to PharmaCare at the time you purchase the items.

Children in the At Home Program (Plan F)

100% coverage of eligible prescription drugs and designated medical supplies for children and teens with a severe disability or complex health care needs, who is receiving full benefits or medical benefits through the The ​At Home Program of the Ministry of Children and Family Development (MCFD). MCFD submits your information to PharmaCare.

Palliative Care (Plan P)

100% coverage of eligible costs for medications used in palliative care and in the Plan P formulary  For B.C. residents of any age who have reached the end stage of a life-threatening disease or illness and who wish to receive palliative care at home. "Home" is defined as wherever the person is living, whether in their own home, with family or friends, in a supportive/assisted living residence, or in a hospice unit at a long-term care facility (e.g. a community hospice bed that is not covered under PharmaCare Plan B). Eligible patients can also receive medical supplies and equipment through their local health authority.

Physicians or nurse practitioners submit a registration form to PharmaCare for their patients. The single registration form is used to notify both PharmaCare and the health authority of the patient's eligibility for the benefits.

Assurance Plan (Plan Z)

100% coverage to any B.C. resident with Medical Services Plan (MSP) coverage. Plan Z currently covers contraceptives and Mifegymiso, opioid use disorder treatment (OAT), and Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD) medications. Generally, you simply present your prescription and Personal Health Number, which is on your BC Services Card, at a pharmacy, and pay $0.

Plan Z coverage may be available on an exceptional basis if you are not yet enrolled in MSP or do not have a Personal Health Number. A pharmacist can sign you up.

Smoking Cessation (Plan S)

100% coverage of nicotine gum, lozenges or patches, and some or all of the cost of certain smoking cessation prescription drugs. B.C residents of any age can get help to stop smoking or using other tobacco products.

  • For coverage of nicotine gum, lozenges or patches, talk to a pharmacist
  • For coverage of prescriptions, talk to a doctor or other prescriber, including a pharmacist
  • Learn more at Get help quitting tobacco

British Columbia Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS (Plan X)

Plan X covers antiretroviral drugs for HIV-positive individuals through the BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, Drug Treatment Program.

Medication Management (Plan M)

Plan M covers individuals for eligible medication management services provided by pharmacies, such as clinical services, medication reviews, and publicly funded vaccinations.

Coverage under more than one plan

You can be covered under more than one PharmaCare plan. Any 100% plan will be applied first (i.e., plans B, C, D, F, P, W, Z), then Fair PharmaCare will help with remaining eligible costs. To get help paying for a drug, a plan has to cover the drug and you have to be covered under the plan.

Which of my plans will cover my prescription?

If you are on more than one PharmaCare plan, this video will show you which plan will cover your presription.

PharmaCare coverage and MSP enrolment

You need to be enrolled in MSP to receive coverage under most PharmaCare plans.

Coverage is sometimes available under Plan Z (Assurance) and Plan G (Psychiatric Medications) if you are in the wait period for MSP coverage or have not completed both MSP enrolment steps.

To enrol in MSP and obtain a photo BC Services Card, most adults must complete two steps:

Once these two steps are done, MSP coverage becomes active after the balance of the month in which you established residency in B.C., plus two months.

Note: Children and temporary document holders don’t need to attend an ICBC office. They will be issued a non-photo BC Services Card.

Are you Indigenous?

First Nations people in B.C. can enrol for MSP through the FNHA’s First Nations Health Benefits program (Plan W). The MSP enrolment application form is available online or by calling First Nations Health Benefits at 1-855-550-5454.


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