Guidelines and Protocols Advisory Committee (GPAC)

Last updated on September 4, 2024

The Guidelines and Protocols Advisory Committee (GPAC) is an advisory committee to the Medical Services Commission and has representatives from both the Doctors of BC and the Ministry of Health.

GPAC’s mandate supports both the effective utilization of medical services and high quality, appropriate patient care. This mandate is achieved through the development, publication and promotion of clinical practice guidelines and protocols.

GPAC’s development criteria for guidelines and protocols include:

  • Areas of clinical uncertainty as evidenced by wide variation in practice or outcomes;
  • Conditions where there is good evidence for effective treatment and where mortality or morbidity can be reduced;
  • Procedures and tests that have a high per unit cost and high volume;
  • Priority areas for the achievement of specific health care goals in British Columbia; and
  • Input from physicians and stakeholders based on compelling evidence.

GPAC oversees a number of working groups that are responsible for developing the guidelines and protocols. Working group members include general practitioners and specialists, content experts, as well as a pharmacist and research officer.