BC Guidelines are clinical practice guidelines and protocols that provide recommendations to B.C. practitioners on delivering high quality, appropriate care to patients with specific clinical conditions or diseases. These “Made in BC” clinical practice guidelines are developed by the Guidelines and Protocol Advisory Committee (GPAC), an advisory committee to the Medical Services Commission. The primary audience for BC Guidelines is BC physicians, nurse practitioners, and medical students. However, other audiences such as health educators, health authorities, allied health organizations, pharmacists, and nurses may also find them to be a useful resource.
There are several ways to find the guidelines you are looking for.
For information on COVID-19, visit the BC Centre for Disease Control website.
REVISED: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Minor revisions to the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) guideline to reflect new PharmaCare regular benefit coverage for Tiotropium.
NEW: Tobacco Use Disorder (TUD)
The Tobacco Use Disorder (TUD) guideline provides evidence-based recommendations for primary care practitioners on managing tobacco use disorder (TUD). This guideline also addresses vaping. While the guideline focuses on TUD in adults (ages ≥ 19), there are some recommendations addressing the youth population (ages 12-18).
Key Recommendations
NEW: Antinuclear Antibody (ANA) Testing
NEW: Concussion / Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI)
The Concussion / Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI) guideline provides recommendations for the primary care assessment, diagnosis, and management of concussion/mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) for patients of all ages. This guideline is not appropriate for use with moderate or severe brain injuries.
Key Recommendations
Assessment and Diagnosis
Special Considerations
NEW: Extended Learning Document: Primary Care Approaches to Addressing the Impacts of Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
All individuals experience trauma throughout their lives. These traumatic experiences may be previous events, or they may be current. The health care community’s understanding of trauma’s impacts on our health continues to evolve, particularly in the context of the In Plain Sight Report highlighting the experiences of Indigenous peoples in Canada, the ongoing toxic drug crisis, and mass traumatic events, such as natural disasters, warfare and genocide. Primary care providers are encouraged to learn how trauma affects an individual's and community’s health, as well as their utilization of the health care services, and health care experiences.
This extended learning document seeks to introduce primary care providers to the concept of trauma-informed practice (TIP). It provides information about tools including, but not limited to, the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) questionnaire. This document also provides additional resources for ongoing learning and professional/ personal development.
This is not a clinical practice guideline as research in this area is still evolving, especially the evidence for the use of the ACEs questionnaire in clinical practice. The focus of the document is on adults. While some resources are referenced for the pediatric population, history taking and management of adverse childhood experiences in children and adolescents are outside the scope of this guideline.
Build a strong, ongoing, consistent, and trusting relationship with patients. This is important to successfully address difficult topics in a culturally safe way and to support an individual’s ability to make positive changes over time. This enables primary care practitioners providing longitudinal care to better support their patients to improve their well-being, address past experiences, and give hope. While an ongoing relationship is important, there will be episodic encounters where practicing in a trauma-informed way will be imperative, to ensure patients return to seek care (e.g., walk-in or emergency department setting).
Recognize and respect the prevalence of historical, intergenerational and current trauma, as well as the many ways that trauma can be experienced. See Indian Hospitals in Canada to learn more.
Be sensitive to trauma-informed principles in patient interactions.
Practice a reflective, continuous commitment to ongoing education, which is an important aspect of trauma-informed practice (TIP).
Practice trauma-informed care, including considerations for staff and clinicians who have experienced trauma in their own lives. This trauma may come from personal experiences, or it could be secondary trauma experienced during exposure to another individual's traumatic experiences.
It is important that healthcare providers build an informal system of peer support that they can draw on or contribute to. Skills, such as “The Four Cs,” can support care providers’ well-being while delivering TIP. The Physician Health Program (PHP) offers a confidential 24-hour intake and crisis support line (1-800-663-6729).
It is not enough to have cultural awareness and cultural sensitivity to improve access and quality of health care services. It is imperative that all these concepts are applied in practice as practitioners continue their cultural safety and humility journey and learning.