Veterinary and veterinary technologist students working in B.C. food animal practices

Last updated on March 7, 2025

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Veterinary practices in British Columbia that offer food animal services are eligible for support to hire veterinary and registered veterinary technologist (RVT) students for work placements of 12 consecutive weeks or longer in 2025.

This program is funded in part by the Government of Canada under the Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a federal-provincial-territorial initiative.


Provide greater exposure for veterinary professionals-in-training to rural communities and food animal practice by supporting veterinary practices to hire students enrolled in veterinary and RVT training.

Build relationships between British Columbia veterinary practices that offer food animal services and veterinary professionals-in-training to improve opportunities for recruitment of new graduates into these practices.


Total funding amount per student will be $6,000. Up to three students per practice may be funded depending on program demand. 


To be eligible for the program, applicants must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Veterinary practice accredited by the College of Veterinarians of BC (CVBC) to provide food animal services
  • Actively offering food animal services to clients during the work placement period. For this program, food animals are defined as animals raised to produce food or fiber, and include cattle, swine, sheep, goats, poultry, bison, and fish
  • Practices that provide services to clients at any production scale (e.g. large-scale, small lot) are eligible

Students must meet the following criteria:


Applications will collect information that includes:

  • Practice and designated veterinarian name, address, phone numbers and email addresses.
  • Number of: 
    • Full time (equivalent) veterinarians
    • Full time (equivalent) registered veterinary technologists (RVTs)
    • Herd or flock level veterinary-client-patient relationships (VCPRs)
  • Types of animals serviced by the practice and approximate proportion of cases seen for each animal type
  • Standard demographic information (Indigeneity, gender, age) of the practice owners
  • Student name(s), contact information, educational information (accredited program name and year of study)
  • Start date and end date of work placement


Funding is provided through a reimbursement process to approved applicants at the end of the program and after all program reporting documents are received. 

To be eligible for reimbursement, students must attend and present at one of the two end of program case report virtual sessions. Veterinary practices must allocate work time for students to participate. Additionally, the following documents must be received by the program administrator (templates will be provided to successful applicants):

  • Veterinary clinic
    1. End of program data collection and program evaluation form 
  • Student
    1. Food-animal case log 
    2. Program evaluation form

Accepted applicants must also complete and attach the direct deposit application form (PDF, 407KB) for general and service suppliers along with copy of a void cheque in order to receive reimbursement at the end of student work placement. Further details will be provided to successful applicants.

Eligible activities and costs

Eligible activities and costs that are covered within the maximum funding of $6000 per student:

  • Student wages while on work placement
  • Student travel from educational institute where student is enrolled in veterinary profession studies, or from permanent home address to clinic location (town or vicinity) at start of work placement, and return travel to educational institute, or permanent home address, at end of work placement
  • Student housing (rent) expenses in clinic location (town or vicinity) during work placement

Ineligible activities and costs

  • Travel not described above
  • Food and other living expenses
  • Externships/rotations that are part of a veterinary or veterinary technologist education curriculum
  • All registration, tuition, course, or continuing education program fees
  • Acquiring programs, software, devices, stationery, required textbooks or other assets
  • Placements less than 12 consecutive weeks in duration
  • Activities and costs for which the applicant has already received government funding

Additional information 

The veterinary practice is solely responsible for employer obligations with regards to the work placement.

Program timeline 

The program intake opened on December 2, 2024, and accepted applications until 4:00 p.m. PST Friday, March 7, 2025. Successful applicants will be notified by mid-February.

Program funding will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis to eligible applicants for one student per practice until the deadline.

After the deadline, if funding is not fully allocated, up to two additional student work placements per practice may be funded.

Applicants who do not submit completed applications by the deadlines will be considered to have withdrawn their application; previously approved funding may then be reallocated to other applicants.  

SCAP | Province of British Columbia | Government of Canada

Contact information

Do you have a question? Please contact us.

If you are a veterinary practice interested in applying to the program please contact the Chief Veterinarian's team.

AgriService BC Toll Free
Office of the Chief Veterinarian