Application maps and site plans

Last updated on July 29, 2024

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Applications are to be accompanied by plans and/or drawings, a general location map showing the location of the application area and a more detailed site map or plan showing area details and any proposed improvements.

Applicants must meet the following map standards or the application will be returned. The maps must allow government staff the ability to translate what’s been submitted into the provincial map systems. That happens with either a digital spatial file or a metes and bounds (PDF, 136KB) description.

Maps to be submitted

You are required to provide:

At least two (2)* digital maps (.pdf, .jpg or other commonly used format)

  • General Location Map
  • Site Plan

*Some land uses require additional maps such as side profiles, cross-sections etc. – refer to the program area list below for details

It is strongly recommended that you provide:

A digital spatial file of the outer boundary of your proposed application area.  The preferred format is a shapefile, projected in BC Albers/NAD 83, and submitted with .shp, .shx, .dbf and .prj files, however, there are other commonly used spatial file formats that may also be submitted.  All spatial files must be submitted as a polygon (not a point or a line). 

Free publicly available map programs can be used to draw maps and create digital files.

Note: These programs are sufficient for creating all General Location Maps and simple/basic Site Plans; however, for complex applications, please contact FrontCounter BC to discuss the application mapping requirements. You may be encouraged to hire a consultant (e.g. engineering firm, surveyor, land agent) to produce professionally drafted maps.

Map requirements

General location map

The purpose of this map is to show where in the province your Crown land application area is located in relation to a nearby city or prominent landmark. It must contain the following:

  1. Scale e.g. 1:20,000 – 1:200,000
  2. North arrow
  3. Geographic features (PDF, 137KB) e.g. a town, roads, waterbodies etc. close to your application area
  4. Application location identified with a point, star, dot etc.

Site plan

The purpose of the Site Plan is to have a visual representation of your project area that shows the location of all improvements (i.e. buildings width, length and height, access roads, etc.) within the application area. If not providing spatial files, provide a metes and bounds (PDF, 136KB) description.

Program area:

Definitions (PDF, 136KB)

Petroleum and Natural Gas grid descriptions on unsurveyed Crown land

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