You have witnessed a crime if you saw or know something about a crime or if you are a victim of crime.
Visit Witness for a Criminal Case for more information.
You might not always know that what has happened is considered a crime. A crime is a breach of the basic rules of how to behave in society. It is a breach serious enough to be considered an offence against society as a whole, not just a specific person. Some crimes may be against people (for example: hitting, threatening, stalking, sexually assaulting or killing someone). Other crimes may be against property (for example: stealing someone's car or breaking a window).
To learn more about what is a crime is, see:
If you are unsure whether what you experienced, know or saw is a crime or if you would like to report a crime:
There is help and support available to you if you have witnessed a crime. Explore this section to learn more. You can also visit:
Dial 911 if you have witnessed an emergency. If your community does not have 911 services, call your local police.
Check our alphabetical list of criminal justice terms along with their definitions.