Program Grants

Last updated on February 28, 2025

Since 2010, Program Grants have been the main funding stream offered by Community Gaming Grants. Grants support the delivery of ongoing programs and services that meet community identified needs. This page includes information about these grants, including eligibility criteria, grant amounts, how and when to apply and more.

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Eligibility: Not-for-profit organizations providing programs or services directly to the broader community may apply for funding. Applicants must be non-profit and provide direct benefit to their community; have an open membership with a democratic process to select volunteer board members and demonstrate financial need to deliver their programming. Programs must be running at the time of application; start up or seed funding is not available. Full details and eligibility criteria are provided in sections 3 and 4 of the Program Grants Guidelines.

Funding Allocation: Funding is awarded based on the demonstrated size and scope and overall direct community benefit of each approved program, based on the information provided within the application form. Grant amounts may vary year to year and are not guaranteed. The funding provided is also dependent on the overall budget availability and the number of successful applicants. The maximum grant amount depends on the delivery level of the programs(s) for which funding is requested; please note however, being recognized as a Regional or Provincial level organization does not guarantee a minimum level of funding. 

Local organizations: up to a maximum of $125,000 per year
Regional/Provincial organizations: up to a maximum of $250,000 per year

How to Apply

One grant application to support programs will be accepted per calendar year. Multiple distinct programs may be included in a single submission. 

Step 1: Check that your organization is eligible to receive a grant by reviewing the Program Grant Guidelines and Conditions. Applicants are strongly encouraged to read both documents in full, as they contain important information about eligibility, application requirements, the use of grant funds, and the responsibilities of grant recipients.

Step 2: Decide when to apply. Applicants should apply during the sector intake that most closely aligns with the purposes outlined in their constitution or the programs and services they deliver. Detailed information about the sectors is provided in Section 2.2 of the Program Grant Guidelines.

NEW Step 3: Ensure your organization has a Business BCeID account. Applicants may also apply using a Basic BCeID account; however, the features for this option are limited. Please visit Types of BCeID for full details. Also see this BCeID info sheet for how these interact with your grant application access. 

Step 4: Complete the regular application form. Due to the transfer to a new grant management system, renewed funding applications will not be available during the 2025 intake.

Step 5: Prepare for your application. See the resources section below to view pre-application checklists, application tutorials, example documents, FAQs and other info sheets to support your application for a Program Grant.

Step 6: Submit your application. Only online applications will be accepted. Mailed, faxed or emailed applications will NOT be accepted. Go to Community Gaming Grants Online Service to find the correct application link, as described above. 

Step 7: Wait for your application decision.  Applicants will be notified by email by the notification date for the sector under which they applied. See Step 2 above for application intake periods and notification dates.

Please ensure that your email is set to allow messages sent from the Online Service system.  Check your junk/spam folders, as your email program or service might incorrectly detect messages sent by our automated systems as junk/spam. Please add the email address to your safe list.

Program Grants Guidelines
Community Gaming Grants: 2025 Program Grants Guidelines

Review the 2025 Program Grants Guidelines for important information about eligibility, application requirements, and recipient responsibilities.

Contact information

Contact the Community Gaming Grants Branch if you have questions about gaming grants in B.C.