This proposal is now closed for comments.
Summary: Hatheume Lake changes to hook requirement and daily quota for rainbow trout
Status: Proposed
Region: 3, Thompson
Management unit (MU): 3-12
Regulation type: Quota and Method/Gear/Bait
Species: All fin fish
Closing date: January 17, 2024
Decision statement: Pending
Current regulation:
Proposed regulation:
Moving to single hook from single barbless hook is in line with regional direction for stocked lakes. Sampling indicates few fish are making it to the size threshold for harvest. Proposed regulations will remove the one over 50 cm regulation and increasing the daily limit to two to improve the quality of the fishery and diversify the angling opportunity by allowing harvest. Lake appears to have successful natural recruitment. Removing some fish from the lake may lead to improved fish growth, condition and size. The lake is not meeting management goals and relaxing the regulations may improve the fishery.