BC Public Service Employee Exit Survey

Last updated on September 21, 2024

The Employee Exit Survey provides departing employees with an opportunity to share their final perceptions about their work environment. This feedback is used to develop future strategies for improving employee engagement and retention.

On this page:

About the Employee Exit Survey

The BC Public Service Employee Exit Survey has been ongoing since 2007. The survey provides an opportunity for departing employees to share about their work environment and experience
All departing employees will receive an invitation to the survey. This includes employees leaving voluntarily and involuntarily. The only exception is if you were on long term leave before departing.

Voluntary departures

Employees who are leaving the BC Public Service voluntarily include those who are:
  • Retiring
  • Resigning

Involuntarily departures 

The survey was updated in 2020 to allow employees who leave the BC Public Service involuntarily to share their experience. These employees include those who are leaving due to:
  • Termination
  • The end of a contract

When to expect the survey

Survey invitations will be mailed to the departing employee’s last known home address.

If you gave notice

If you give advanced notice of your departure you will receive an invitation by email. This invitation will be shared up to 90 days before your departure date.
Some ministries also conduct their own internal exit interviews or surveys; only results from the BC Public Service Employee Exit Survey are reported corporately.

How we use the information

This information will be used to:
  • Better understand the circumstances around employee departures
  • Develop future strategies for improving employee engagement and retention


All the information gathered is protected under the Statistics Act and is kept confidential. Before the results are published, responses are combined and all potentially identifying information is removed so individuals cannot be identified.

Survey Questions

Several key research questions are in the the survey. These are intended to understand the circumstances and reasons for an employee's departure from the BC Public Service
The research questions include:
  • What are employees’ perceptions of their work environment?
    • For example: Job design, working conditions, culture and peers
  • What are employees’ perceptions of human resource processes?
    • For example: Pay and benefits, workplace arrangements, career development opportunities, succession planning and talent management
  • What are employees’ perceptions of reporting relationships?
  • For voluntary departures, what are employees’ motivations for leaving?
  • Do employees feel supported during their transition?
  • What could be changed to retain employees and improve workplaces?

Contact us

Submit feedback, request more information, or get help through the BC Stats request system.