New Job Survey

Last updated on September 21, 2024

The New Job Survey is used to understand what attracts people to join the BC Public Service as well as why employees change jobs.

On this page 

About the New Job Survey

The New Job Survey is an online survey that has been ongoing since 2017. The survey targets two groups of employees to provide feedback at critical points in their career with the B.C. Public Service.

New employees

New employees to the B.C. Public Service will receive an invitation to the survey. This includes:

  • Auxiliary appointments
  • Permanent appointments 

Existing employees

Employees who change jobs in the BC Public Service will receive an invitation to the survey. This includes:

  • New auxiliary appointments 
  • Lateral transfers
  • New permanent and temporary appointments

When to expect the survey

You can expect to receive an email with a survey invitation about three months after starting a new position. Three months gives you time to get settled into your new job and work environment before completing the survey. 

How we use survey information

The information gathered from the survey is used to:

  • Improve the experience of new employees during hiring and orientation processes 
  • Engage and retain current employees
  • Plan for future talent needs through career development
  • Develop recruitment strategies to hire the talent we need


All the information gathered in the survey is protected under the Statistics Act and is kept confidential. Before the results are published, responses are combined and all potentially identifying information is removed so individuals cannot be identified.

Survey questions

Some research questions that we used to design the questionnaire are:

  • What attracts new employees?
  • What are some characteristics of recently recruited employees?
  • What are new employees’ intentions for staying with the BC Public Service and what are their future career plans?
  • What are employees’ perceptions of their work environment?
  • What are employees’ perspectives of the hiring and onboarding processes?
  • What are employees’ motivations for making job changes?
  • How do job changes impact employees’ perceptions of their work environment and engagement?
  • Do employees feel supported during their transition?

Demographic questions

We ask questions about demographics to learn more about the different backgrounds and experiences of new employees joining the B.C. Public Service. This helps us understand how their onboarding process might affect how they see their workplace.

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