Review live surveys that are open to collect important information.
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BC Cannabis Use Survey
Collection period: January 22 to March 31, 2025
Collection method: Telephone and Online
Description: The B.C. Cannabis Use Survey is conducted by Advanis on behalf of BC Stats and the B.C. Cannabis Secretariat. The survey will collect data to better understand how people in British Columbia view and use cannabis.
BC Hydro Workforce Profile
Collection period: Ongoing
Collection method: Online and mail
Contact: 1-888-447-4427,
Description: An employment equity survey to determine the representation of visible minorities, Indigenous persons, LGBTQ2S+, and persons with disabilities. The survey has been conducted monthly since 1996.
BC Public Service Exit Survey
Collection period: Ongoing
Collection method: Online and mail
Contact: 1-888-447-4427,
Description: The BC Public Service Exit Survey collects information from departing employees about their perceptions of their work environment. This information is used to better understand the circumstances around employee departures and to develop future strategies for improving employee engagement and retention.
BC Public Service New Job Survey
Collection period: Ongoing
Collection method: Online
Contact: 1-888-447-4427,
Description: The survey is aimed at understanding what attracts people to join the BC Public Service, as well as why employees change jobs. There are two versions: one for new employees and one for employees who have moved to a new position within the BC Public Service.
BC Student Outcomes Survey of Apprenticeship and Trades Training Students
Collection period: Annually from January to June
Collection method: Telephone or web
Description: This survey collects outcomes and evaluative information from former apprenticeship students who have completed the final year of their apprenticeship technical training or the required level of a progressive apprenticeship program and from those who completed trades foundation and other trades training programs. This information is used to improve the quality of training, to meet accountability requirements, to help with policy development, and to inform prospective students.
BC Student Outcomes Survey of Diploma, Associate Degree & Certificate Students
Collection period: Annually from January to July
Collection method: Telephone or web
Description: This survey collects outcomes and evaluative information from former diploma, associate degree, and certificate students. This information is used to improve the quality of training, to meet accountability requirements, to help with policy development, and to inform prospective students.
Elections BC Voters List Quality Study
Collection period: February 5 to March 2, 2025
Collection method: Mail, online, and telephone
Contact: 1-888-447-4427,
Description: BC Stats is conducting a study on behalf of Elections BC to assess the quality of the provincial voters list. The study includes a survey sent to 4,008 registered voters. Completion of this study helps ensure that voters receive essential voting information and services during elections. Participants will be asked to verify or update their voter name, current home and mailing addresses, and date of birth. For more information about this study and other research conducted by Elections BC, visit:
FrontCounter BC Client Satisfaction Survey
Collection period: Ongoing
Collection method: Online
Description: FrontCounter BC provides citizens and businesses in British Columbia with access to information, licences, permits, registrations and other authorizations required to utilize the province’s natural resources. These services are provided in a “one-stop” delivery approach through offices across the province, email, and a contact centre accessed by a toll-free telephone number. To develop service improvement strategies and monitor client satisfaction, BC Stats continually surveys clients that use these services about their service experiences.
Long Term Disability (LTD)
Collection period: Ongoing
Collection method: Mail and email
Contact: 1-888-447-4427,
Description: This is an updated version of the previous Long Term Disability (LTD) Application Process Survey, and was relaunched in September 2022. The survey aims to measure and report on satisfaction with the Long Term Disability application process to further ease the process for applicants. Survey invitations are sent via mail and email to applicants along with their respective supervisors. Results are presented to the BC Public Service Agency on a quarterly and annual basis.
Service BC Citizen Satisfaction Survey
Collection period: March 3-31, 2025
Collection method: In-person and Telephone Sureys
Contact: or 1 888 447-4427 (toll-free)
Description: The in-person survey is being conducted by Leger on behalf of BC Stats and Service BC at the following eleven Service BC offices: Dawson Creek, Grand Forks, Lillooet, Maple Ridge, Nanaimo, Port Alberni, Port Hardy, Prince George, Revelstoke, Vanderhoof, and Vernon.
Customers who called one of the BC government’s toll-free line in January 2025 will be invited by Forum Research on behalf BC Stats and Service BC to complete the survey by phone.
Service BC Registries and Online Services Survey
Collection period: February 25 - March 31, 2025
Collection method: Online Web Surey
Contact: or 1 888 447-4427 (toll-free)
Description: During this period, BC Stats will invite online customers to rate their satisfaction with the service they received through BC Registries and Online Services during January 2025.
TransLink Applicant Diversity Survey
Collection period: Ongoing
Collection method: Online
Contact: 1-888-447-4427,
Description: The TransLink Applicant Diversity Survey is administered on behalf of the TransLink Enterprise. Provided to TransLink applicants to determine the representation of visible minorities, Indigenous persons, LGBTQ2S+, and persons with disabilities.
Learn more about how BC Stats' supports data in B.C.
Submit feedback, request more information, or get help through the BC Stats request system.
Mail to: BC Stats, Box 9410 Stn Prov Govt, Victoria BC V8W 9V1