Work Environment Survey (WES)

Last updated on September 21, 2024

The Work Environment Survey (WES) measures the health of the work environments within the B.C. Public Service. The survey gathers information about the work environment, on issues employees identify as important and areas needing improvement with the goal of understanding and improving employee engagement.

The History

Find out how it all began and why the WES is important to the B.C. Public Service.

The Survey

Find out who takes the survey and learn more about the questionnaire and how responses are kept confidential.

The Methodology

After the survey deadline, BC Stats conducts a significant amount of data analysis Find out how Work Environment Survey results are interpreted and reported, and access technical guides and resources.

The Results

WES results are published and distributed first to participating ministries. All reports are released in stages, and each government ministry will have a different mode and schedule for releasing survey results internally. More information about the schedule of release is available from your ministry's intranet or strategic human resources team.

After ministries receive their final reports, BC Stats publishes corporate and ministry-level results on the DataBC Catalogue; these can be accessed both internally and external to government.

Access corporate and ministry results through the Data Catalogue


Reports, tables and other data analysis are produced based on the WES survey results. A selection of reports and supplementary materials is available to the public.

Contact information

Questions about the Work Environment Survey? Contact us.