Help us understand barriers people face when accessing government services.
Make sure to include:
Submit your feedback through our online form.
You can attach files to help explain the barrier you faced in the form, like:
If American Sign Language (ASL) is the best way for you to communicate, you can upload a video of yourself using ASL into the form.
Service BC toll free: 1-800-663-7867
Service BC can help you complete the form (Available: Monday to Friday, 7:30am to 5pm)
Video Relay Service (VRS) works on our phone number for people who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech-impaired.
Telephone Device for the Deaf (TDD): 711
Email your feedback to
Write to:
Accessibility Directorate
Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction
PO Box 9929 Stn Prov Govt
Victoria, B.C. V8W 9R2
People with disabilities have told us that barriers make it hard to experience full and equal participation in society.
We need to understand the specific barriers people face to remove them.
We are asking for feedback on government’s programs and services to improve accessibility.
The Accessibility Directorate will be the first to read your feedback. They will share it with the area of service you had trouble accessing.
Your feedback may influence:
As required by the Accessible British Columbia Act, the government will publish an Annual Report which describes the actions taken in the previous fiscal year to implement the Act. Part of this report will include how feedback is being addressed.
You will not get a status update about your feedback. If you share your contact information, you may get a follow up request from us wanting to understand your experience better. If there are no questions, you may not be contacted.
We are using the definitions outlined in the Accessible British Columbia Act:
By “accessibility” we mean “How easily can this thing be reached, entered, or used by a person with a disability?
By “disability” we mean the experience of not being able to equally and fully participate in or access something because of a “barrier” and an “impairment”.
An “impairment” includes an impairment considered:
These impairments may be:
By “barrier” we mean anything that hinders someone with an impairment from easily accessing something or take part equally and/or fully.
We want feedback from anyone in B.C. who:
We want to know the specific barriers people face when they are trying to:
We’re seeking:
The questions in the feedback survey are optional. They are there to help you provide us with information about barriers. You can share as much or as little as you want.
If you do share your name and contact information, your identity will be known by the people who read it. What you share will never be held against you.
Any personal details you share will be kept safe as required under section 26(c) of the Freedom of information and Protection of Privacy Act.