Manage your Person credential

Last updated on April 9, 2024

Person credential is new. Today, it's only accepted by select pilot projects. Soon, we expect more services will start to accept it.

On this page


Update information in your Person credential 

Your Person credential is created from information on your BC Services Card.

You need to update your BC Services Card to update information in your Person credential.

After you update it, we will automatically send you a new Person credential with your updated information. Usually, you’ll get your new credential by the time you get your new BC Services Card in the mail.

When you add your new Person credential, the old one will remain in your BC Wallet. You can remove it if you want.


If your device with your Person credential is lost or stolen 

You store your credential in BC Wallet on your mobile device. The app is always secured with a PIN you choose. Or you can choose to use your device's security. Such as Face ID, fingerprint, passcode, or pattern. This makes it far less likely that someone can use your Person credential if you lose your device or if it's stolen.

You can revoke your credential but it will not remove it from that mobile device.


Revoke your Person credential 

Revoking your Person credential is like cancelling it. Similar to how you can cancel your BC Services Card or driver’s licence. When you revoke your credential, it stays on your mobile device. 

Revoked credentials can still be useful. Some services may accept it. Similar to how you can sometimes use an old driver’s licence to apply for a passport. 

You can revoke your Person credential by:


Remove your Person credential from BC Wallet

You can only remove your Person credential from within BC Wallet on your mobile device.

To remove it:

  1. Open BC Wallet on your mobile device
  2. Tap on the Person credential
  3. Tap on ‘Remove from wallet”

You can delete BC Wallet from your mobile device. If you do, your Person credential cannot be used anymore.

If you no longer have access to the mobile device, you can revoke your credential.


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