Assets in Excess

Last updated on September 20, 2024


Hardship assistance is provided to meet the essential needs of any of the following who meet all conditions of eligibility except they have assets in excess of specified exemption levels, and the assets are not immediately available:

  • family units with dependent children
  • family units where all adults are over 65 or all adults have Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers status

This category of hardship assistance is called Assets in Excess.

Hardship assistance is provided on a temporary basis, for only one month.  If further hardship assistance is required, eligibility must be re-established each month.

Hardship assistance in this category is limited to three consecutive months during which time clients are expected to avail themselves of their excess asset.  Once a family unit has received hardship assistance for three consecutive months without having availed themselves of this asset, they are not eligible for any additional hardship assistance in any of the duration limited categories for a period of three consecutive months

Assets in Excess is available to applicants and recipients under the Employment and Assistance Regulation and Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Regulation.




Effective: January 1, 2020

Hardship assistance issued under Assets in Excess is available only to the following categories of clients: 

  • family units with dependent children
  • family units where all adults are over 65 or all adults  have Persons with Persistent Multiple Barriers status

Hardship assistance may be issued under this category in cases where all of the following apply:

  • undue hardship would otherwise occur
  • the assets caused the family unit to be ineligible
  • the assets are not immediately available to meet the family’s needs
  • every effort has been made and continues to be made to gain access to the excess assets

[For information on asset exemption levels, see Related Links – Assets and Exemptions.]

[For an overview of hardship eligibility or the hierarchy of hardship categories, see Related Links – Eligibility for Hardship Assistance.]

Hardship assistance in this category is limited to three consecutive months during which time clients are expected to avail themselves of this excess asset. Once a family unit has received hardship assistance for three consecutive months without having availed themselves of this asset, they are not eligible for any additional hardship assistance in any of the duration limited categories for a period of three consecutive months.

Hardship assistance is provided on a temporary basis, for only one month. If further hardship assistance is required, eligibility must be re-established each month.  All cheques will be automatically directed to the local office for a monthly review of eligibility.

The Supervisor may approve hardship assistance beyond the three months in exceptional situations only.  These cases should be monitored closely and issued one month at a time.

Applicants with assets in excess must be advised upon application of the duration limits.

Hardship assistance issued under this category is repayable except when provided for special care facility user charges and comforts [see Related Links – Recoveries].

Once the hardship reason no longer exists, cases must be re-assessed to determine if the family unit meets the eligibility criteria for income assistance or disability assistance.



Issuing Hardship Assistance

Effective: April 9, 2004

For information on how to determine hardship assistance rates, see Related Links – Eligibility for Hardship Assistance – Policy – Amount of Hardship Assistance.

A Supervisor must approve hardship assistance under this category that is issued beyond the three-month duration.


Promise to Pay

Effective: December 1, 2003

A Promise to Pay (HR2664) is to be completed each time hardship assistance is issued.


Repayment Agreement

Effective: December 1, 2003

A Repayment Agreement (HR2663A) [see Forms and Letters] is to be completed when clients start receiving income assistance or disability assistance instead of hardship assistance, or when they stop receiving assistance [For more information, see Related Links – Recoveries.]

Authorities and Responsibilities



Effective: April 9, 2004

Hardship – Assets in Excess
Supervisor Approving hardship assistance issued under Assets in Excess for more than three months

Frequently Asked Questions


Question   What is the procedure when the hardship reason no longer exists?

Answer    Once the hardship reason no longer exists, cases must be re-assessed to determine if the family unit meets the eligibility criteria for income assistance or disability assistance.


Question   Should recipients of income assistance or disability assistance, who have assets in excess of the rates, be switched to hardship assistance?

Answer    Clients are expected to use all sources of income and assets to meet their basic needs. A recipient of income assistance or disability assistance who has assets in excess of the maximum rate for their family unit size would be ineligible for assistance. Hardship assistance under this category may be considered if the family unit includes a dependent child and the family unit could not have been reasonably expected to use the excess asset to meet their needs.