Identity Not Established

Last updated on September 20, 2024


Hardship assistance is provided to meet the essential needs of family units who meet all conditions of eligibility for assistance except the requirement for sufficient identification. This category of hardship assistance is called Identity Not Established. It is intended to provide hardship assistance while the applicant or adult dependant is waiting for identification to be issued.

Hardship assistance under this category is provided on a temporary basis, for up to six months at a time.  After the six-month period, the eligibility of a client for hardship assistance under this category must be reviewed monthly by supervisors. 

Identity Not Established hardship assistance is available to applicants under the Employment and Assistance Regulation and the Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Regulation.




Effective: June 30, 2008

Hardship assistance may be issued under Identity Not Established to an applicant and their family unit who has insufficient identification (ID), when all of the following conditions are met:

  • there is no reason to believe the applicant is not who they claim to be
  • the applicant meets all other eligibility criteria
  • the applicant makes every effort to obtain the missing ID

[For information on eligibility requirements for ID, see Related Links – Identification Requirements.]

[For information on the Client Identification Process, see Related Links – Identification Requirements. – Policy – ID Requirements Not Met.]

Hardship assistance under Identity Not Established is provided on a temporary basis, for up to six months at a time.  After the six-month period, the eligibility of a client for hardship assistance under this category must be reviewed monthly by supervisors. 

Clients who are eligible for hardship assistance under Identity Not Established may receive assistance via mail or direct deposit for up to six months.  Staff should inform clients of the ministry’s policy regarding direct deposit.  After receiving hardship assistance under this category for six months, assistance can only be issued via imprest cheque.

[For information on direct deposit see Related Links – Individual Case Management.] 

[see Related Links – Identification Supplement]

[For an overview of hardship eligibility or the hierarchy of hardship codes,
see Related Links – Eligibility for Hardship Assistance.]

Hardship assistance issued under this category is not repayable.

Once the hardship reason no longer exists, cases must be re-assessed to determine if the family unit meets the eligibility criteria for income assistance or disability assistance.



Issuing Hardship Assistance

Effective: June 30, 2008

For information on how to determine hardship assistance rates, see Related Links – Eligibility for Hardship Assistance – Policy – Amount of Hardship Assistance.

A Supervisor must approve hardship assistance under Identity Not Established that is issued beyond the six-month duration.

Authorities and Responsibilities



 Effective: June 30, 2008

Hardship – Identity Not Established

  • Monthly Review of Eligibility for Identity Not Established after six months

Frequently Asked Questions


Question   What is the procedure when the hardship reason no longer exists?

Answer  Once the hardship reason no longer exists, cases must be re-assessed to determine if the family unit meets the eligibility criteria for income assistance or disability assistance.