Creating government web presences

Last updated on July 31, 2024

The Joint Working Group (JWG)

The JWG is a group of cross-government subject matter experts who review web presence requests for compliance with corporate standards.

Government Digital Experience (GDX) leads the group's coordination. In partnership with Government Communications and Public Engagement (GCPE), GDX helps ensure people can access digital government information and services by providing corporate governance, resources and training.

This approach aligns with the delegated authority outlined in Core Policy and Process Manual Chapter 22

All requests for new or substantially updated BC Government web presences developed outside of CMS Lite (including specialized or custom websites and applications) must go through the JWG for review and approval prior to launching.

When to contact the JWG

We strongly encourage contacting the JWG as early as possible. This will give you time to incorporate feedback and avoid delays.

Use the Web Property Application Form (DOCX) for the following types of requests:

  • Exemptions from CMS Lite (including intranets)
  • Custom WordPress sites and applications

Use the Domain Name Form (PDF) for new domain requests, renewals and transfers.

Send your completed forms by email to

What the JWG helps with

The JWG provides approval and support for the following:


Simple URLs

Simple URLs are short URLs that are typically used for marketing and print materials. For example:

Keep the following guidelines in mind when proposing a simple URL:

  • Be clear, concise and specific
  • Avoid using acronyms unless they're widely understood (like MSP)
  • Don't use hyphens. Instead, use camel case to create visual separation between words

You can submit your simple URL request by emailing Be sure to include:

  • Your proposed simple URL
  • Rationale for requesting the simple URL
  • The page GUID you want the simple URL to point to
  • The date you want the simple URL to go live

Response time

You can expect a response within 5 business days.



What is a domain?

A domain name is a unique address used to access websites. For example:

If you're developing a website or application outside of CMS Lite, you may also need a domain.


A sub-domain is an addition to your main domain name. Sub-domains are created to organize and navigate to different sections of your website. You can create multiple sub-domains on your main domain.

Sub-domains are used for secured intranets and internal applications. For example :

Requirements for a new domain or sub-domain

New domains must follow these standards:

  • Naming standard:
  • Multiple domains are not allowed due to cost of maintenance and hosting. However, multiple sub-domains are allowed
  • Must reflect the website purpose
  • Acronyms are not allowed. However, they may be approved if it is a long standing
  • program or service known to the public, like MSP
  • Hyphens are not allowed

Use the Domain Name Form (PDF) for new domain requests, renewals and transfers.

Send your completed forms by email to

Domain renewals

Renewals for previously approved domain names are available for a term of 1 to 9 years.

Response time

For new domain requests attached to an exemption, you can expect a response within 10 business days.

For renewal requests, you can expect a response within 5 business days.


Exemptions from CMS Lite

If you're planning or creating a government web presence outside of the corporate content management system (CMS Lite), you need to apply for an exemption using the Web Property Application Form (DOCX). Send your completed form by email to

To be approved, requests must meet some or all of the following criteria:

  • Technical requirements that are not supported by CMS Lite
  • Unique branding needs, like an arms-length organization or independent regulatory agency

Web presences that receive an exemption also typically have unique registered domain names. These need to be approved separately by filling out the Domain Name Form (PDF).

Response time

You can expect a response within 10 business days.


WordPress sites and applications

WordPress is a content management system often used as an alternative to CMS Lite. You might choose to build in WordPress if:

  • You're doing citizen engagement and want to include commenting and moderation
  • You need a GCPE marketing site
  • The website's subject matter falls outside core government (like an agency, board or commission)

If you're planning or creating a government web presence outside of the corporate content management system (CMS Lite), you need to apply for an exemption using the Web Property Application Form (DOCX). Send your completed form by email to

GCPE manages all marketing and advertising materials prepared for the public. They also handle advertising policy and procedures for the BC Government. If you're building a marketing site, it's a good idea to involve them in the conversation as early as possible.



Intranets built in CMS Lite are not required to go through the JWG for approval. To set up a new intranet in CMS Lite, submit a ticket to the GDX Service Desk.

JWG review and approval is required for intranets built outside of CMS Lite. Submit your application by filling out the Web Property Application Form (DOCX) and emailing it to


Custom branding

GCPE sets graphic standards within the BC Government and authorizes use of the provincial logo.

They provide support for graphics and branding, including establishing new BC Government brands as well as the following:

  • Print and online publications
  • Event displays
  • Visual presentations
  • Web graphics
  • Motion graphics
  • Photography
  • Endorsed BC Government marks (like HealthLinkBC or Service BC)
  • Custom branding for independent or arms length organizations

Note: Unauthorized use of BC Government branding is an infringement of copyright.


Standards for government web presences

All B.C government web presences must align with B.C. Government's corporate standards. If you're creating a new web presence, make sure you review the following standards and guidelines first:

Technical direction


Web presences and communications

Talk to your ministry's communications shop before creating a new web presence.

Contact information

Questions regarding B.C. government web property applications? Contact the Joint Working Group Coordinator.