Asset settings pane

Last updated on January 9, 2024

The Asset Setting Pane consists of five tabs: 

Settings tab in the Asset Settings Pane

Settings tab


This field auto-populates the file asset name.

Always modify it to a more human-readable format for search functionality.

Example: 'webstandards_guidelines.pdf' can be changed to 'Web Standard Guidelines'

File name

The file name and file type extension.

The file name can be modified after being uploaded. 

File size

The file size is shown in KB.

When linking to a PDF file from a web page, always include the file size if over 1MB.

Example: (PDF, 2.5MB)

Prod URL

This field with be populated with the full content path including the HRU.


This field with be populated with the full content path including the GUID.

Asset ID

This unique identifier (GUID) is automatically generated when the asset is uploaded.


Indicates the status of the page.

Published date

The last date and time that the asset was published to the Production web server.

Published by

IDIR account of the last person to publish the asset to the Production web server.

This may also be the same person that uploaded the file.

Modified date

Most current date that the asset has been modified by the [Save] action.

Modified by

IDIR account of the last person to modify the asset.

This may also be the last person to publish the asset.