Delete pages in CMS Lite

Last updated on February 6, 2024

Introduction to deleting pages

Pages should be deleted in CMS Lite when they:

  • Have been replaced by a different page
  • No longer are useful

Keep in mind, deleting a page can risk creating broken links and content paths. Before deleting a page, it is vital to find out which other pages might reference or link to the page.

Check link usage before deletion

Deleting a page or an asset will automatically remove it from the Production web server. Always check the Usage tab to ensure other content is not linked to it before deleting.

If you delete a page or asset that is in use, it will result in broken links.  

Restriction on deleting parent pages

You cannot delete a page that has child pages (or nodes). You must first move all children out from under the parent node. 

Pages with children are indicated by an arrow (>) next to the title and checkbox selected checkbox in the Navigation Pane.

image of a delete validation error

Recover accidentally deleted pages

The application keeps a history of the previously saved pages. If you accidentally delete a page that has been published, Corporate Online Services (COS) can retrieve that page for you.

Never-published pages can not be recovered 

You can not recover a page that was never published.

Remember: Anyone in the same security group can perform the actions in the drop-down menu. 

Methods for deleting pages in CMS Lite

There are two methods for deleting nodes from the Content menu:

  • The Navigation Tree - For multiple pages
  • The Content Pane - For individual pages

How to delete multiple pages

Use the navigation tree on the left side of the screen to delete multiple pages:

  1. Navigate to the applicable page node in the Content Tree Navigation
  2. Check the box next to the page node selected checkbox to select it
    • Hold down the Shift or Ctrl key to select multiple nodes
  3. Click on the Action drop-down menu and select Delete
    The Delete action will be greyed out if any of the selected pages are locked by another user.
    The Delete confirmation box will be displayed

Content action drop-down menu

  1. Click [Confirm] to complete the action, or [Close] to abort
    The Content Navigation Tree will be re-displayed and will reflect the chosen action

Delete confirmation box

How to delete a single page

Use the Content Pane to delete a single page:

  1. Navigate to the applicable location in the Content Tree Navigation
  2. Click on the page node title to display it in the right-pane
    The selected page will be displayed in the Content Pane
  3. Select the [Delete] action button at the bottom of the Content Pane. The Delete confirmation box will be displayed

Content Pane with the Delete action button

  1. Click [Confirm] to complete the action, or [Close] to abort
    The Content Navigation Tree will be redisplayed and Content Pane will be blank if the [Confirm] action was chosen

Delete confirmation box