Health records

Last updated on June 3, 2024

Health Gateway lists your health records from newest to oldest. If you are using the Health Gateway website, your records are listed in the Timeline section. In the mobile app, it's just called Records

You can use the filter to find a record.

You can also add a comment to your Timeline to create a record of a health event. Or you can add a note within a health record. No one else except you can see your comments or notes.

Types of health records in Health Gateway:

Lab results

Find results for blood tests, cervix or colon cancer screenings, COVID-19 test results, and other lab tests done in B.C. Results are available back to 2020.Most lab results are available about 2-3 days after your test. Pathology tests, like a tissue biopsy, are available within a few weeks after your test.

To download the PDF, try using a personal computer rather than a mobile device. A modern browser like Chrome works best.

Lab results are not available for dependents aged 11 years or younger.  Find out other ways to get them.  

Most laboratory tests include a reference range to help classify results as “in range” or “out of range". Remember:

  • Ranges are different between laboratories
  • “Out of range” results may be normal
  • To interpret these results, your health care provider will assess your medical history, current symptoms, or other diagnostic tests to arrive at a conclusion

Imaging reports

You can view and download your imaging reports dated September 2023 or later. Only reports from public health authority facilities are included.

Not all report types are available across all sites. Some of the report types you may find are:

  • X-Ray
  • CT
  • MRI
  • Fluoroscopy
  • Ultrasound
  • Mammography
  • Cardiology related reports
  • Nuclear medicine
  • Vascular labs
  • Interventional radiology events

Your report will be available in Health Gateway about 2 weeks after your procedure. If you have just registered for Health Gateway, your historical reports will be available 24 hours after you first log in.

If you see an “Addendum” in your imaging report, this means additional information has been added to your report. Additional information is usually intended for the referring health care provider. If you wish to discuss the contents of your report, contact the provider who ordered your test. 

You can not currently get:

  • Reports from procedures performed before September 2023
  • Reports from private imaging facilities
  • Reports for dependents aged 11 or younger
  • Images

Learn about other ways to get health records.


Health Gateway shows immunization records from 2009 onward that are in the Provincial Immunization Registry and vaccine recommendations. 

  • This includes immunizations from public health clinics and pharmacies in B.C. 
  • It does not include immunizations from family practices or travel clinics. 
  • Immunizations you got in a pharmacy may be displayed as a medication rather than an immunization. If you can't find an immunization record, try searching your medications. 

Add or update a vaccination record

You can:

  • Add a COVID-19 vaccination from outside of B.C.
  • Add an immunization you received at a family practice or travel clinic
  • Correct an error in your COVID-19 vaccination record

Complete the online form

For more information about immunizations, visit the Ministry of Health Immunizations webpage.

Health and hospital visits

Health Gateway shows your health visits billed to the BC Medical Services Plan (MSP) for the past 7 years. You can also get your hospital visits since 2021 for everywhere except Interior Health. We are working on adding Interior visits in future.  At this time, health visits are not available for dependents aged 11 years or younger.

Sometimes you may see different information than you were expecting because of the way the visit was recorded. For example:

  • Health visits may be billed to a different health care provider
  • The billing address may be used instead of the clinic address
  • A hospital visit may list the head of the health care service instead of the provider you saw

Find out what to do if you think there's an error in your hospital or health visit record.

Clinical documents

Currently, you can get clinical documents from some sites within:

  • Vancouver Coastal Health Authority
  • Providence Health Care
  • Provincial Health Services Authority (BC Cancer, Children & Women’s)

Clinical documents from more locations and health authorities will become available in future.

To get a clinical document in Health Gateway, your care provider must copy you when they create it. Ask during your appointment whether this option is available.

At this time, clinical documents are not available for dependents aged 11 years or younger. 

If you think there is an error in your clinical document, contact the care provider who wrote the report. If you can't get in touch with them, email:

BC Cancer cervix screening letters

BC Cancer cervix screening letters sent on January 29, 2024 or later are available in Health Gateway.

You can download your reminder and results letters. The letters will also be mailed to you.

Find out more about the BC Cancer cervix screening program.

Get help

Check the Helpful tips section for answers to common questions. You can learn more about test results or other ways to get health records.

Or you can email us at