External Review of Guidelines

Last updated on February 27, 2025

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BC health care professionals and relevant partners are invited to participate as external reviewers for the draft version of BC Guidelines. Peer review is a critical component of the guideline development process. New and existing guidelines that have undergone substantive changes are subject to external review to make sure they are clearly written, practical and free of errors.

We depend on BC health care professionals to review our draft guidelines. Our external review involves 1) regular mail sent to a random sample of BC health care providers, and 2) emails to a group of key partners in areas such as pharmacy, laboratory procedures, health authorities, public health, and  professional colleges and associations. All feedback received is reviewed by the GPAC guideline working group.

Guidelines Currently in External Review:

  • None

Earning Credit for Continuing Professional Development

Physicians who act as external reviewers for BC Guidelines may be eligible to receive credit towards continuing professional development or continuing medical education. For more information, see Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Credits.

Earning Mainpro+ credits and Maintenance of Certification Credits

Peer reviewers for BC Guidelines are eligible for continuing professional development credit: family physicians may self-claim Mainpro+ credits with the College of Family Physicians of Canada; and specialist physicians may self-claim Maintenance of Certification credits with the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. 

Any additional comments on the guideline can be submitted by: