Combined heat and power generation at greenhouses in the ALR bylaw standard

Last updated on September 6, 2024

The Minister of Agriculture established a Minister’s Bylaw Standard to guide local government bylaw development regulating combined heat and power generation (cogeneration) at greenhouses in the Agricultural Land Reserve (ALR). The May 2013 Discussion Paper and Minister’s Bylaw Standard explains the rationale for establishing this Minister’s Bylaw Standard. The May 2013 document incorporates the feedback received on the December 2011 discussion paper and further analysis by Ministry staff.

The definitions and bylaw criteria are in Part 4 of the document and will be incorporated into the Guide for Bylaw Development in Farming Areas.

In developing the Minister's Bylaw Standard the ministry had invited comments through an online survey between December 15, 2011 and March 15, 2012. The results of the survey are compiled in a report. Feedback from invited stakeholders is also summarized.

A letter to local governments was delivered advising of this Minister's Bylaw Standard (and to request they consider amending their bylaws).


The Guide for Bylaw Development in Farming Areas provides local governments with standards for developing and amending their own bylaws affecting farming areas.

Guide for Bylaw Development in Farming (PDF 4.56 MB)