
Last updated on December 18, 2020

The Survey generates new geoscience knowledge through field-based bedrock and surficial geology mapping programs, regional geochemical surveys, and targeted mineral deposit studies.

Overview of British Columbia geology


Geology of British ColumbiaSelected commodities in BCGeoTours in BC

Bedrock geology

British Columbia Geological Survey geoscientists undertake field and laboratory studies to document and better understand the bedrock geology of the province.

Digital geology


Surficial geology

Survey surficial geologists map the nature, distribution, age, and origin of unconsolidated sediments and landforms formed in the last 2.6 million years (Quaternary Period).

Surficial mappingAggregateIce-flow indicators


Overview of Coal in BC, and details of the geology, ages, resource estimates, and mining history of British Columbia’s coalfields

Coal overviewCoalfield summaries


Geochemical surveys

Geochemical databases from multimedia surveys conducted by the British Columbia Geological Survey, the Geological Survey of Canada, and Geoscience BC. 

LithogeochemistryRegional geochemistryTill geochemistryCoal ash geochemistryAssessment report surface sediment geochemistry

Natural Hazards

Natural hazards are Earth processes with the potential to harm people or property; natural disasters result when society is affected by a hazardous event.

Natural hazards geoscience

Geophysical surveys

Geophysical surveys conducted by the Geological Survey of Canada, and Geoscience BC. 

Geophysics index