Bobtail Tatuk FSR 1771.03 (November 2, 2023)
Bobtail Tatuk Forest Service Road is closed is at 23.5km. Bridge was damaged from wildfire and has been downrated to 0 Tonne. Bridge not safe for vehicular traffic and the road will remain closed for the foreseeable future until a new bridge can be installed.
Driftwood FSR 59km - Bridge Installations and Road Realignment (Scheduled for Summer 2025)
Project information flyer (PDF, 854KB)
Ankwill FSR Deactivation (Summer 2025)
Read deactivation memo (PDF, 790KB)
Teardrop FSR Deactivation - Junction of the Chief FSR to Junction of the Muskeg FSR (Scheduled for Summer to Fall 2025)
While the deactivation notice below states that a reply must be sent before March 17, 2024, this date has been extended to June 28, 2024.
Teardrop deactivation notice (PDF, 1.3MB)
READ ME Important Structure Inspections and Map Information (PDF, 159KB)
Most recent Stuart Nechako Structure inspections
Stuart Nechako Structure inspections November 29, 2023 (PDF, 4MB)
Location Maps (PDFs, 2-4MB):
Note: these maps can be slow to load.
Please report any road safety issues to the Stuart Nechacho Natural Resource District office.