Strategic Operations Division

Last updated on May 29, 2024

The Strategic Operations Division enhances public safety by ensuring the right technology, research, programs, and policy are in place to support correctional staff in their work with people in custody and clients in the community.

Strategic Operations staff provide:

  • Policy analysis
  • Program development and management
  • Guidance on addressing Indigenous overrepresentation
  • Research and evaluation
  • Information management and technology development
  • Strategic direction

This division also ensures BC Corrections provides culturally safe and trauma informed programs and services rooted in research and best practices. Strategic Operations staff in the Indigenous Programs and Relationships Section guide BC Corrections to:

  • Build and strengthen our relationships with Indigenous communities
  • Support culture-based programs
  • Understand the role of culture in healing and supporting behavioural change
  • Develop and deliver cultural safety training

The Strategic Operations Division also develops the technology used to monitor and manage individuals under supervision, such as the electronic supervision program and client management software.

The division’s Performance, Research and Evaluation (PREv) unit takes an evidence-based approach to develop, implement and evaluate BC Corrections’ programs. The PREv Unit combines empirical research, business intelligence and tested best practices to support the work that happens across our organization each day.

See Research and Evaluation to learn more about the PREv unit and visit Reducing Offending to read about the programs supported by the PREv unit.