Community Volunteer Program

Last updated on September 20, 2024


A community volunteer supplement (CVS) may be provided to eligible persons who participate in a volunteer placement with a non-profit community agency in a designated volunteer position.  To be considered for CVS, eligible persons are those who were either:

  • receiving a community volunteer supplement as of October 31, 2011 or
  • on the community volunteer supplement waitlist as of August 8, 2011 and submitted an application for the community volunteer supplement between that date and October 31, 2011.

The ministry is no longer accepting new applications for the CVS. 




Effective: November 1, 2011

A community volunteer supplement (CVS) may be provided to eligible persons who participate in a volunteer placement with a non-profit community agency in a designated volunteer position.  To be considered for CVS, eligible persons are those who were either:

  • receiving a community volunteer supplement as of October 31, 2011 or
  • on the community volunteer supplement waitlist as of August 8, 2011 and submitted an application for the community volunteer supplement between that date and October 31, 2011.

The ministry is no longer accepting new applications for the CVS. 

A monthly CVS may be provided to eligible persons who have reached 15 years of age, are participating in a volunteer placement and meet one of the following criteria:

  • a recipient receiving disability assistance [see Related Links – Designation Application].
  • a recipient of income assistance in one of the following categories of persons with no employment-related obligations [see Related Links – No Employment Obligations (NEO)]:
    • single parents with a child under three years of age, or with a physical or mental condition that precludes the parent from being employed;
    • persons receiving accommodation and care in a special care facility or private hospital;
    • persons admitted to hospital because they require extended care;
    • persons in a family unit that includes only persons who have separated from an abusive spouse or relative within the previous six months and, as a result, are unable to search for, accept or continue in employment;
    • persons in a family unit that includes only persons with persistent multiple barriers to employment [see Related Links – Persons With Persistent Multiple Barriers (PPMB)]; and
    • children in the home of a relative (CIHR).
  • a recipient’s dependent child.

More than one person in a family unit may receive CVS. Eligible persons may continue to receive CVS as long as they are participating in a community volunteer program.


Not Eligible

Effective: August 9, 2011

Persons are not eligible for CVS if they are receiving:

  • the training initiative supplement (EAPWD Regulations Section 49) or
  • a volunteer incentive program supplement (Supplements related to an employment plan) (EA Regulations Section 56(2) or EAPWD Regulations Section 54(2)).

Maximum Supplement Amount

Effective: August 9, 2011

The CVS provides up to $100 for each calendar month for clothing, transportation or other expenses that are needed to participate in a community volunteer program.


Minimum Volunteering Requirement

Effective: August 9, 2011

Ten hours per month is the minimum requirement, however a lower number may be allowed in exceptional cases due to factors such as illness, medical appointments, capacity to participate, etc.


Reconsiderations and Appeals

Effective: August 9, 2011

CVS is not provided under the authority of the Employment and Assistance Act or Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act. Therefore, the reconsideration and appeal provisions of Section 17 of the Employment and Assistance Act and Section 16 of the Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act do not apply. [For more information, see Related Links – Reconsideration.]



Monitoring Recipients on Community Volunteer Supplement (CVS)

Effective: August 9, 2011

  1. The ministry will verify program participation with the agency annually, and as necessary, using the eligibility review form that accompanies the Request for Community Volunteer Supplement (HR2567).  
  2. A service request should be created in order to ensure the annual review of the recipient's participation is completed. The supplement should not be given an end date.
  3. Ministry staff can confirm that the recipient is still volunteering through seeking verification from the recipient , calling the volunteer agency to confirm using the review form (second page of the HR2567) or sending the form to the Agency for completion.  If the recipient continues to volunteer but has changed agencies, a new form is required.
  4. If the recipient's participation meets requirements, adjust the review date and scan the form into the system.
  5. If the recipient's participation does not meet requirements, the recipient is to be informed and if no resolution is possible then the recipient is informed they are no longer eligible for the supplement.

Frequently Asked Questions


Question   Does the community volunteer supplement count as income for recipients?

Answer   No, CVS is not considered income. Recipients may receive CVS in addition to their existing assistance.


Question   When a single parent’s youngest child turns three years of age, are they still eligible for the supplement?

Answer   When a single parent’s youngest child turns three years of age, the parent may no longer be eligible for the program as they are now expected to work. Recipients should speak to ministry staff regarding this.


Question    What happens if a recipient is sick and cannot volunteer for the required hours?

Answer    The ministry recognizes that recipients may occasionally need to temporarily pause or reduce volunteering due to health reasons. During a temporary pause, recipients will not receive the supplement. Eligibility may be re-established once a recipient’s health allows for a return to volunteering and requirements are met. Recipients should keep track of their hours and inform the ministry of any changes in their volunteer placement.


Question   Can a recipient change where they volunteer?

Answer   A recipient can change their volunteer placement. However, a recipient must inform the ministry if their volunteer placement terminates or changes. To continue to be eligible for this supplement, the recipient must complete and submit an updated Request for Community Volunteer Supplement (HR2567) form to the ministry.


Question   If a recipient moves to a new community can they continue to receive CVS if they find a volunteer placement?

Answer    Yes, recipients may continue to receive the supplement as long as they find a volunteer placement in their new community. Recipients should inform the ministry of any changes, and complete and submit an updated Request for Community Volunteer Supplement (HR2567) form to the ministry.


Question   If a volunteer placement ends can a recipient continue to receive CVS if they find another volunteer placement?

Answer    If a recipient’s volunteer placement ends, then they must find a new placement within a reasonable time or the supplement will end, and the recipient will be considered ineligible for this supplement. Recipients should inform the ministry of any changes.


Question   How long will eligible recipients receive the money for volunteering?

Answer    Eligible recipients may continue to receive the community volunteer supplement as long as they are participating in a community volunteer program. Recipients should keep a record of their volunteer hours as ministry staff conduct reviews to verify their participation.


Question   What information should recipients keep for the review process?

Answer    The following information may be requested during the review process: description of volunteer participation, confirmation of placement by the volunteer agency, name of the volunteer agency, frequency of volunteering (i.e. how many hours per month) and volunteer start date.


Question   How often will volunteer placements be reviewed?

Answer    Ministry policy is to verify participation in a community volunteer program every twelve months after a recipient has been enrolled in the program. This is to ensure that those who receive this supplement continue their volunteer participation to maintain their eligibility. Recipients should keep track of their volunteer hours for their own records.