Concordance Tables - RIM Manual

Last updated on August 21, 2024

Current RIM Manual and former RIMM

Table relating sections from the previous RIMM to the updated content which supersedes and replaces them
Previous RIMM Section Current RIM Manual - Location of updated content
101 - Government Records Managing Government Information Policy (MGIP) and definitions contained in Information Management Act
102 - Government Recordkeeping Managing Government Information Policy (MGIP)
102A - Specifications for Identifying Administrative & Operational Records RM Guide: ARCS & ORCS User Guide <superseded>
201 - Records Schedule Development, Approval and Amendment GRS Learning: Developers' Handbook (IDIR required)
201 A - Specifications for the Records Schedule Approval Process GRS Learning: Developers' Handbook (IDIR required)
201B - Specifications for the Administrative Amendment of Records Schedules GRS Learning: Developers' Handbook (IDIR required)
422 - Preparation of Records for Offsite Storage RIM Manual 2.3.1 - Store Offsite
422A - Specifications for Boxing Records RIM Manual 2.3.3 - Boxing Records
422B - Specifications for File Lists RIM Manual 2.3.4 - File Lists
422C - Specifications for Assigning Records to Accessions RIM Manual 2.3.2 - Accession Numbers
423 - Provision of Offsite Records Storage Services RIM Manual 2.3.1 - Store Offsite
423A - Specifications for Providing Offsite Records Storage Services RIM Manual 2.3.1 - Store Offsite
423B - Specifications for Approved Offsite Records Storage Services RIM Manual 2.3.5 - Approved Facilities
501 - Records Destruction RIM Manual 3.2 - Destruction
501A - Specifications for Destroying Records Onsite RIM Manual 3.2.1 - Destroy Onsite
501B - Specifications for Destroying Records in Offsite Records Storage RIM Manual 3.2.2 - Destroy Offsite
501C - Specifications for Contracted Records Disposal Services RIM Manual 3.2.3 - Disposal Services
502 - Records Transfer to the Government Archives RIM Manual 3.3 - Transfer to Archives
503 - Records Transfer Within Government RIM Manual 2.4 - Transfer Within Government
503A - Specifications for Documenting Legal Custodians RM Guide: Documenting Legal Custodians <superseded>
504 - Records Transfer Outside of Government RIM Manual 3.1 - Alienation

RIM Manual and MGIP

The Managing Government Information Policy (MGIP) is BC government's policy for records and information management. To assist your ministry in meeting MGIP requirements, the table below, "The RIM Manual and MGIP", connects each section of the Manual to the relevant MGIP requirements. Although MGIP is the primary policy instrument in this domain, the RIM Manual also reflects other relevant legislation and policy such as the Appropriate Use Policy (AUP), the Core Policy & Procedures Manual (CPPM), Information Security, and more.

Table comparing sections of the RIM Manual to the MGI Policy.
RIM Manual Section MGIP Requirements
Create or Receive
  • 1.3 on identifying information 
  • 1.4 on Office of Primary Responsibility 
  • 1.7 on identifying critical information 
  • 3.6 on access in storage 
Use and Maintain
  • 1.10 on managing storage 
  • 1.11 on system design 
  • 1.12 on system inventories 
  • 2.1 on information schedules 
  • 2.2 on office recordkeeping systems 
  • 3.2 on long-term preservation and access 
  • 3.3 on digitizing 
  • 3.4 on migration 
  • 3.5 on physical storage facilities 
  • 3.7 on metadata 
  • 4.1-2 on transfer of custody 
Keep or Destroy
  • 2.3 on retention and destruction 
  • 2.4 on archival appraisal 
  • 4.3 on alienation to non-government agencies 
  • 4.4 on transfer to government archives 
  • 4.5 on integrity during transfer 
  • 4.6 on secure destruction 
  • 4.7 on FOI and legal holds 
  • 4.8 on destruction of backups