Accessing CMS Lite

Last updated on August 15, 2024

Information about getting started using CMS Lite and how to deal with connection errors.

Getting started in CMS Lite

Get CMS Lite training and access

A license and introductory training are required to create or edit content in CMS Lite.

  1. Sign up for, and complete, CMS Lite training. Information on available training and the registration process is outlined on the CMS Lite training and registration page (IDIR login required)
  2. After training is complete, request a licence by submitting a Service Request to the GDX Service Desk

Get access to specific pages

If you have a license to CMS Lite, but the topic(s) you need to access do not appear in the Content Menu, please contact the GDX Service Desk. They will determine if your IDIR has been applied to the appropriate security groups(s).

Share a preview of the page

Anyone with an IDIR account can see content on the Quality Assurance (QA) web server. Send them the link that begins with  After being prompted for their IDIR credentials, the page will be displayed.

If they are unable to view the page, please contact the GDX Service Desk.

CMS Lite availability and errors

CMS Lite not available 

The application could be down for maintenance. Typically, this will occur during a Tuesday night change window (4:00 PM - 5:00 PM). Occasionally, the system may need to be restarted in the middle of the work day.

In both instances, CMS Lite users will be notified in advance via the Alert Message in the banner.

"Error Initiating User Session" when trying to connect

If you have successfully accessed CMS Lite application in the past, but are receiving an 'Error Initiating User Session' message: 

  • Try closing your browser and reopening CMS Lite, as it may be a temporary database connection issue
  • Contact the GDX Service Desk if the problem persists

“Sorry, an error has occurred” when working in CMS Lite

Typically, when this error message is displayed, CMS Lite has temporarily lost connection with the database that stores all the content information:

  • Try refreshing the screen (F5)
  • If that does not work, select the Logout link and log back in to CMS Lite
  • If the error continues, please contact the GDX Service Desk