Web Style Guide

Last updated on March 19, 2024

The Web Style Guide is for anyone who writes, edits or approves digital content for the B.C. government.

These guidelines will help you plan, design and improve web content. They're part of the Web Content Standards that ensure our information and services are clear and easy to use.

Change log

Stay up to date on the latest changes to our guidelines.

Content design and strategy

Use this guide to design, test and maintain web content.

Writing for the web

Follow this guide to format and edit web content. It includes guidance on grammar, tone and spelling.

Writing Guide for Indigenous Content

Write content that respects the cultural integrity of Indigenous Peoples. 

Plain language course

Take this self-directed course to improve your plain language skills.

Visual Design Guide

Use this guide when including graphics and videos. It includes information on corporate branding, typography and copyrights.

Intranet Style Guide

Learn about the standards and functionality that differ when working on an intranet.

Web Content Standards

Learn about the standards we use to create and maintain our web content.

Simplified WCAG

Use the Simplified WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) to help create accessible products and services.


Send us your questions or feedback by emailing: WebStandards@gov.bc.ca