Exercise 1: How well do you understand?
- Comparison of two sample passages - one in plain language and one not
- Shows how plain language encourages understanding.
Exercise 2: What are they trying to say?
- Have fun trying to decipher obscure language
Exercise 3: Website comparison
- A simple and effective tool for a high-level assessment of your page's organization and structure
Exercise 4: A structured overview
- Bring structure to your content by writing an overview first
Exercise 5: Chunking and headings
- Demonstrates that "chunking" and headings help to organize thoughts and makes reading easier
Exercise 6: Latinate
- Have fun decoding archaic academic language
Exercise 7: Sentence shortening
- Break long sentences in two to simplify them
Exercise 8: Cut wordy phrases
- Some phrases to avoid altogether
Exercise 9: Changing verbs from passive to active
- Practise using the active voice to simplify and clarify your text
Exercise 10: Sentence simplification
- Look for prepositions and other clues to simplify lengthy sentences
Exercise 11: Evaluating sample text
- Practise using a variety of Plain Language editing tools on a sample text passage
Exercise 12: Evaluate a page using a Plain Language Checklist
- Put it all together by revising an existing page