Why should I care about plain language?

Last updated on September 10, 2020

The B.C. government is committed to content accessibility including plain language. Learn more in the Plain Language Guide.

Benefits of Plain language:

  • Plain language is accessible
  • Encourages people to read your website
  • Efficient Communication
  • Less time for approvals
  • Fewer misunderstandings
  • Fewer calls to call centres
  • Better citizen experience
  • Increased accessibility of government information and services
  • Less paper waste
  • Less storage and maintenance
  • Reduced translation costs
  • Confidence in what you read

Remember—Less is more: people tend to spend more time reading concise and clear content.

Exercise One: How well do you understand?

Exercise Two: What are they trying to say?

Continue to What is Plain Language?

A Passion for Plain Language


Demand to Understand: How Plain Language Makes Life Simpler

TEDx talk by Deborah Bosley, who believes that people have a right to understand information that affects their lives (19 minutes)