Mine permitting guidance documents

Last updated on February 28, 2025

Guidance documents assist mining clients with their permit application and requirements. They are for information only and are not considered legal advice.

Mining legislation

Key legislation and regulations for mineral exploration and mining in B.C.


Local government 

Proponents should check with local governments for any bylaws or plans that may impact their project. 

Local governments and community associations often participate in application reviews and are connected to community interest groups and other stakeholders. 


Health, Safety and Reclamation Code guidance

Code guidance documents provide more detail about specific Code requirements. The purpose of these documents is to help the mining industry meet the Code requirements.

Guidance documents by activity type for regional mines


Exploration (CX/MX permit)


Placer (P permit)


Sand and Gravel (G permit)


Quarry (Q permit)

Guidance documents by interested party


Indigenous engagement

  • Guide to Involving Proponents When Consulting First Nations (PDF, 362KB)
    • The purpose of this document is to provide operational guidance to Provincial decision makers and staff respecting the role of proponents in consultation. It is to be used in conjunction with the Updated Procedures for Meeting Legal Obligations When Consulting First Nations. Forest and Range Practices Act and the Environmental Assessment Act.
  • Early Engagement Planning Tool, AMEBC
    • This tool provides practical advice on how to create an effective plan for engagement with Indigenous peoples in British Columbia.
  • Consulting with First Nations
    • As the government develops its relationships with First Nations to advance reconciliation, companies looking for investment and growth opportunities in B.C. have important relationships to consider building as well. Environmental protection, natural resource stewardship


MineSpace is an application for industry to manage applications, view permits and inspection history, and submit reports. Login using your BCeID.


Contact information

Mines contact information:

  • Regional mines offices
  • Mines incident reporting
  • Mines inquiries and complaints
  • Geological survey
  • Major mines
  • Mine health and safety
  • Mines auditing
  • Mineral titles