Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement (CVSE) is a branch of the Ministry of Transportation and Transit that promotes compliance of safety regulations within the commercial transport sector.
CVSE enforces acts and regulations designed to improve vehicle and driver fitness to protect public health, the environment and highway infrastructure. The effectiveness of our educational, enforcement, monitoring and inspection programs motivates and facilitates safe operators, thereby securing safer highways for British Columbians.
For more information, visit the CVSE website.
CVSE job positions are based throughout the province from various field offices to commercial transport inspection stations.
The Carrier safety inspector's (CSI) primary purpose is monitoring drivers and carriers for B.C.’s National Safety Code Program.
They perform audits of carriers to ensure compliance with legislation that regulates the commercial trucking industry.
CSIs perform most of their duties either within the field office or at the carrier’s location. CSIs conduct investigations, interviews, inspections and quantifiable audits.
CSIs may take enforcement action if violations or safety concerns are identified.
Commercial transport enforcement officers (CTEOs) operate the weigh scales (Commercial Transport Inspection Stations) at various locations across the province.
They ensure commercial vehicles are within proper weights and dimensions and that drivers have the proper licences and permits.
CTEOs perform patrols in marked and unmarked CVSE patrol vehicles to ensure commercial vehicles are operate safely on highways.
Commercial transport inspector Officers (CTIOs) operate a mobile patrol vehicle for traffic enforcement and vehicle inspection duties.
They are responsible for enforcing and ensuring compliance acts and regulations.
CTIOs provide road safety through traffic enforcement and safety enforcement.
CTIOs perform patrols in marked CVSE patrol vehicles to ensure commercial vehicles are operating safely on highways.
Passenger transportation enforcement officers (PTEOs) provide education and enforcement for industry and the public regarding the Passenger Transportation Act/Regulation and licensing requirements.
They perform roadside enforcement including unlicensed operations, inspections, Notice and Orders, Violation Tickets and recommendations regarding Administrative Penalties and Fines.
PTEOs investigate complaints and determine an appropriate action plan.
They issue Cease and Desist Orders and ensure licensed operators are operating in compliance with their Terms and Conditions of Licence.
Area vehicle inspectors (AVIs) are Red Seal certified mechanics. They perform audits on designated inspection facilities to ensure inspections are being made in accordance with the legislation and/or policies that govern the facilities.
AVIs perform the initial inspection of school buses, ensuring they meet the regulatory safety standard and perform annual inspections. They conduct patrols to ensure commercial vehicle traffic is operates safely on roadways.
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