Guide on using grid layouts for responsive, accessible content in CMS Lite.
This tool is available for creating table-like content layouts that allow content to flow properly on small devices while meeting accessibility standards.
Tabular data: Grid layouts should not be used to replace the use of tables for the presentation of tabular data.
Content layout: Content layout using the table functionality is not optimal for screen readers. Any existing content using tables for layout should be updated.
Column ratio will be 25% and 75% of the content well.
Column ratio will be 75% and 25% of the content well.
Column ratio will be divided equally within the content well
Column ratio will be distributed equally within the content well.
Watch a tutorial video to help you understand how to create grid layouts in CMS Lite.
Use grid layouts in the CMS Lite
Step-by-step instructions for BC government content editors on how to use grid layouts in the CMS Lite application.
The Insert Grid Layout option is only found in the Body component toolbar and offers four layouts.
​See Interface guidelines for information about removing, moving or adding paragraphs between grids.