Insert links

Last updated on August 19, 2024

Content editors can add links in their content. These links can point to different things: they can take you to another webpage, connect to a file or document (like an image or PDF), or even jump to a specific part of the webpage or PDF you're already viewing.

On this page


Content editors have the option to create links to: 

Linking guidelines for different content types

Do not use 'click here' links

To meet accessibility standards, you must always use descriptive text for links. Descriptive text tells users exactly where they’ll go when they click the link. It should make sense even when read out of context.

  • Avoid using vague text like "Click here" or "Read more", which doesn't tell users where the link will take them
  • Use clear, specific text that describes the link's purpose, such as "View the accessibility guidelines"

Refer to the Web Style Guide for detailed guidance on creating links

Linking to different types of content

Learn the linking guidelines for linking to:

Applications or files

When linking to applications or files, such as PDFs, opening new browser tabs or windows is acceptable.

Web pages

When linking to other web pages, open hyperlinks in the same (current)  window unless doing so will disrupt the workflow, confuse your audience, or terminate a secure session.


When linking to an asset, always indicate the file type and size in brackets and include it as part of the link: Example (PDF, 1.2MB)

'Call-to-action' buttons

CMS Lite blue 'button' links are designed to meet accessibility standards. These buttons should only be used for call-to-action (CTA) links. A CTA encourages users to take a specific action, such as "Start your application" or "Register today."

Replace any existing ad-hoc graphic buttons with CMS Lite buttons to maintain consistent site-wide standards. Avoid overusing buttons to keep the page clear and focused.

How to create links

Watch the video

Anchor flags

You can create links to specific sections of a CMS Lite page using anchors, which appear in CMS Lite as red flags. Learn how to create and link to page anchors.

Create a link to a CMS Lite page or asset, or an external URL

  1. Highlight the text to be used to link to the page/asset/URL
  2. Click on the Link link icon in the toolbar
    The Link box will be displayed
    Link properties box 
  3. The Link Type defaults to URL.  
    • Use the drop-down arrow to change to email
      The email link properties will be displayed
      email properties
    • Enter an email address (it is not necessary to use mailto: before the address). Do not use personal government emails
  4. The default Protocol is set to <other> for linking to internal assets or pages. Other options:
    • http
    • https
    • ftp
    • news
  5. Target field defaults to Same Window
    • Links to a webpage, both internal and external, should always open in the same window
    • Links to other applications, such as PDFs, may be opened in a new window.  Click the Target drop-down and select New Window
  6. Force Download defaults to No
    • Select Yes to allow for a PDF file to be downloaded and opened in Adobe Reader rather than open in a browser.  User will be prompted to Open or Save File.  Force Download will override the Target field.  
  7. Leave the ​Link Style default to <no set>
  8. Choose the applicable option and:
    • Enter or paste a valid external link in the URL: field, or
    • Leave the default set to <other> and click the [Asset Picker] or [Page Picker] button and navigate to an internal page or asset. Note: if the asset does not already exist in the CMS Lite, see Upload Assets for more information
      The Asset Picker (or Page Picker) will be displayed
      Asset Picker
      • Search or Navigate to the applicable asset or page
      • Click on applicable item to highlight it (in blue) and then click[Select] to complete the action
        The picker will be closed and the Link box will be re-displayed
  9. Click the [OK] button to complete the action
    The Link box will be closed and the link will be displayed at the cursor insertion point

Create an anchor to a page in a PDF document

Link directly to a page in a PDF by adding #page= to the end of the URL. For example: would open the PDF to page 4. This does not require any specific adjustments to the PDF itself.

Always describe which section of the PDF the link points to, in case the direct link doesn't work in the user's browser.

While most browsers support this feature, many mobile browsers use a system app or default PDF app to open files. The ability to link to a specific page depends on the app used, so the link may not work as expected in some cases. 

  1. Select the text that will be linked to the PDF
  2. Click on the Link icon in the toolbar
    The Link box will be displayed link
  3. Target field defaults to Same Window. Click the Target drop-down and select New Window
  4. Leave the ​Link Style as <not set>

Link box

  1. Click the [Asset Picker] button
    The Asset Picker will be displayed
  2. In the Asset Picker, search for or use the Tree Navigation to find the relevant asset and click [Select] to choose it. This will close the Asset Picker and return you to the Link box
  3. Click in the URL: field
  4. Using the keyboard arrow key or End key, scroll to the end of the URL. Append it with #page= and the target PDF page number
    Example: /assets/download/018B91B109444B7B99E0CA8D19FA9E620/#page=6
  5. Click the Target drop-down and select New Window
  6. Click [OK] to complete the action
    The Link box will be closed and the link will be displayed at the cursor insertion point

Asset Picker

Create an anchor to a specific destination in a PDF document

To link to a specific destination in a PDF, add #nameddest=destinationname to the end of the URL, where 'destinationname' is the name of the destination set in Acrobat.

  • For example, would link directly to the "chapter1" destination in the PDF

Linking to a destination is more reliable than linking to a specific page because it remains accurate even if pages are added or removed from the document. However, some browsers or PDF viewers may not support the #nameddest feature, which could prevent the link from working as intended. 

Always describe which section of the PDF the link points to, in case the direct link doesn't work in the user's browser.

To create an anchor to a specific destination in a PDF document, you must have access to Adobe Acrobat (Professional or Standard).

  1. Open the document in Adobe. Navigate to the applicable location within the document

  2. From the View menu item, select Navigation Panels > Destinations
    The Articles/Destinations dialog box will open
  3. On the Destinations tab, click the Create new destination icon at top-right of the dialog box
  4. Enter a Destination name and save the PDF
  5. Upload the PDF to the applicable Assets folder
  6. Edit the CMS Lite page
  7. Select the text or image that will be used to link to the PDF
  8. Click on the Link icon in the toolbar
    The Link box will be displayedlink

Link Properties box

  1. Target field defaults to Same Window.  Click the Target drop-down and select New Window
  2. Leave the ​Link Style default to <not set>
  3. Click the [Asset Picker] button and navigate to an internal asset
    The Asset Picker will be displayed
  4. Search or Navigate to the applicable asset and click [Select] to complete the action.
    The Asset Picker will be closed and the Link box will be re-displayed.
  5. Click in the URL: field
  6. Using the keyboard arrow key or End key, scroll to the end of the URL and append with #nameddest= and the destination name
    Example: /assets/download/018B91B109444B7B99E0CA8D19FA9E620/#nameddest=usability_standards
  7. Click the Target drop-down and select New Window
  8. Click [OK] to complete the action
    The Link box will be closed and the link will be displayed at the cursor insertion point

Asset Picker

 Create a 'call to action' button link

  1. Highlight the text (less than 40 characters) to be used to create the call-to-action button
  2. Click on the Link link icon in the toolbar
    The Link box will be displayed
    Link box
  3. Target field defaults to Same Window
    • Links to a webpage, both internal and external, should always open in the same window
    • Links to other applications, such as PDFs, may be opened in a new window.  Click the Target drop-down and select New Window
  4. Click the Link Style drop-down arrow and select Button
    link style drop-down options
  5. Click [OK] to complete the action
    The Link box will be closed and the button will be displayed at the cursor insertion point
    sample link button