Create an image map

Last updated on February 4, 2025

An image map is a graphic with clickable areas (hotspots) that link to different URLs, or can be hovered over to display a small popup.

On this page

Example of an image map

A sample of an image map appears on the CMS Lite content menu page. Hover over any of the symbols on the toolbar.

Tutorial video

Watch a tutorial video to help you understand how to create an image map.


Create an image map in CMS Lite


Create an Image Map in CMS Lite


Step-by-step instructions

Step-by-step instructions for B.C. government content editors on creating an image map using the CMS Lite application.

Prior to creating an image map, you must first insert an image into your content.

  1. Click on the inserted image
  2. Select the Insert/Edit Image Map Image Map icon icon on the toolbar
    The Image Map tool will be displayed
  3. Choose one of the Image Map Area tools to highlight the hotspot on the image

Image Map properties box


  1. Click the left-mouse button to define the start of the drawing area (a cross-hair tool will appear +); continue to hold down the mouse button and drag the drawing tool over the desired area of the image (an outline will appear as you move the mouse)
  2. Click the left-mouse button again to define the end of the drawing area to lock the area (the outline will turn red).
    A sequential number will appear in the top-left corner of the drawing area
  3. In the URL field, enter a valid URL or choose the [Page Picker] or [Asset Picker] to link to an internal page or asset
  4. Enter a description in the Title field which will be displayed in the web browser on mouse-over
    Title text that appears in the browser on mouse-over

Number assigned to hotspot


Repeat steps 3 to 7 to add additional hotspots

  1. Click [OK] to save and close the image map
    The Image Map Tool will be closed and a grey border will appear around the selected hotspot

Hotspot sample image

Linking guidelines

If adding links to an image, always test the link in QA to ensure the link is functioning as expected.

Linking to web pages and assets

Open in new window: applications or files

When linking to applications or files, such as PDFs, opening new browser tabs or windows is acceptable.

Open in same window: web pages

When linking to other web pages, open hyperlinks in the same (current) window, unless doing so will disrupt the workflow, confuse your audience, or terminate a secure session.

How to link to an anchor

Use the Image Map tool to link to an anchor

  1. Type a pound sign (#) in the URL field
  2. Entering the anchor name