The Haida Gwaii Timber Supply Area (TSA), formerly known as the Queen Charlotte TSA, lies entirely within Haida Gwaii, a group of about 150 islands approximately 90 kilometres west of British Columbia’s north coast.
Haida Gwaii communities include Masset, Old Masset, Port Clements, Skidegate, Queen Charlotte City and Sandspit.
The TSA covers roughly 308,000 hectares of land, and is administered by the Haida Gwaii Natural Resource District.
Effective September 28, 2021, the Haida Gwaii TSA allowable annual cut (AAC) will be 272,061 cubic metres due to First Nations Woodland Licence N1G.
The Haida Gwaii TSA comprises about 308,000 hectares of land located entirely within Haida Gwaii.
Public input is a vital part of the timber supply review process. Feedback is welcome on any issues related to the timber supply review for the Invermere TSA.