
Last updated on August 28, 2024

An illustration of the switch component in various states

A switch enables the user to toggle an option on or off.

How to use this component

A switch provides a method for the user to toggle a setting or option between binary states (for example, 'on' and 'off'.)

They are commonly used in settings and configurations screens. They are also often used for:

  • Switching between different interface modes (eg. a dark mode)
  • Enabling or disabling part of a UI

Switches are particularly useful in space-constrained contexts like sidebars or navigation menus. 

Structure and behaviour


An annotated diagram of the switch component's parts

A switch has:

  1. An oval container
  2. A circular indicator whose position indicates the toggle state
  3. A text label to describe its purpose


An annotated diagram of the switch component in various states

  1. By default, a switch renders in the 'off' position
  2. On hover, the border cursor and switch colours change
  3. When the switch is focused, it receives an offset focus ring
  4. When the user toggles the switch, the indicator moves to the opposite position and the colour changes
  5. A disabled switch is greyed out and cannot be focused or toggled
  6. A read-only switch can be focused, but cannot be toggled

Design guidance

Design system components are published in a Figma library. Install the library and add it to your project to start using this component.

Get the design library in Figma

Switches are generally used to help a user navigate and manipulate a UI, rather than for data input. In a form context, radio buttons are a more familiar pattern for most users.

If you hide the switch label, you must also provide a non-visible label using the aria-label property.


Control Options Description
  • Default
  • Hover
  • Touch
  • Focus
  • Disabled

Toggles between different interaction states

  • True
  • False

Sets the position of the switch

  • No label
  • Label after (right)
  • Label before (left)

Sets display and positioning of the label

Technical information

Detailed technical documentation, interactive previews and code samples are published in the B.C. Design System Storybook.

View this component in Storybook

A reference implementation of the switch component in React is published in the React components library. Install the package via npm to start using the component.

Events and props

The switch component is a styled version of the React Aria switch component.

The component supports props to configure:

  • Label text
  • The position of the label
  • Whether the switch is on or off by default
  • Enabled/disabled and read-only status

Refer to the React Aria documentation for detailed information about:


These summaries reflect the component used as provided. If you modify it, confirm that your changes comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). B.C. government digital services are required to meet the WCAG Level AA standard.

Accessibility checklist for the switch component
Requirement WCAG Success Criterion Validation
Clearly define the purpose of input fields 1.3.5 (Level AA)

The switch has a visible label, used to explain its purpose

Note: if you do not use the label property, you must use aria-label to provide a semantic label

Make websites keyboard accessible 2.1.1 (Level A)

Switch is focusable and fully operable using only the keyboard

Prevent keyboard navigation traps 2.1.2 (Level A)

When in focus, the user can exit the switch by pressing the 'Tab' key

Let people choose how they navigate content 2.4.5 (Level AA)

Switch is keyboard-operable, and has a visible hover/focus state

Show where the keyboard is active on the screen 2.4.7 (Level AA)

Focus state is indicated by an offset border ring. Hover state is indicated by a different background fill and cursor

Make sure interaction or click targets meet a minimum size 2.5.8 (Level AA)

Note: Switch target area is 40px by 20px. Switch must be properly spaced relative to other interactable elements to conform to 2.5.8 

Ensure user interface components behave predictably 3.2.1 (Level A)

Switch state does not change when focused

Make sure components can be read and used by assistive technology 4.1.2 (Level A)

Switch is semantically identified as an <input> with the ARIA "switch" role