Products that are not stored appropriately can perish, spoil, become contaminated or contaminate other products.
The good agricultural practice above applies to all farms. Read about storage of fuels, pesticides and animal health products.
Store products under appropriate conditions to prevent perishing, spoilage and contamination.
Prior to storing any products, make sure storage facilities are in good condition and clean. For all storage facilities for dry products:
Make sure the temperature and humidity of the storage/processing areas, coolers and freezers are appropriate for the product being stored to prevent or minimize food spoilage.
Crops: For most produce, a temperature of 4°C is suitable for storage. However, a number of products require a specific storage temperature, ranging from -1°C to 21°C
Milk and eggs:
Temperature control systems must take into account the:
Use the first-in, first-out principle to make sure products are rotated through your facility on a regular basis so that the oldest products are used first.
Use receiving documents to identify which products are to be used first, or store products in the order received.
Some crops require a high moisture environment for storage. Ensure that moisture controls are set at the appropriate level and do not provide an environment that will cause unwarranted spoilage to occur.
To prevent the accumulation of bacteria, clean and sanitize these areas between uses.
Improper storage can cause feeds to spoil and lead to the development of moulds and the mycotoxins produced by these moulds. The accumulation of mycotoxins can be hazardous to livestock and the humans who consume them. To prevent the development of mycotoxins:
Plan storage and treatment sites (for example, composting piles) to be as far away as practical from livestock, poultry, fresh fruit and vegetable handling areas and water sources. Separate them from production and water locations with an appropriate physical barrier designed to minimize contamination from run-off or leachate (liquid, such as rain, that takes in substances from the material through which it passes, often making the liquid harmful or poisonous).
Where applicable for the product, use the Form 9B: Temperature monitoring record or your own record that includes:
Be prepared for the auditor to:
All food must be stored under sanitary conditions. The Food and Drugs Act (Canada), R.S. (1985), c. F-27, s. 7 states that no person shall manufacture, prepare, preserve, package or store for sale any food under unsanitary conditions.
The Code of Agricultural Practice for Waste Management under the Agricultural Waste Control Regulation, Reg. 131/92, s. 4-10 specifies conditions for the storage of agricultural wastes and states the rules around the management of manure (in certain circumstances). Please check local municipal bylaws, which may also have legal requirements related to manure storage.
There are 10 regulations for different groups of commodities under the Agricultural Produce Grading Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 11, s. 14 (2) (i), which provides that the Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations respecting the sanitation of places in which a farm product is stored.
Regulations may also control other aspects of storage (e.g. Fruit and Vegetable Regulation, Reg. 100/78, s. 8 on controlled atmosphere storage).