Allenby Road Project

Last updated on August 15, 2024

Map of Allenby Road showing impacted section located between Indian Road and Boys Road

Allenby Road has been closed due to slope instability and risk to driver safety after the atmospheric river flooding event of 2021.

As a result of the Atmospheric River event in November 2021, a landslide occurred on the western slope of Allenby Road, which runs through the Cowichan Tribes Indian Reserve. The road was closed to ensure public safety due to ongoing concerns about the slope's instability. Work on Allenby Road is now in progress and will be completed in two phases.

Phase 1:
The work includes vegetation clearing and brushing along Allenby Road, followed by the installation of a 75-meter-long lock-block wall within the lane closest to the slope for slide protection and driver safety. Temporary traffic signals will be installed at both ends of the affected section to enable safe, 24/7 operation of single-lane alternating traffic (SLAT).

Phase 2:
The project team is currently looking at long term options for slope remediation in order to fully open the road to two lane traffic.

Traffic impacts

Phase 1 of the project is to implement single-lane alternating traffic (SLAT), while options for phase 2 which is to open the road to two lanes of traffic are still be looked at.

Drives are reminded to drive for the conditions, observe construction-zone speed limits and follow the direction of traffic-control signs and personnel.

Environmental consideration

The project has engaged appropriately qualified professionals, including Qualified Environmental Professionals, to ensure compliance with environmental regulatory requirements. Environmental protections and best management practices will be implemented throughout the construction process.


Phase 1: Completion September 2024


The ministry continues to work collaboratively with Cowichan Tribes to open the road and ensure the work supports the needs of the community.


Contact information

Adelle Corrado, Regional Project Manager