Highway 17 Keating Cross Overpass Project

Last updated on August 30, 2024

Highway 17 Keating Cross Overpass Project Artist Rendering

The Highway 17 Keating Cross Road “Flyover” Overpass Project will allow vehicles to travel this busy corridor more safely and efficiently, helping keep local businesses competitive and promoting regional economic growth.

Traffic pattern changes 

Traffic pattern changes will be in effect on Highway 17 near Keating Cross Road during construction.

For up-to-date information, visit www.DriveBC.ca.

  • The southbound on ramp from Keating Cross to Highway 17 is closed during construction
  • Truck and tour buses will be detoured to Central Saanich Road along the existing truck route
  • Traffic disruption on Keating Cross Road, due to  installation of new watermains and widening of Keating Cross Road
  • Access to Martindale Road available from Gliddon Road

Truck and tour buses will be detoured to Central Saanich Road along the existing truck route. Click on map to download PDF


 Lane closures along Highway 17 in each direction between Tanner Road and Island View Road

  • Single-lane traffic from 7:00 pm to 6:00 am (Northbound)
  • Single-lane traffic from 9:00 pm to 6:00 am (Southbound)

Permanent closures

  • Left turn from Highway 17 to East Saanich Road 
  • Access to Martindale Road from Highway 17
  • Access from Keating Cross Road to Barbara Drive

The project will replace the northbound left turn onto Keating Cross Road with a “flyover” overpass, eliminating the need to turn across busy highway traffic and reducing congestion. Other features of the project include:

  • Widening of Keating Cross Road to support additional traffic
  • Installation of a new sidewalk on Keating Cross Road to boost safety for drivers, cyclists and pedestrians
  • Installation of bus-on-shoulder facilities that support future plans for bus rapid transit on the Pat Bay Highway
  • Realignment of the southbound on-ramp to Victoria
  • Closure of the Highway 17 access at:
    • East Saanich Road
    • Martindale Road

Project cost

The total project budget is $76.8 million with contributions from the following:

  • $57.6 million: Province of British Columbia
  • $16.7 million: The Government of Canada through the Provincial Territorial Infrastructure Component – National and Regional Projects (PTIC-NRP)
  • $2.5 million: District of Central Saanich


A construction contract has been the awarded to Flatiron Contractors Canada Limited. Work began in July 2023, with a targeted completion in the spring of 2025.

Night work will be required during highway lane closures, enabling the contractor to undertake work without causing daytime disruptions to the extensive vehicle traffic on Highway 17.

Drivers can expect delays and are encouraged to:

  • Obey all safety signage and drive with care
  • Check DriveBC for the most up to date information


The project is a priority identified in the South Island Transportation Strategy, an integrated approach to travel choices by increasing the infrastructure needed to build connections, capacity, improve safety and the choices for sustainable travel. This project will:

  • Improve safety
  • Improve traffic flow and travel times along Highway 17
  • Reduce idling times and related air emissions
  • Better accommodate growing traffic demands
  • Relieve existing vehicle congestion, allowing people to spend less time in traffic 
  • Improve access for neighbourhoods and businesses in the Keating area including the Keating Business Park, which supports over 3,000 jobs

Other traffic studies for the Highway 17 corridor and the rest of Vancouver Island are available at Vancouver Island & South Coast Reports & Studies.

Public consultation

Project design

3D animations of the of the proposed project 

Keating Cross Overpass Keating WB


Keating Cross Overpass Keating EB


Keating Cross Overpass Flyover


Keating Cross Overpass Hwy 17 SB


Keating Cross Overpass Hwy 17 NB


Project Maps
Keating Overpass

Keating Overpass

Contact information

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