Schedule T3 - Specific Reference Documents are subject to the following disclaimers:
Project No. 04529-0001
Holt Creek Bridge No. 10543 Replacement
Project No. 12712-0001
Highway 3 Snass Creek Bridge No. 1214
Project No. 13234-0001
Highway No. 7 and Highway No. 7B Bus Stop Improvements
Project No. 13235-0001
Project No. 13253-1001
Fraser Valley Highway 1 Corridor Improvement Program Mainline West
Project No. 13253-1002
Fraser Valley Highway 1 Corridor Improvement Program Highway 1 + Mt. Lehman
Project No. 13254-0003
Highway 1 - Advanced Works King Road Realignment at Riverside Road
Project No. 13254-0004
Highway 1 – Advanced Works, Highway 11 Fibre Optic Relocation, Site Grading and Test Fills
Project No. 14034-0000
Columbia Valley Highway – Culvert Replacements
Project No. 16937-2024
3541R & 3540R Kye Bay Road Top and Bottom Retaining Walls Soldier Pie Wall Addition
Project No. 17066-0000
Highway 1 Bus On Shoulder McKenzie Interchange to Colwood Interchange
Project No. 17067-0001
Highway 17 Ravine Way Transit and Active Transportation Improvements Project
Project No. 18119-0000
Fairbanks Road Right-of-Way, Cowichan Bay Slope Restoration and Drainage Pipe Design
Project No. 23880-0004
Highway 99 Ten Mile Slide Anchor Maintenance
Project No. 23990-0002
Highway 97 - Skaha Hills Drive Intersection Improvements
Project N0. 24583-0001
Highway No. 1 Selkirk Mountain 4 Laning
Project No. 26522-0000
Crushed Aggregate in Stockpile - Colpitt Lake Pit No. 1946
Project No. 37232-0000
Hwy 97 Wright Creek Bridge No. 6805
Project No. 37642-0003
Hwy 97 Bypass Improvements 10th and 15th Ave Deceleration Lanes and South Bound Exit Ramp
Project No. 38083-0000
Johnson Pit #1544, Moore Pit #1681, Murdale Pit and Sundance Pit #1615
Project No. 38089-0000
Henry Road Bridge Replacement No. 07067
Project No. 86002-0252
Rock Slope Stabilization Three Valley Gap Bluff Zones 13 to 15, Hwy 1
Project No. 86002-4583
Rock Slope Stabilization Christina Lake Area, Hwy 3