Specialty Vegetables

Last updated on September 20, 2024

Specialty vegetables

B.C. growers produce a variety of vegetables that are traditionally associated with regions outside of North America. Many of these vegetables are of Asian origin. These crops belong to a range of plant families, including cole crops, legumes and cucurbits. Most crops are short-season crops and are generally grown in small blocks.

Brassica crops grown include Sui choy (Chinese cabbage), Bok choy, Yow choy, Gai lan (Chinese broccoli), and Gai choy (mustard greens). Others include A-Choy (related to lettuce), She dow (snow pea) and Lo Bok (Asian radish).

Growing specialty vegetables



Refer to the sections on Cole Crops, Peas, Green Bunching Onions, Radishes, and Turnips in this guide for variety recommendations.

See your seed dealer for the most recent variety recommendations.



Because these vegetables belong to many plant families, there are no specific fertilizer recommendations. Use the Vegetable Production Guide: Nutrient Management (PDF, 310KB) for general information on nutrient management, and take regular soil samples.


Seed treatment

For Leafy vegetables and brassica vegetables (crop group 5A):  use seed treated with Apron XL LS to control Pythium damping off.  Do not use for leafy greens grown in the greenhouse.  

For brassica vegetables (Crop group 5-13) including Chinese and Napa cabbage; cucurbit vegetables (crop group 9) including Chinese waxgourd and edible gourd; cress, Chinese mustard cabbage, Chinese broccoli, and kohlrabi: use seed treated with Apron MAXX RTA to control damping off caused by Pythium spp., Fusarium spp. and Rhizoctonia spp.  


Specialty vegetable weed management


Pre-plant incorporated or pre-emergence

Pre-plant incorporated or pre-emergence: herbicide application rates

Product Rate PHI* Comments

Devrinol 50 DF


Group 15

2.25 to 4.5 kg/ha
(0.9 to 1.8 kg/acre

Apply in 200 to 900 L/ha (80 to 365 L/acre) of water

  • Registered on seeded Chinese broccoli, Chinese mustard cabbage, Chinese radish, seeded and transplanted Chinese (napa) cabbage, transplanted kohlrabi.  
  • Only one application per season.
  • There is a 12 month plant back restriction for crops not found on the label.
  • Use the lower rate on light soils (coarse-textured sand and sandy loam).
  • Not recommended for soils with more than 10% organic matter.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.

Devrinol 50 DF


Group 15

4.69 to 9.38 L/ha
(1.90 to 3.80 L/acre)

Apply in 200 to 900 L/ha (80 to 365 L/acre) of water

  • Registered on seeded Chinese broccoli, Chinese mustard cabbage, Chinese radish, seeded and transplanted Chinese (napa) cabbage, transplanted kohlrabi.  
  • Only one application per season.
  • There is a 12 month plant back restriction for crops not found on the label.
  • Use the lower rate on light soils (coarse-textured sand and sandy loam).
  • Not recommended for soils with more than 10% organic matter.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval

BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF, 421KB)
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF, 703KB)


Early pre-plant (spring application)

Early pre-plant (spring application): herbicide application rates

Product Rate PHI* Comments

Authority 480


Group 14

0.292 L/ha (0.118 L/acre)

Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water at 175 kPa

  • Registered on brassica, head and stem (Crop Group 5-13) including: Chinese (napa) cabbage.
  • Controls redroot pigweed, lamb's quarters, Eastern black nightshade and common groundsel.
  • Apply as a broadcast or banded treatment to the harvested crop stubble in the spring up to 72 hours prior to transplanting.
  • When applied as a banded treatment, see label to calculate rate and volume, and apply only once per year.
  • Authority 480 requires adequate rainfall or irrigation to activate.
  • Do not mechanically incorporate after application.
  • Do not use on coarse-textured soils classified as sand that have less than 1% organic matter.
  • Do not use on fine-textured soils with less than 1.5% organic matter.
  • Do not apply on soils with an organic matter content greater than 6%.
  • Do not use on soils with a pH of 7.8 or greater.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 24 months for sweet corn and 16 months for winter wheat.
  • May be used early pre-plant and pre-emergence.
  • Also registered on brassica, leafy greens (crop sub-group 4-13b) including: broccoli raab, Chinese (bok choy) cabbage, collards, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach, rape greens, arugula and Chinese broccoli.
  • Apply in the spring preceding the growing season up to 72 hours prior to planting.
  • See above section (Brassica, Head and Stem crops) for rainfall and soil requirements, re-entry, plantback intervals and weeds controlled.

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF, 421KB)
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF, 703KB)


Pre-emerge or early post-emergence

Pre-emerge or early post-emergence: herbicide application rates

Product Rate PHI* Comments

Dual II Magnum


Group 15

Banded to row middles (after plastic mulch has been laid):  1.15 – 1.56 L/ha
(465 mL-  630 mL/acre)

Broadcast:   1.15 L/ha (465 mL/ha)

Apply in 150 L/ha (60 L/acre) of water.

  • Registered on Crop Group 9 cucurbit vegetables including bitter melon and Chinese cucumber.
  • Controls nightshade and annual grasses.
  • Suppresses redroot pigweed.
  • Apply pre-emerge to labeled weeds.
  • Transplants:  apply prior to or within 48 hours after transplanting.
  • Direct seeded:  apply pre-emerge or to the 1- to 2- leaf stage of crop development.
  • Make only one application per year.
  • To avoid crop injury, minimize foliar contact with Dual II Magnum.
  • Rain is required within 10 days of pre-emerge application, or a shallow cultivation.
  • Do not apply to soils with less than 1% or more than 10% organic matter.

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF, 421KB)
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF, 703KB)



Post-emergence: herbicide application rates

Product Rate PHI* Comments

Poast Ultra


Group 1

Note:  No longer produced

Annual grasses (incl. volunteer cereals):

320 mL/ha (130 mL/ac)


Annual grasses and quackgrass suppression:

470 mL/ha (190 mL/ac)



1.1 L/ha (445 mL/ac)
  • Registered on Chinese broccoli, Chinese radish, napa cabbage, mustard cabbage and kohlrabi.
  • Annual bluegrass is not controlled.
  • Do not apply more than once per year.
  • For control of annual grasses and quackgrass suppression, add Merge adjuvant using a rate of 0.5 - 1.0 L/ha (0.2 - 0.4 L/ac).
  • For control of quackgrass, add Merge adjuvant using a rate of 1.0 - 2.0 l/ha (0.4 - 0.8 L/ac).
  • Apply when annual weeds are in the 1 to 6 leaf stage and when quackgrass is in the 1 to 3 leaf stage.
  • Apply in 50 to 200 L/ha (20 to 80 L/acre) of water at 240 kPa pressure..
  •  See label for water volume and pressure when weed infestations or crop canopies are dense.
  • Observe a 30 day plantback interval for crops not listed.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.

Lontrel XC


Group 4

0.34 L/ha (140 mL/ac)

Apply in 300 L/ha (120 L/ac) of water at 200 to 275 kPa

  • Registered on nappa cabbage (transplanted and seeded) and Chinese radish, mustard cabbage and Chinese broccoli (all seeded).
  • Apply post-planting.
  • Apply only once per season.
  • Controls Canada thistle, scentless chamomile, wild buckwheat, perennial sow thistle (top growth), common groundsel.
  • Suppression only for sheep sorrel.
  • Apply when annual weeds are young and actively growing.
  • Treat Canada thistle before the purple bud stage.
  • Residues of Lontrel can remain in the soil the following year of use, thereby affecting growth of sensitive crops.  See label for Sensitive Crops section.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.



Group 6



1.75 L/ha
(705 mL/acre)




1.0 to 2.0 L/ha
(0.4 to 0.8 L/acre)

  • Registered on snow peas.
  • Apply once per year, at or after the 3 leaf stage.
  • Not effective on grasses.
  • Rainfall within 6 to 8 hours of application may reduce effectiveness.
  • Under hot and humid conditions only use 1.0 L/ha of Assist.
  • Do not use treated crops for grazing.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.
  • Apply in 300 L/ha (120 L/acre) of water.

Aim EC


Group 14

37 to 117 mL/ha
(15 to 47 mL/acre)

Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on crop group 4 leafy vegetables including:  arugula, Chinese celery, edible-leaved chrysanthemum, garland chrysanthemum, corn salad, garden cress, upland cress, dock, endive, florence fennel, garden purslane and radicchio.
  • Also registered on crop group 5 brassica (cole) leafy vegetables including:  Chinese broccoli, raab broccoli, Chinese cabbage (bok choy), Chinese cabbage (napa), Chinese mustard cabbage, cavalo broccolo, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach and rape greens.
  • Also registered on crop subgroup 6 legume vegetables including:  adzuki bean, asparagus bean, Chinese longbean and yardlong bean.
  • Also registered on crop group 9 cucurbit vegetables including bitter melon and Chinese cucumber. 
  • Controls annual weeds.
  • Must be applied using hooded sprayers to weeds between the rows of the emerged crop.
  •  Use an adjuvant such as Agral 90 or Agral-Surf at 0.25% v/v (0.25 L/100 L of spray solution) or Merge at 1% v/v (1 L/100 L of spray solution).
  • Precaution:  crop injury will occur when spray drift is allowed to come in contact with green stem tissue, leaves, blooms or fruit of the crop.
  • Apply only once per growing season.
  • Do not apply if used as a pre-plant burndown in the same growing season.
  • Use the Vegetable Production Guide: Pest Management (PDF, 1.2 MB) for pre-plant burn-down precautions.

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF, 421KB)
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF, 703KB)


Specialty vegetable insect management



Chemical control of aphids

Product Rate PHI* Comments

Cygon 480/ Lagon 480 E


Group 1B

chicory,Ch. broccoli, bok choy: 

0.6 to 1.0 L/ha
(243 to 404 mL/acre)

chicory,Ch. broccoli, bok choy:  7

  • Registered on chicory, Chinese broccoli, bok choy, kale and leafy vegetables (including Swiss chard, beet greens, turnip greens).
  • Use sufficient water for good coverage.
  • Repeat using a 7 day interval for chicory, Chinese broccoli, bok choy and listed leafy vegetables.
  • Repeat using a 15 day interval for kale.
  • Do not apply more than 2 times per season.
  • Toxic to bees.  Do not apply when bees are foraging in the treatment area.
  • For listed leafy vegetables and kale, do not re-enter treated area for 3 days.
  • For chicory, Chinese broccoli and bok choy, do not re-enter treated area for 4 days. 

kale & listed leafy vegetables:

700 mL/ha (283 mL/acre)

kale and listed leafy vegetables:  14



Group 3

Used in organics

2.32 to 4.65 L/ ha
(0.9 to 1.9 L/ ac)

  • Registered on Leafy Vegetables (Crop Group 4-13 including:  Chinese amaranth, leafy amaranth, arugula, broccoli raab, Chinese broccoli, Abyssinian cabbage, seakale cabbage, Chinese cabbage (bok choy), garland chrysanthemum, cilanto (fresh leaves), collards, upland cress, dandelion, endive, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, parsley (fresh leaves), radicchio (red chicory), rape greens, Malabar spinach, New Zealand spinach, Swiss chard, turnip greens and watercress.
  • Also registered on Field Cucurbit Vegetables - Crop Group 9 including:  Chinese waxgourd, citron melon, gherkin, edible gourd and Momordica (includes balsam apple, balsam pear, bitter melon, Chinese cucumber).
  • Do not apply in greenhouses.
  • Final mix should be buffered to pH of 5.5 to 7.0
  • Apply using a 3 day interval.
  • Do not make more than 10 applications per season.
  • Do not apply more than 46.5 L/ha (18.8 L/ac) per growing season.
  • Do not wet plants to the point of run off.
  • Highly toxic to bees. Avoid use when bees are actively foraging. Best applied in early morning or evening.
  • Avoid applications when runoff is likely.
  • Sprayboom height must be 60 cm or less above the crop or ground.
  • Pyganic products are OMRI-Canada listed.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.


(imidacloprid & deltamethrin)

Group 3 and 4
650 mL/ ha
(265 mL/ ac)

Apply in 100 to 200 L/ha (40 to 80 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on crop subgroup 5-A (head & stem brassicae): Chinese broccoli, Chinese cabbage (napa), Chinese mustard cabbage, cavalo broccoli & kohlrabi.
  • Repeat at 5 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per year.
  • Do not apply Concept following a soil application of a Group 4 insecticide.
  • Observe a plan back interval of 9 months for peas and beans and one year for all other crops not listed on label.
  • Highly toxic to bees.
  • Do not enter treated area for 24 hours.

Admire 240 F/Alias 240 SC


Group 4A

200 mL/ ha
(80 mL/acre)
  • Registered on Crop Group 5 Brassica (cole) leafy vegetables including Chinese broccoli (gai lan), broccoli raab (rapini), Chinese cabbage (bok choy and napa), Chinese cabbage mustard (gai choy), cavalo broccolo, collards, kale kohlrabi, mustard greens & rape greens.
  • Apply as a foliar spray
  • Do not make more than 1 application per crop per season.
  • Do not apply following a soil application such as a field drench or transplant tray plug drench using a Group 4 insecticide.
  • Toxic to bees.  Do not apply to flowering crop or weeds if bees are visiting the treatment area.
  • Toxic to certain beneficials.
  • For Admire, do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.
  • For Alias, do not re-enter treated area for 24 hours.

Admire 240 F


Group 4A

Foliar spray:
200 mL/ha
(80 mL/acre)
  • Registered on Crop Group 4-A leafy greens subgroup (except Brassica) including amaranth, arugula, chervil, chrysanthemum (edible-leaved and garland, corn salad, cress (garden and upland) dandelion, dock, endive, parsley, purslane (garden and winter), radicchio, spinach (Malabar and Indian), watercress.
  • Apply as a foliar spray
  • Do not make more than 1 application per crop per season.
  • Do not apply following a soil application such as a field drench or transplant tray plug drench using a Group 4 insecticide.
  • Toxic to bees.  Do not apply to flowering crop or weeds if bees are visiting the treatment area.
  • Toxic to certain beneficials.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.

Assail 70 WP


Group 4

56 to 86 g/ha
(23 to 35 g/acre)

Apply in 200 L/ha (80 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on crop group 5 brassica leafy vegetables including: broccoli (Chinese), broccoli raab, cabbage (Chinese and bok choy), cabbage (Chinese, napa), cabbage (Chinese mustard, gai choy), cavalo broccolo, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens and rape greens.
  • Also registered on crop group 4 leafy vegetables including: leafy amaranth, arugula, cardoon, celtuce, chervil, chrysanthemum (edible-leaved and garland), upland cress, dandeliion leaves, dock, endive, Florence fennel, orach, garden & winter purslane, radicchio, New Zealand spinach and Swiss chard. 
  • Thorough coverage is important.
  • Apply at 7 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 5 times per season.
  • Do not exceed a total of 430 g/ha (174 g/acre) of product per season.
  • For cole crops, do not re-enter treated area for 48 hours for scouting and 4 days for all other activities.
  • For leafy vegetables, do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.

Actara 240 SC

Group 4
375 mL/ha
(152 mL/acre)
  • Will provide residual control.
  • Registered on leafy vegetables - Crop Group 4 including: amaranth, arugula, cardoon, Chinese celery, celtuce, chervil, edible leaved chrsyanthemum, garland chrysanthemum, corn salad, garden cress, upland cress, dandelion, dock, endive, Florence fennel, orach, parsley, garden purslane, winter purlsane, radicchio and New Zealand spinach.
  • Registered on brassica vegetables - Crop Group 5 including Chinese broccoli (gai lan), broccoli raab (rapini), Chinese cabbage (bok choy), Chinese mustard cabbage (gai choy), cavolo broccoii, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach, rape greens.
  • Make an in-furrow application at the seeding or transplant depth or a narrow surface band above the seedline during planting.
  • Use sufficient water volume to ensure uniform application and incorporation into the soil.
  • For a surface application, incorporate to the seeding depth with irrigation within 24 hours after planting.
  • Do not follow with any subsequent foliar applications of a group 4 insecticide.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.
  • For Crop Group 4 - leafy vegetables, also controls leafhopper.

Actara 25 WG


Group 4
105 g/ha
(42 g/acre)

Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water)
  • Registered on leafy vegetables Crop Group 4 includingamaranth leafy, arugula, cardoon, Chinese celery, celtuce, chervil, Chrsyanthemum, corn salad, cress, dandelion leaves, dock, endive, Florence, fennel, orach, parsley leaves, purslane, radicchio, New Zealand spinach, vine spinach and Swiss chard.
  • Do not apply following an in-furrow or soil application of Actara 240 SC.
  • Apply to the foliage.
  • Maximum of 2 foliar applications per season.
  • Repeat using a 7 day application interval.
  • Highly toxic to bees.  Do not apply or allow to drift onto blooming crops or weeds if bees are foraging in or adjacent to the treatment area.
  • If a cover crop is planted after potatoes are harvested, do not feed to livestock or harvest for food or feed.
  • Check label for PBI precautions.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.


(acetamiprid and novaluron)

Group 4 and 15

650 to 750 mL/ha
(265 to 305 mL/acre)

Apply in 200 L/ha (80 L/acre) of water

  • Registered on Brassica leafy greens (Crop Subgroup 4-13B) including arugula, broccoli raab, Chinese broccoli, Abyssinian cabbage, Chinese cabbage, collards, garden cress, upland cress, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, rape greens, turnip greens and watercress.
  • Also registered on Brassica head and stem vegetables (Crop Group 5-13) including Chinese cabbage (napa).
  • Repeat using a 7 day application interval.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per season.
  • Toxic to bees.  Do not apply to flowering crops or weeds if bees are visiting the treatment area.
  • Toxic to certain beneficial insects.
  • For Crop Subgroup 4 -13B, do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.
  • For Crop Group 5-13:  do not re-enter treated area for hand weeding, scouting, tying or training for 2 days.  For all other activities do not re-enter for 12 hours. 

Closer SC

Group 4C
100 to 150 mL/ha
(40 to 60 mL/acre)
Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on brassica leafy vegetables: Chinese broccoli, broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage (bok choy and napa), Chinese mustard cabbage (gai choy), cavalo broccolo, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach and rape greens.
  • Also registered on non-brassicae leafy vegetables: amaranth (leafy amaranth, Chinese spinach), arugula, cardoon, celtuce, chervil, Chinese celery, corn salad, dandeliion, dock (sorrel), edible-leaved chrysanthemum, endive (escarole), Florence fennel (finochio), garden cress, garden purslane, New Zealand spinach, orach, radicchio (red chicory), swiss chard, upland cress (winter cress, yellow rocket), vine spinach (Indian spinach, Malabar spinach), winter purslane.
  • Do not use in greenhouses.
  • Do not make more than 2 applications per growing season.
  • Repeat at a 7 day interval.
  • Do not apply more than 300 mL/ha (120 mL/acre) per growing season.
  • Do not apply during crop flowering period or when flowering weeds are present in treatment area.
  •  Observe a plantback interval of 30 days for crops not on this label. 
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.

Sivanto Prime

Group 4D

Soil application:
Up to 26,650 plants per ha:   750 mL per 10,000 plants
Up to 20,000 plants per ha: 1000 mL per 10,000 plants









  • Registered on crop group 9 cucurbit vegetables only, including: Chinese waxgourd, gherkin, edible gourd, bitter melon & muskmelon.
  • Apply using chemigation into the root-zone through low-pressure drip, trickle, micro-sprinkler or equivalent equipment.
  • Do not use in greenhouses. 
  • Do not follow a soil application of Sivanto Prime with a foliar application of Sivanto Prime or other Group 4D insecticide.
  • Do not apply more than  2000 mL/ha (810 mL/acre) of product per season.
  • Do not enter treated areas for 12 hours.

Sivanto Prime

Group 4D

500 to 750 mL/ha
(200 to 300 mL/acre)

Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water 

leafy veg, leafy petiole veg, brassica head and stem veg, cucurbits:  1

Legume veg:  7

  • Registered on crop group 4-13 leafy vegetables including: Chinese amaranth, leafy amaranth, arugula, broccoli raab, Chinese broccoli, Chinese cabbage (bok choy), cilantro, collards, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, parsley, radicchio (red chicory), rape greens, Malabar spinach and Swiss chard.
  • Also registered on crop group 22-B leafy petiole vegetables including: Chinese celery.
  • Also registered on crop group 5-13 brassica head and stem vegetables including: Chinese cabbage (napa)
  • Also registered on crop group 6 legume vegetables including: Chinese longbean.
  • Do not make a foliar application of Sivanto Prime if following a soil application of Sivanto Prime or other Group 4D insecticide.
  • Check label for application interval.
  • Do not use in the greenhouse.
  • Do not exceed a total of 2000 mL/ha (810 mL/acre) of product per season.
  • Toxic to bees.  Do not apply if crop is in bloom or if flowering weeds are present and bees are visiting the treatment area.
  • Do not enter treated areas for 12 hours.



Group 9D

100 mL/ha

(40 mL/acre)

Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on crop group 4-13 leafy vegetables including: arugula, broccoli raab, Chinese broccoli, Abyssinian cabbage, Chinese cabbage (bok choy), cilantro (fresh leaves), collards, corn salad, cress, dandelion, dock, endive, escarole, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, radicchio, radish leaves, rape greens, Swiss chard, turnip greens, watercress.
  • Also registered on crop group 5-13 brassica head and stem vegetables including: Chinese cabbage (Napa).
  • Also registered on crop group 9 (cucurbit vegetables) including: Chinese waxgourd, gherkin, edible gourd, bitter melon & muskmelon.
  • Do not apply in greenhouses.
  • Apply as a groundspray.
  • Repeat using a 7 day interval.
  • Do not apply more than 4 times per year.
  • Ensure thorough coverage.
  • Do not apply more than 1.25 L/ha (506 mL/acre) per year.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 30 days for crops not listed.
  • Do not re-enter for 12 hours.



Group 23
220 to 365 mL/ha
(90 to 150 mL/acre)

Apply in 300 L/ha (120 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on leafy vegetables (non-brassica): amaranth, arugula, cardoon, celtuce, chervil, Chinese celery, chrysanthemum, corn salad, cress, dandelion, dock, endive, Florence fenne., orach, parsley, purslane, radicchio and Swiss chard.
  • Repeat at 7 day intervals as needed.
  • Maximum allowed per crop season: 730 mL/ha (295 mL/acre).
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.
  • Use with one of the following adjuvants: non-ionic (eg. Agral 90 or Ag-Surf) or methylated seed oil (e.g. Hasten).


Group 28
500 to 1500 mL/ha
(200 to 605 mL/acre)
Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water  
  • Registered on leafy vegetables (crop group 4): amaranth (leafy amaranth, Chinese spinach), arugula, cardoon, celtuce, chervil, Chinese celery, corn salad, dandeliion, dock (sorrel), edible-leaved chrysanthemum, endive (escarole), Florence fennel (finochio), garden cress, garden purslane, New Zealand spinach, orach, radicchio (red chicory), swiss chard, upland cress (winter cress, yellow rocket), vine spinach (Indian spinach, Malabar spinach), winter purslane.
  • ​Also registered on brassica vegetables: Chinese broccoli, Broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage (bok choy, napa), Chinese mustard cabbage, cavalo broccoli, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach, rape greens.
  • Do not make more than 4 applications per growing season.
  • Repeat at 5 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 4.5 L/ha (1.8 L/acre) per season.
  • Use with an adjuvant such as Hasten NT at a rate of 0.25% v/v or MSO Concentrate at a rate of 0.5% v/v.
  • Do not apply following a soil treatment with a group 28 insecticide.
  • Toxic to bees and certain beneficial insects.  Apply early in the morning or late in the evening when bees are not active.
  • Note:  Do not tank-mix or apply in sequence with strobilurin-, copper- or captan-containing fungicides.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 30 days for legume vegetables, cereals, grass, crop group 1A (including beets, carrots, radish, parsnip, turnip) and crop group 2 (inlcuding beet greens and turnip greens).
  • Observe a plantback interval of 1 year for crops not on this label.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.



Group 29
120 to 160 g/ha
(50 to 65 g/acre)

Apply in 94 L/ha (38 L/acre) of water
  • Also suppresses lygus bug on leafy vegetables.  Check lable for rate.
  • Registered on leafy vegetables (crop group 4-13A): amaranth leafy, arugula, cardoon, Chinese celery, celtuce, chervil, Chrsyanthemum, corn salad, cress, dandelion, dock, endive, Florence, fennel, orach, parsley, purslane, radicchio, New Zealand spinach and Swiss chard.
  • Also registered on brassica (cole) leafy vegetables (crop group 4-13B): Chinese broccoli, Broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage (bok choy), Chinese mustard cabbage, cavalo broccoli, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach, rape greens.
  • Also registered on brassica head and stem vegetables (crop group 5-13):  Chinese (napa) cabbage.
  • Also registered on cucurbit vegetables (crop group 9): Chinese waxgourd, gourd, and Momordica spp. (bitter melon, Chinese cucumber).
  • Repeat at 7 day intervals as needed.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per year.
  • For leafy vegetables, do not apply more than 600 g/ha (240 g/ac) per season.
  • For cucurbits, brassica head and stem and brassica leafy vegetables, do not apply more than 480 g/ha (200 g/ac) of product per season.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF).
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF).

OMRI-Canada – Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada.



Chemical control of cutworms

Product Rate PHI* Comments



Group 3

Used in organics

2.32 to 4.65 L/ ha
(0.9 to 1.9 L/ ac)
  • Registered on Leafy Vegetables (Crop Group 4-13 including:  Chinese amaranth, leafy amaranth, arugula, broccoli raab, Chinese broccoli, Abyssinian cabbage, seakale cabbage, Chinese cabbage (bok choy), garland chrysanthemum, cilanto (fresh leaves), collards, upland cress, dandelion, endive, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, parsley (fresh leaves), radicchio (red chicory), rape greens, Malabar spinach, New Zealand spinach, Swiss chard, turnip greens and watercress.
  • Do not apply in greenhouses.
  • Final mix should be buffered to pH of 5.5 to 7.0
  • Apply using a 3 day interval.
  • Do not make more than 10 applications per season.
  • Do not apply more than 46.5 L/ha (18.8 L/ac) per growing season.
  • Do not wet plants to the point of run off.
  • Highly toxic to bees. Avoid use when bees are actively foraging. Best applied in early morning or evening.
  • Avoid applications when runoff is likely.
  • Sprayboom height must be 60 cm or less above the crop or ground.
  • Pyganic products are OMRI-Canada listed.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.

Scorpio Ant and Insect Bait


Group 5

25 to 50 kg/ha
(10.1 to 20.2 kg/acre)
  • Controls black cutworm.
  • Registered on crop group 9 cucurbit vegetables including: Chinese waxgourd, citron melon, gherkin, edible gourd, muskmelon, bitter melon, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, muskmelon.
  • Also registered on kohlrabi.
  • Apply using a spreader suitable for granulars or by hand.
  • Scatter the bait on the soil around seedlings.
  • Do not place in piles
  • Repeat after heavy rain or irrigation.
  • Repeat as the bait is consumed or after 4 weeks.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per season.
  • Works better when soil is moist but with little or no standing water.
  • Toxic to bees and certain beneficials.

Minecto Pro

(abamectin/ cyantraniliprole)

Group 6 and 28

370 mL/ha

(150 mL/acre)

Apply in 200 L/ha (80 L/acre) of water

  • Registered on leafy greens crop subgroup 4-13A including: amaranth, chervil (fresh leaves), chrysanthemum (garland), cilantro (fresh leaves), corn salad, dandelion, endive, radicchio (red chicory), Swiss chard.
  • Use with 0.1 to 0.5% v/v non-ionic surfactant in the spray mixture.
  • For early season control, apply when rain is not expected in the next 24 hours.
  • For best results, apply to smaller plants when lower portions of plant can receive adequate coverage.
  • Ensure thorough coverage.
  • Repeat using a 7 day interval.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per season using the high rate.
  • Do not apply more than 5 times per season using the low rate.
  • Do not apply more than 2.010 L/ha (813 mL/acre) per season.
  • Do not apply for 60 days following an in-furrow or soil application or seed piece treatment with any group 28 insecticide.
  • Check label for plantback intervals.
  • Do not re-enter for 12 hours.

Minecto Pro

(abamectin/ cyantraniliprole)

Group 6 and 28

385 to 556 mL/ha

(156 to 225 mL/acre)

Apply in 200 L/ha (80 L/acre) of water

  • Registered on crop group 9 cucurbit vegetables including: Chinese waxgourd, citron melon, gherkin, edible gourd, muskmelon, bitter melon, cantaloupe, honeydew melon.
  • Use with 0.1 to 0.5% v/v non-ionic surfactant in the spray mixture.
  • For early season control, apply when rain is not expected in the next 24 hours.
  • For best results, apply to smaller plants when lower portions of plant can receive adequate coverage.
  • Ensure thorough coverage.
  • Repeat using a 7 day interval.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per season using the high rate.
  • Do not apply more than 5 times per season using the low rate.
  • Do not apply more than 2.010 L/ha (813 mL/acre) per season.
  • Do not apply for 60 days following an in-furrow or soil application or seed piece treatment with any group 28 insecticide.
  • Check label for plantback intervals.
  • Do not re-enter for 12 hours.



Group 28
250 mL/ha
(100 mL/acre)

Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on Crop Group 4 Leafy Vegetables including: amaranth leafy, arugula, cardoon, Chinese celery, celtuce, chervil, Chrsyanthemum, corn salad, cress, dandelion leaves, dock, endive, Florence, fennel, orach, parsley leaves, purslane, radicchio, New Zealand spinach and Swiss chard.
  • Do not apply for a minimum of 60 days following an in-furrow or soil application or planting of seed pieces treated with any Group 28 insecticide.
  • Repeat at 3 day intervals as needed.
  • Do not make more than 4 applications per season.
  • Do not make more than 2 successive applications per generation of loopers.  The following application must be with an effective non-Group 28 insecticide.
  • Do not apply more than 1 L/ha (400 mL/ac) per season.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.



Group 28
250 mL/ha
(100 mL/acre)

Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on Crop Group 5 Brassica Vegetables including: Chinese broccoli, broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage (bok choy and napa), cabbage (chinese mustard, choy), cavalo broccoli, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach and rape greens.
  • Do not apply for a minimum of 60 days following an in-furrow or soil application or planting of seed pieces treated with any Group 28 insecticide.
  • For optimum control, apply with a modified seed oil adjuvant (see label).
  • Repeat at 3 day intervals as needed.
  • Do not make more than 4 applications per season.
  • Do not make more than 2 successive applications per generation of loopers.  The following application must be with an effective non-Group 28 insecticide.
  • Do not apply more than 1 L/ha (400 mL/ac) per season.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.


Group 28
500 to 750 mL/ha
(200 to 305 mL/acre)
Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on crop group 4 leafy vegetables: amaranth (leafy amaranth, Chinese spinach), arugula, cardoon, celtuce, chervil, Chinese celery, corn salad, dandeliion, dock (sorrel), edible-leaved chrysanthemum, endive (escarole), Florence fennel (finochio), garden cress, garden purslane, New Zealand spinach, orach, radicchio (red chicory), swiss chard, upland cress (winter cress, yellow rocket), vine spinach (Indian spinach, Malabar spinach), winter purslane.
  • Also registered on brassica vegetables: Chinese broccoli, Broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage (bok choy, napa), Chinese mustard cabbage, cavalo broccoli, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach, rape greens.
  • Do not make more than 4 applications per growing season.
  • Repeat at 7 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 4.5 L/ha (1.8 L/acre) per season.
  • For early season control, apply to foliage when rain is not expected in the next 24 hours.
  • Ensure adequate coverage to lower portions of plant.
  • Do not apply following a soil treatment with a group 28 insecticide.
  • Toxic to bees and certain beneficial insects.  Apply early in the morning or late in the evening when bees are not active.
  • See aphid control comments (this table) for tank-mix precautions and plantback intervals.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF, 421KB)
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF, 703KB)

OMRI-Canada – Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada.


Cabbage loopers, diamondback moths, imported cabbageworms

Chemical control of cabbage loopers, diamondback moths, imported cabbageworms

Product Rate PHI* Comments


(Autorgrapha californica)

Used in organics

2.5X1010 to 1X1011 PIB's per 400L of water 0
  • Registered on crop group 4-13 leafy vegetables including: arugula, broccoli raab, chervil (fresh leaves), Chinese broccoli, Chinese cabbage (bok choy), cilantro (fresh leaves), collards, endive, garden cress, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, radicchio (red chicory), rape greens, Swiss chard, turnip greens, upland cress and watercress. 
  • Controls cabbage looper only.
  • For use in the greenhouse on plants grown for transplanting.
  • Dilute 50 to 200 mL of product in 400 of water.
  • Apply using high volume spray systems targeting small larvae.
  • To be effective, larvae must ingest foliage with deposits of the product.
  • Repeat every 7 to 14 days.
  • The pH of the solution should range between 5 and 8.
  • Loopex (PCP# 31791) is OMRI-Canada listed.  Check with your certification body before using on an organic operation.

Sevin XLR


Group 1A
2.5 to 5.25 L/ha
(1.0 to 2.1 L/acre)

Chinese cabbage, mustard greens, dandelion, endive and Swiss Chard
  • Registered on Chinese cabbage and mustard greens, dandelion, endive, kohlrabi and Swiss chard.
  • Also controls spittle bug.  Check label.
  • Does not control loopers. 
  • Do not make more than 2 applications per year.
  • Repeat at a 7 day interval.
  • Use lower rates on young plants.
  • Toxic to bees.  Do not apply while crop is in bloom.
  • Do not enter treated area for hand-harvesting, hand-pruning or irrigation for 5 days.  Do not re-enter for scouting, hand-weeding or thinning for 12 hours.



Group 3

Used in organics

2.32 to 4.65 L/ ha
(0.9 to 1.9 L/ ac)
  • Does not control cabbage loopers.
  • Registered on Leafy Vegetables (Crop Group 4-13 including:  Chinese amaranth, leafy amaranth, arugula, broccoli raab, Chinese broccoli, Abyssinian cabbage, seakale cabbage, Chinese cabbage (bok choy), garland chrysanthemum, cilanto (fresh leaves), collards, upland cress, dandelion, endive, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, parsley (fresh leaves), radicchio (red chicory), rape greens, Malabar spinach, New Zealand spinach, Swiss chard, turnip greens and watercress.
  • Do not apply in greenhouses.
  • Final mix should be buffered to pH of 5.5 to 7.0
  • Apply using a 3 day interval.
  • Do not make more than 10 applications per season.
  • Do not apply more than 46.5 L/ha (18.8 L/ac) per growing season.
  • Do not wet plants to the point of run off.
  • Highly toxic to bees. Avoid use when bees are actively foraging. Best applied in early morning or evening.
  • Avoid applications when runoff is likely.
  • Sprayboom height must be 60 cm or less above the crop or ground.
  • Pyganic products are OMRI-Canada listed.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.

Pounce 384 EC/

Perm-Up EC


Group 3
90 to 180 mL/ha
(35 to 75 mL/acre)

Apply in 400 to 675 L/ha (100 to 275 L/acre) of water
pak choi Ch. cabbage: 3

Ch. broccoli: 7
  • Registered on pak choi Chinese cabbage and Chinese broccoli.
  • Add Agral 90 wetting agent at 300 mL per 1000 L to improve coverage.
  • Repeat using a 7 to 10 day interval.
  • Do not make more than 4 applications per year.
  • Do not make more than 730 mL/ha (295 mL/acre) per season.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 60 days for food and feed crops not listed.
  • Toxic to bees. Avoid spraying when bees are foraging.
  • A vegetative filter strip is required between the field edge and adjacent downhill aquatic habitats.  See label for details.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.

Matador 120 EC 

Group 3


Caterpillars:  42 mL/ha
(17 mL/acre)
Loopers:  83 mL/ha
(34 mL/acre)

Chinese broccoli and kohlrabi: 3
Chinese cabbage: 1

  • Registered on Chinese broccoli (gai lan), Chinese cabbage (napa) and kohlrabi.
  • Do not apply in the greenhouse.
  • Apply as a ground spray in 100 to 200 L/ha (40 to 80 L/acre) of water.
  • Repeat using a 7 day application interval.
  • Do not make more than 3 applications per year (249 mL/ha (101 ml/ac) of Matador per year).
  • If the field slopes downward to water, construct and maintain a vegetative filter strip.  Check label for details.
  • Check label for personal protective equipment requirements.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.


(imidacloprid and deltamethrin)

Group 3 and 4
650 mL/ ha
(265 mL/ ac)

Apply in 100 to 200 L/ha (40 to 80 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on crop subgroup 5-A head and stem brassicaeChinese broccoli, Chinese cabbage (napa), Chinese mustard cabbage, cavalo broccoli & kohlrabi.
  • Repeat at 5 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per year.
  • Do not apply Concept following a soil application of a Group 4 insecticide.
  • Observe a plan back interval of 9 months for peas and beans and one year for all other crops not listed on label.
  • Highly toxic to bees.
  • Do not enter treated area for 24 hours.


(acetamiprid and novaluron)

Group 4 and 15

440 to 750 mL/ha
(180 to 305 mL/acre)

Apply in 200 L/ha (80 L/acre) of water

  • Registered on Brassica head and stem vegetables (Crop Group 5-13) including Chinese cabbage (napa).
  • Repeat using a 7 day application interval.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per season.
  • Toxic to bees.  Do not apply to flowering crops or weeds if bees are visiting the treatment area.
  • Toxic to certain beneficial insects.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for hand weeding, scouting, tying or training for 2 days.  For all other activities do not re-enter for 12 hours. 

Entrust 80

Group 5
Used in organics
109 g/ha
(44 g/acre)
leafy brassicae
root and tuber:

non-brassicae leafy veg:
  • Registered on leafy brassicae: Chinese broccoli, Chinese cabbage, mustard/Chinese cabbage, Napa/Chinese cabbage, broccolo cavalo, kohlrabi, raab (rapini) broccoli, Bok Choy/Chinese cabbage, collards, kale, mustard greens, rape greens.
  • Also registered on root and tuber vegetables: oriental radish.
  • Also registered on non-brassica leafy vegetables: endive, radicchio, Chinese celery, celtuce, Florence fennel and Swiss chard.
  • Repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per year.
  • Highly toxic to bees.  Do not apply if bees are visiting the area.  
  • Harmful to parasitoids and predatory mites.  Slightly harmful to foliage-dwelling predators.
  • Entrust products are OMRI-USA listed.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.
  • For crops in the Brassica crop group, do not re-enter treated area for 3 days for hand harvesting, irrigating, pruning, topping, thinning or tying activities.
  • For all other activities, do not re-enter treated area until residues have dried.

Entrust SC

Group 5
Used in organics
364 mL/ha
(147 mL/acre)
leafy brassicae
root and tuber:

non-brassicae leafy veg:
  • Registered on leafy brassicae: Chinese broccoli, Chinese cabbage, mustard/Chinese cabbage, Napa/Chinese cabbage, broccolo cavalo, kohlrabi, raab (rapini) broccoli, Bok Choy/Chinese cabbage, collards, kale, mustard greens, rape greens.
  • Also registered on root and tuber vegetables: oriental radish.
  • Also registered on non-brassicae leafy vegetables: endive, radicchio, Chinese celery, celtuce, Florence fennel and Swiss chard.
  • Repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per year.
  • Highly toxic to bees.  Do not apply if bees are visiting the area.  
  • Harmful to parasitoids and predatory mites.  Slightly harmful to foliage-dwelling predators.
  • Entrust SC (PCP# 30382) is OMRI-Canada listed.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.
  • For crops in the Brassica crop group, do not re-enter treated area for 3 days for hand harvesting, irrigating, pruning, topping, thinning or tying activities.
  • For all other activities, do not re-enter treated area until residues have dried.
  • For crops in the Brassica crop group, do not re-enter treated area for 3 days for hand harvesting, irrigating, pruning, topping, thinning or tying activities.
  • For all other activities, do not re-enter treated area until residues have dried.


Group 5
182 mL/ha
(74 mL/acre)
leafy brassicae
root and tuber:

non-brassicae leafy veg:
  • Registered on leafy brassicae: Chinese broccoli, Chinese cabbage, mustard/Chinese cabbage, Napa/Chinese cabbage, broccolo cavalo, kohlrabi, raab (rapini) broccoli, Bok Choy/Chinese cabbage, collards, kale, mustard greens, rape greens.
  • Also registered on root and tuber vegetables: oriental radish.
  • Also registered on non-brassicae leafy vegetables: endive, radicchio, Chinese celery, celtuce, Florence fennel and Swiss chard.
  • Repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per year.
  • Highly toxic to bees.  Do not apply if bees are visiting the area.  
  • Harmful to parasitoids and predatory mites.  Slightly harmful to foliage-dwelling predators.
  • For crops in the Brassica crop group, do not re-enter treated area for 3 days for hand harvesting, irrigating, pruning, topping, thinning or tying activities.
  • For all other activities, do not re-enter treated area until residues have dried.

Delegate WG


Group 5
140 to 200 g/ha
(60 to 80 g/acre)












  • Registered on leafy vegetables (brassica): Chinese broccoli, Chinese cabbage, mustard/Chinese cabbage, napa/Chinese cabbage, cavalo broccolo, kohlrabi, broccoli raab (rapini), Bok Choy/Chinese cabbage, collards, kale, mustard greens, mustard spinach, rape greens.
  • Also registered for control of cabbage looper only on leafy vegetables (non-brassica): arugula, chervil, garden cress, upland cress, endive, orach, parsley, radicchio, New Zealand spinach, vine spinach, cardoon, Chinese celery, celtuce, Florence fennel and Swiss chard.
  • Final solution pH should be in the range of 6 to 8.
  • Apply at egg hatch or to small larvae.
  • Repeat using a 5 day application interval.
  • Do not make more than 3 applications per year.
  • Toxic to bees. Avoid spraying when bees are foraging.
  • Do not re-enter area for 12 hours.

Minecto Pro

(abamectin/ cyantraniliprole)

Group 6 and 28

370 mL/ha

(150 mL/acre)

Apply in 200 L/ha (80 L/acre) of water
  • Controls loopers only.
  • Registered on leafy greens crop subgroup 4-13a including: amaranth, chervil (fresh leaves), chrysanthemum (garland), cilantro (fresh leaves), corn salad, dandelion, endive, radicchio (red chicory), Swiss chard.
  • Use with 0.1 to 0.5% v/v non-ionic surfactant in the spray mixture.
  • Ensure thorough coverage.
  • Repeat using a 7 day interval.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per season using the high rate.
  • Do not apply more than 5 times per season using the low rate.
  • Do not apply more than 2.010 L/ha (813 mL/acre) per season.
  • Do not apply for 60 days following an in-furrow or soil application or seed piece treatment with any group 28 insecticide.
  • Check label for plantback intervals.
  • Do not re-enter for 12 hours.

Bioprotec CAF

(Bacillus thuringiensis)

Group 11
1.4 to 2.8 L/ha
(0.6 to 1.1 L/acre)

Apply in 300 L/ha (120 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on Asian radish, collards, Chinese cabbage, Chinese broccoli, bok choy, kale, mustard greens & turnip greens. 
  • Most effective when pests are young.
  • Must be eaten by caterpillars.
  • Do not apply more than 5 times per year.

Dipel 2X DF

(Bacillus thuringiensis)

Used in organics

55 to 550 g/ha
(22 to 220 g/acre)

Apply in 400 L/ha (160 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on Asian radish, collards, Chinese cabbage, Chinese broccoli, bok choy, kale, mustard greens & turnip greens
  • Different rates are required for listed pests, for Dipel 2X DF (check label).
  • For collards, kale and mustard greens, Dipel 2X DF is registered for control of cabbage loopers only.
  • Most effective when pests are young.
  • Must be eaten by caterpillars.
  • Do not apply more than 5 times per year.
  • Dipel 2X DF (PCP# 26508) is OMRI-Canada listed.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.


(Bacillus thuringiensis)
Group 11
Used in organics
2.0 to 4.25 L/ha
(0.8 to 1.7 L/acre)

Apply in 200 L/ha (80 L/acre) of water.

  • Controls cabbage loopers only on mustard greens and kale.  
  • Worms stop feeding and die within 12 to 72 hours.
  • Thuricide products are OMRI-USA listed.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.

XenTari WG

(Bacillus thuringiensis, subsp. aizawai)
Group 11
Used in organics
500 to 1000 g/ha
(200 to 400 g/acre)
Use 500 L/ha (200 L/acre) of water.
  • Controls loopers only on leafy greens (sub-group 4-13a) including cilantro (fresh leaves), endive, parsley, radicchio (red chicory) and Swiss chard.
  • Also registered on brassica leafy greens (sub-group 4-13b); brassica head and stem vegetables & kohlrabi including arugula, broccoli raab, Chinese broccoli, Chinese cabbage (bok choy), Chinese napa cabbage, collards, garden & upland cress, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, rape greens and turnip greens. 
  • Treat larvae at the early instar stage.
  • Repeat at 3 to 14 day intervals.
  • For kohlrabi, use enough water to ensure full coverage but not to the point of run off.
  • Larvae must be actively feeding on treated, exposed plant surfaces.
  • Apply in the evening or on a cloudy day.
  • Do not allow spray mixture to stand in the tank for more than 12 hours.
  • Xen Tari products are OMRI-USA listed.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.

Rimon 10 EC

Group 15
410 -820 mL/ha
(165 to 330 mL/ acre)

Apply in 200 to 400 L/ ha (80 to 160 L/acre) of water

Ch. broccoli, Ch. cabbage, Ch. mustard cabbage, cavalo broccoli, kohlrabi: 

2 to 4

leafy brassica greens: 7

  • Registered on Chinese Broccoli, Chinese cabbage (napa), Chinese mustard cabbage (gai choy), cavalo broccoli and kohlrabi.  
  • Also registered on leafy brassica greens: broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage (bok choy), collards, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach and rape greens.
  • Repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals as needed.
  • Do not make more than 3 applications per season.
  • Do not apply more than 2.46 L/ha (995 mL/ac) per season.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.
  • May be toxic to bees.



Group 18
300 to 600 mL/ha
(120 to 240 mL/acre)

Apply in 300 L/ha (120 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on leafy vegetables (crop group 4): amaranth (leafy amaranth, Chinese spinach), arugula, cardoon, celtuce, chervil, Chinese celery, corn salad, dandeliion, dock (sorrel), edible-leaved chrysanthemum, endive (escarole), Florence fennel (finochio), garden cress, garden purslane, New Zealand spinach, orach, radicchio (red chicory), swiss chard, upland cress (winter cress, yellow rocket), vine spinach (Indian spinach, Malabar spinach), winter purslane.
  • Also registered on brassica vegetables: Chinese broccoli, Broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage (bok choy, napa), Chinese mustard cabbage, cavalo broccoli, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach, rape greens.
  • Apply at first sign of feeding damage.
  • For Brassica Vegetables, tank-mix with a nonionic surfactant such as Agral 90 at 0.25% v/v.
  • Repeat at 7 to 14 day intervals.
  • Do not re-enter treated areas for 12 hours.



Group 28
250 mL/ha
(100 mL/acre)

Apply in 100 L per ha (40 L/acre) of water

Brassica only:
for optimum control, apply with a modified seed oil adjuvant (see label).

Brassica: 3






Leafy Veg: 1

  • Registered on Crop Group 5 Brassica Vegetables including: Chinese broccoli, broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage (bok choy and napa), Chinese mustard, choy, cavalo broccoli, collards, kale kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach and rape greens.
  • Also registered for cabbage looper only on Crop Group 4 Leafy Vegetables including: amaranth leafy, arugula, cardoon, Chinese celery, celtuce, chervil, chrysanthemum, corn salad, cress, dandelion leaves, dock, endive, Florence fennel, orach, parsley leaves, purslane, radicchio, New Zealand spinach and Swiss chard.
  • Do not apply for a minimum of 60 days following an in-furrow or soil application or planting of seed pieces treated with any Group 28 insecticide.
  • Repeat at 3 day intervals.
  • Do not make more than 4 applications per season.
  • Do not make more than 2 successive applications per generation of loopers.  The following application must be with an effective non-Group 28 insecticide.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.


Group 28
750 to 1000 mL/ha
(305 to 405 mL/acre)
  • Registered on brassica vegetables: Chinese broccoli, Broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage (bok choy, napa), Chinese mustard cabbage, gai choy, cavalo broccoli, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach, rape greens.
  • Apply as an in-furrow spray, in the transplant water at the time of transplanting.
  • Do not make more than 1 soil application per season.
  • Do not apply more than 1.7 L/ha (690 mL/ac) per year.
  • Adjust the pH of the spray tank to approximately 4 to 6 using a commercially available acidifier.  See label for directions.
  • Do not make subsequent foliar applications of a group 28 insecticide for 60 days following a soil application.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 30 days for legume vegetables, cereals and grass.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 1 year for crops not on this label.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.


Group 28

250 to 500 mL/ha
(100 to 200 mL/acre)

Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water

  • Controls cabbage looper on leafy vegetables (crop group 4): amaranth (leafy amaranth, Chinese spinach), arugula, cardoon, celtuce, chervil, Chinese celery, corn salad, dandelion, dock (sorrel), edible-leaved chrysanthemum, endive (escarole), Florence fennel (finochio), garden cress, garden purslane, New Zealand spinach, orach, radicchio (red chicory), swiss chard, upland cress (winter cress, yellow rocket), vine spinach (Indian spinach, Malabar spinach), winter purslane.
  • Also registered on brassica vegetables: Chinese broccoli, Broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage (bok choy, napa), Chinese mustard cabbage, cavalo broccoli, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach, rape greens.
  • Do not make more than 4 applications per growing season.
  • Repeat at 7 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 4.5 L/ha (1.8 L/acre) per season.
  • Do not apply following a soil treatment with a group 28 insecticide.
  • Toxic to bees and certain beneficial insects.  Apply early in the morning or late in the evening when bees are not active.
  • See aphid control comments (this table) for tank-mix precautions and plantback intervals.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.

Harvanta 50SL

Group 28
0.8 to 1.2 L/ha
(324 to 485 mL/acre)
Apply in 200 to 1000 L/ha (80 to 400 L/acre) of water
  • Controls cabbage looper and diamondback moth.
  • Registered on crop group 4-13 leafy vegetables including: arugula, Chinese broccoli, broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage (bok choy), collards, cress (garden & upland), endive, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, raddichio,radish leaves, rape greens, Swiss chard and turnip leaves.
  • Do not use in the greenhouse.
  • Repeat using a 5 day interval.
  • Do not make more than 6 applications per crop per year for control of cabbage looper.
  • Do not make more than 6 applications per crop per year using the low rate for control of diamondback moth.  
  • Do not make more than 4 applications per crop per year using the high rate for control of diamondback moth.
  • Do not apply more than 4.8 L/ha (1.9 L/acre) per year.
  • Toxic to bees.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 30 days for crops not listed.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.



Group 30

125 mL/ha
(50 mL/acre)

Use sufficient water to ensure thorough coverage

  • Registered on Brassica head and stem vegetables CG 5-13 including Chinese (napa) cabbage.
  • Also registered on Leafy Vegetables Crop Group 4-13 including Chinese amaranth, leafy amaranth, arugula, broccoli raab, Chinese broccoli, Abyssinian cabbage, garland chrysanthemum, garden and upland cress, dandelion, dillweed (fresh leaves), dock, endive, escarole, mizuna, mustard greens, parsley (fresh leaves), plantain, purslane, radicchio (red chicory), radish (leaves), rape greens, Swiss chard and turnip greens.
  • Do not use in the greenhouse.
  • Apply as a foliar spray.
  • Use adequate water volume to ensure thorough coverage of foliage.
  • Do not make more than 2 foliar applications per year.
  • Repeat using a 7 day application interval.
  • Toxic to bees.  Do not apply during crop blooming period.
  • A vegetative filter strip is required between the field edge and adjacent, downhill aquatic habitats.  Check label for details.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 30 days for crops not listed on label.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF, 421KB)
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF, 703KB)

OMRI-Canada = Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada
OMRI-USA = Organic Materials Review Institute of USA

Flea beetles

Chemical control of flea beetles

Product Rate PHI* Comments



Group 3

Used in organics

2.32 to 4.65 L/ ha
(0.9 to 1.9 L/ ac)
  • Provides reduction only.
  • Registered on Leafy Vegetables (Crop Group 4-13 including:  Chinese amaranth, leafy amaranth, arugula, broccoli raab, Chinese broccoli, Abyssinian cabbage, seakale cabbage, Chinese cabbage (bok choy), garland chrysanthemum, cilanto (fresh leaves), collards, upland cress, dandelion, endive, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, parsley (fresh leaves), radicchio (red chicory), rape greens, Malabar spinach, New Zealand spinach, Swiss chard, turnip greens and watercress.
  • Do not apply in greenhouses.
  • Final mix should be buffered to pH of 5.5 to 7.0
  • Apply using a 3 day interval.
  • Do not make more than 10 applications per season.
  • Do not apply more than 46.5 L/ha (18.8 L/ac) per growing season.
  • Do not wet plants to the point of run off.
  • Highly toxic to bees. Avoid use when bees are actively foraging. Best applied in early morning or evening.
  • Avoid applications when runoff is likely.
  • Sprayboom height must be 60 cm or less above the crop or ground.
  • Pyganic products are OMRI-Canada listed.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.

Matador 120EC


Group 3

42 mL/ha
(17 mL/acre)

Apply in 100 to 200 L/ha (40 to 80 L/acre) of water

Chinese broccoli and kohlrabi: 3
Chinese cabbage: 1

  • Controls crucifer flea beetle.
  • Registered on Chinese broccoli (gai lan), Chinese cabbage (napa) and kohlrabi.
  • Do not apply in the greenhouse.
  • Repeat using a 7 day application interval.
  • Do not make more than 3 applications per year (249 mL/ha (101 ml/ac) of Matador per year).
  • If the field slopes downward to water, construct and maintain a vegetative filter strip.  Check label for details.
  • Check label for personal protective equipment requirements.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.

Entrust 80


Group 5

Used in organics
(44 g/acre)
  • Suppression only of crucifer flea beetle.
  • Registered on brassica leafy greens (subgroup 4-13B):  arugula, broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage, bok choy, collards, kale, mustard greens, rape greens.
  • Also registered on kohlrabi.
  • Apply at the emergence of adult flea beetles.
  • Repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per year.
  • Highly toxic to bees.  Do not apply if bees are visiting the area.  
  • Harmful to parasitoids and predatory mites.  Slightly harmful to foliage-dwelling predators.
  • Entrust products are OMRI-USA listed.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 3 days for hand harvesting, irrigating, pruning, topping, thinning or tying activities.
  • For all other activities, do not re-enter treated area until residues have dried.

Entrust SC


Group 5

Used in organics

364 mL/ha

(147 mL/acre)
  • Suppression only of crucifer flea beetle.
  • Registered on brassica leafy greens (subgroup 4-13B):  arugula, broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage, bok choy, collards, kale, mustard greens, rape greens.
  • Also registered on kohlrabi.
  • Repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per year.
  • Highly toxic to bees.  Do not apply if bees are visiting the area.  
  • Harmful to parasitoids and predatory mites.  Slightly harmful to foliage-dwelling predators.
  • Entrust SC (PCP# 30382) is OMRI-Canada listed.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 3 days for hand harvesting, irrigating, pruning, topping, thinning or tying activities.
  • For all other activities, do not re-enter treated area until residues have dried.



Group 5
182 mL/ha (74 mL/acre) 3
  • Suppression only of crucifer flea beetle.
  • Registered on brassica leafy greens (subgroup 4-13B):  arugula, broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage, bok choy, collards, kale, mustard greens, rape greens.
  • Also registered on kohlrabi.
  • Treat at the emergence of adults.
  • Repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per year.
  • Highly toxic to bees.  Do not apply if bees are visiting the area.  
  • Harmful to parasitoids and predatory mites.  Slightly harmful to foliage-dwelling predators.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 3 days for hand harvesting, irrigating, pruning, topping, thinning or tying activities.
  • For all other activities, do not re-enter treated area until residues have dried.

Sevin XLR


Group 1A
1.25 to 2.5 L/ha
(0.5 to 1.0 L/acre)
  • Registered on Chinese cabbage and mustard greens, dandelion, endive, kohlrabi and Swiss Chard.
  • Also controls leafhoppers.  Check label.
  • Do not make more than 2 applications per year.
  • Repeat at a 7 day interval.
  • Use lower rates on young plants.
  • Toxic to bees.  Do not apply while crop is in bloom.
  • Do not enter treated area for hand-harvesting, hand-pruning or irrigation for 5 days.  Do not re-enter for scouting, hand-weeding or thinning for 12 hours.


(imidacloprid & deltamethrin)

Group 3 and 4
650 mL/ ha
(265 mL/ ac)

Apply in 100 to 200 L/ha (40 to 80 L/acre) of water
  • Controls crucifer flea beetles.
  • Registered on crop subgroup 5A (head & stem brassicae): Chinese broccoli, Chinese cabbage (napa), Chinese mustard cabbage, cavalo broccoli & kohlrabi.
  • Repeat at 5 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per year.
  • Do not apply Concept following a soil application of a Group 4 insecticide.
  • Observe a plan back interval of 9 months for peas and beans and one year for all other crops not listed on label.
  • Highly toxic to bees.
  • Do not enter treated area for 24 hours.

Actara 240 SC

Group 4
375 mL/ha
(152 mL/acre)
  • Early season suppression only.
  • Registered on brassica vegetables - Crop Group 5 including Chinese broccoli (gai lan), broccoli raab (rapini), Chinese cabbage (bok choy), Chinese mustard cabbage (gai choy), cavolo broccoii, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach, rape greens.
  • Make an in-furrow application at the seeding or transplant depth or a narrow surface band above the seedline during planting.
  • Use sufficient water volume to ensure uniform application and incorporation into the soil.
  • For a surface application, incorporate to the seeding depth with irrigation within 24 hours after planting.
  • Do not follow with any subsequent foliar applications of a group 4 insecticide.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.



Group 28

750 to 1000 mL/ha

(305 to 405 mL/acre)
  • Early season damage reduction. 
  • Registered on brassica vegetables: Chinese broccoli, Broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage (bok choy, napa), Chinese mustard cabbage, gai choy, cavalo broccoli, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach, rape greens.
  • Apply as an in-furrow spray, in the transplant water at the time of transplanting.
  • Do not make more than 1 soil application per season.
  • Do not apply more than 1.7 L/ha (690 mL/ac) per year.
  • Adjust the pH of the spray tank to approximately 4 to 6 using a commercially available acidifier.  See label for directions.
  • Do not make subsequent foliar applications of a group 28 insecticide for 60 days following a soil application.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 30 days for legume vegetables, cereals and grass.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 1 year for crops not on this label.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.



Group 30

375 mL/ha
(152 mL/acre)

Use sufficient water to ensure thorough coverage

  • Registered on Brassica head and stem vegetables CG 5-13 including Chinese (napa) cabbage.
  • Also registered on Leafy Vegetables Crop Group 4-13 including Chinese amaranth, leafy amaranth, arugula, broccoli raab, Chinese broccoli, Abyssinian cabbage, garland chrysanthemum, garden and upland cress, dandelion, dillweed (fresh leaves), dock, endive, escarole, mizuna, mustard greens, parsley (fresh leaves), plantain, purslane, radicchio (red chicory), radish (leaves), rape greens, Swiss chard and turnip greens.
  • Do not use in the greenhouse.
  • Apply as a foliar spray.
  • Use adequate water volume to ensure thorough coverage of foliage.
  • Do not make more than 2 foliar applications per year.
  • Repeat using a 7 day application interval.
  • Toxic to bees.  Do not apply during crop blooming period.
  • A vegetative filter strip is required between the field edge and adjacent, downhill aquatic habitats.  Check label for details.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 30 days for crops not listed on label.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF, 421KB)
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF, 703KB)

OMRI-Canada = Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada
OMRI-USA = Organic Materials Review Institute of USA

Pea leafminer

Chemical control of pea leafminer

Product Rate PHI* Comments

Assail 70WP


Group 4
86 g/ha
(35 g/acre)

Apply in 200 L/ha (80 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on Broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage (bok choy), collards, kale, mustard greens, Chinese mustard, gai choy and rap greens.  
  • Apply at 7 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 5 times per season.
  • Do not enter treated areas for 48 hours for scouting and 4 days for all other activities.

Actara 240 SC


Group 4
375 mL/ha
(152 mL/acre)
  • Will provide residual control.
  • Registered on leafy vegetables - Crop Group 4 including: amaranth, arugula, cardoon, Chinese celery, celtuce, chervil, edible leaved chrsyanthemum, garland chrysanthemum, corn salad, garden cress, upland cress, dandelion, dock, endive, Florence fennel, orach, parsley, garden purslane, winter purlsane, radicchio and New Zealand spinach.
  • Make an in-furrow application at the seeding or transplant depth or a narrow surface band above the seedline during planting.
  • Use sufficient water volume to ensure uniform application and incorporation into the soil.
  • For a surface application, incorporate to the seeding depth with irrigation within 24 hours after planting.
  • Do not follow with any subsequent foliar applications of a group 4 insecticide.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.
  • For Crop Group 4 - leafy vegetables, also controls leafhopper.



Group 28
250 to 375 mL/ha
(100 to 150 mL/acre)

Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water.

leafy veg: 1



brassica veg:3

  • Registered on leafy vegetables (except Brassica vegetables): leafy amaranth, arugula, cardoon, Chinese celery, celtuce, chevril, edible-leaved chrsyanthemum, corn salad, cress, dandelion leaves, dock, endive, Florence fennel, orach, parsley leaves, garden purslane, radicchio, New Zealand spinach and Swiss chard.
  • Also registered on leafy Brassica vegetables: broccoli raab (rapini), Chinese cabbage (bok choy), collards, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach and rape greens.
  • Repeat at 3 day intervals as needed.
  • Do not make more than 4 applications per season.
  • Do not apply more than 1 L/ha (400 mL/ac) per season.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.


Group 28

1000 to 1500 mL/ha
(405 to 605 mL/acre)

Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water

  • Controls Dipteran leafminer larvae.
  • Registered on leafy vegetables (crop group 4): amaranth (leafy amaranth, Chinese spinach), arugula, cardoon, celtuce, chervil, Chinese celery, corn salad, dandeliion, dock (sorrel), edible-leaved chrysanthemum, endive (escarole), Florence fennel (finochio), garden cress, garden purslane, New Zealand spinach, orach, radicchio (red chicory), swiss chard, upland cress (winter cress, yellow rocket), vine spinach (Indian spinach, Malabar spinach), winter purslane.
  • Do not make more than 4 applications per growing season.
  • Repeat at 5 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 4.5 L/ha (1.8 L/acre) per season.
  • Use with an adjuvant such as Hasten NT at a rate of 0.25% v/v or MSO Concentrate at a rate of 0.5% v/v.
  • Do not apply following a soil treatment with a group 28 insecticide.
  • Toxic to bees and certain beneficial insects.  Apply early in the morning or late in the evening when bees are not active.
  • See aphid control comments (this table) for tank-mix precautions and plantback intervals.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.

Harvanta 50SL


Group 28

1.2 L/ha
(485 mL/acre)


Apply in 200 to 1000 L/ha (80 to 400 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on crop group 4-13 leafy vegetables including: arugula, Chinese broccoli, broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage (bok choy), collards, cress (garden & upland), endive, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, raddichio,radish leaves, rape greens, Swiss chard and turnip leaves.
  • Do not use in the greenhouse.
  • Repeat using a 5 day interval.
  • Do not make more than 6 applications per crop per year. 
  • Do not apply more than 4.8 L/ha (1.9 L/acre) per year.
  • Toxic to bees.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 30 days for crops not listed.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF, 421KB)
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF, 703KB)



Chemical control of lygus
Product Rate PHI* Comments

Malathion 85E


Group 1B

880 mL/ha
(356 mL/acre)

Apply in 1000 L/ha (405 L/acre) of water

  • Registered on Crop Group 5-13 Brassica head and stem vegetables: Chinese cabbage (napa).
  • Do not make more than 1 application per year.
  • Best control is obtained when the temperature is above 20°C.
  • Toxic to birds and bees.
  • Do not apply to flowering crop or weeds if bees are visiting the treatment area.
  • Do not apply where runoff is likely to occur.
  • Do not apply after expiry date on the container label.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.



Group 3

Used in organics

4.65 L/ ha
(1.9 L/ ac)
  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on Leafy Vegetables (Crop Group 4-13 including:  Chinese amaranth, leafy amaranth, arugula, broccoli raab, Chinese broccoli, Abyssinian cabbage, seakale cabbage, Chinese cabbage (bok choy), garland chrysanthemum, cilanto (fresh leaves), collards, upland cress, dandelion, endive, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, parsley (fresh leaves), radicchio (red chicory), rape greens, Malabar spinach, New Zealand spinach, Swiss chard, turnip greens and watercress.
  • Do not apply in greenhouses.
  • Final mix should be buffered to pH of 5.5 to 7.0
  • Apply using a 3 day interval.
  • Do not make more than 10 applications per season.
  • Do not apply more than 46.5 L/ha (18.8 L/ac) per growing season.
  • Do not wet plants to the point of run off.
  • Highly toxic to bees. Avoid use when bees are actively foraging. Best applied in early morning or evening.
  • Avoid applications when runoff is likely.
  • Sprayboom height must be 60 cm or less above the crop or ground.
  • Pyganic products are OMRI-Canada listed.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF).
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF).

OMRI-Canada = Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada.



Chemical control of mites

Product Rate PHI* Comments

Purespray Green Spray Oil 13E

(mineral oil)
Used in organics
10 L of product in 1000 L of water (1% solution) N/A
  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on cucurbit vegetables crop group 9 including: Chinese waxgourd, gourd, and Momordica spp. (bitter melon, Chinese cucumber).
  • Use up to 1000 L/ha (400 L/acre) spray volume to ensure thorough coverage.
  • Repeat at 7 to 14 day intervals.
  • Do not make more than 8 summer spray applications per growing season.
  • For first use on a new variety, test spray a small field area to check for plant tolerance prior to adoption as a general field practice.
  • Before or after an application of Purespray Green Spray Oil 13E, a period of 14 days must elapse before permethrin (Pounce/ Perm-Up C) is used.
  • Do not apply during periods of drought, when plants exhibit moisture stress. 
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.
  • Purespray Green Spray Oil 13E (PCP# 27666) is OMRI-Canada listed.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.

Minecto Pro

(abamectin/ cyantraniliprole)

Group 6 and 28

385 to 670 mL/ha

(156 to 271 mL/acre)

Apply in 200 L/ha (80 L/acre) of water

  • Registered on cucurbit vegetables (crop group 9) including: Chinese waxgourd, citron melon, gherkin, edible gourd, muskmelon, bitter melon, cantaloupe, honeydew melon.
  • Use with 0.1 to 0.5% v/v non-ionic surfactant in the spray mixture.
  • Apply when mites are 1st observed.
  • Ensure thorough coverage.
  • Repeat using a 7 day interval.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per season using the high rate.
  • Do not apply more than 5 times per season using the low rate.
  • Do not apply more than 2.010 L/ha (813 mL/acre) per season.
  • Do not apply for 60 days following an in-furrow or soil application or seed piece treatment with any group 28 insecticide.
  • Check label for plantback intervals.
  • Do not re-enter for 12 hours.



Group 23

500 to 600 mL/ha
(200 to 240 mL/acre)

Apply in 100 L/ha (40L/acre) of water

  • Registered on cucurbit vegetables (crop group 9) including: bitter melon, Chinese cucumber, Chinese waxgourd and edible gourds.
  • Also registered on fruiting vegetables (crop group 8-09) including okra
  • Repeat at 7 day intervals as needed.
  • Do not make more than 3 applications per season.
  • Do not apply more than 1800 mL/ha (730 mL/acre)  per season.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.



Group 25
1 L/ha
(40 mL/acre)

Apply in 500 L/ha (200 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on Cucurbit Vegetables (Crop Group 9):  chayote, Chinese waxgourd, citron melon, gherkin, edible gourd, bitter melon and Chinese cucumber.
  • Controls two spotted spider mite.
  • Repeat using a 7 day interval.
  • Do not apply more than two times per year.
  • Do not apply if rain is expected within 1 hour.
  • Do not apply through any type of irrigation system.
  • Do not use in the greenhouse.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF, 421KB)
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF, 703KB)

OMRI-Canada = Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada



Chemical control of thrips

Product Rate PHI* Comments

Matador 120 EC / Silencer 120 EC

Group 3
188 mL/ha
(76 mL/acre)
Apply in 500 L/h (200 L/acre) of water

Chinese broccoli & kohlrabi: 3
Chinese cabbage: 1


  • Controls onion thrips.
  • Registered on Chinese broccoli (gai lan), Chinese cabbage (napa) and kohlrabi.
  • Do not apply in the greenhouse.
  • Repeat using a 7 day application interval.
  • Do not make more than 3 applications per year (249 mL/ha (101 ml/ac) of product per year).
  • If the field slopes downward to water, construct and maintain a vegetative filter strip.  Check label for details.
  • Check label for personal protective equipment requirements.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.

Delegate WG


Group 5
200 to 336 g/ha
(80 to 136 g/acre)
Apply in 300 to 500 L/ha (120 to 200 L/acre) of water
  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on brassica head and stem vegetables crop group 5-13 including: Chinese cabbage.
  • Repeat at 7 day intervals.
  • Maximum of 3 applications per year.
  • Toxic to bees. Avoid spraying when bees are foraging.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.



Group 5

Used in organics

87.5 g/ha (35.4 g/acre)

Apply in 300 to 500 L/ha (120 to 200 L/acre) of water


  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on leafy brassicae: Chinese broccoli, Chinese cabbage, mustard/Chinese cabbage, Napa/Chinese cabbage, broccolo cavalo, kohlrabi, raab (rapini) broccoli, Bok Choy/Chinese cabbage, collards, kale, mustard greens, rape greens.
  • Repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per year.
  • Highly toxic to bees.  Do not apply if bees are visiting the area.  
  • Harmful to parasitoids and predatory mites.  Slightly harmful to foliage-dwelling predators.
  • Entrust products are OMRI-USA listed.  Check with your certiification body before using in an organic operation.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 3 days for hand harvesting, irrigating, pruning, topping, thinning or tying activities.
  • For all other activities, do not re-enter treated area until residues have dried.

Entrust SC


Group 5

Used in organics

292 mL/ha (118 mL/acre)

Apply in 300 to 500 L/ha (120 to 200 L/acre) of water

  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on leafy brassicae: Chinese broccoli, Chinese cabbage, mustard/Chinese cabbage, Napa/Chinese cabbage, broccolo cavalo, kohlrabi, raab (rapini) broccoli, Bok Choy/Chinese cabbage, collards, kale, mustard greens, rape greens.
  • Repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per year.
  • Highly toxic to bees.  Do not apply if bees are visiting the area.  
  • Harmful to parasitoids and predatory mites.  Slightly harmful to foliage-dwelling predators.
  • Entrust SC (PCP# 30382) is OMRI-Canada listed.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 3 days for hand harvesting, irrigating, pruning, topping, thinning or tying activities.
  • For all other activities, do not re-enter treated area until residues have dried.



Group 5

146 mL/ha (59 mL/acre)

Apply in 300 to 500 L/ha (120 to 200 L/acre) of water

  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on leafy brassicae: Chinese broccoli, Chinese cabbage, mustard/Chinese cabbage, Napa/Chinese cabbage, broccolo cavalo, kohlrabi, raab (rapini) broccoli, Bok Choy/Chinese cabbage, collards, kale, mustard greens, rape greens.
  • Repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per year.
  • Highly toxic to bees.  Do not apply if bees are visiting the area.  
  • Harmful to parasitoids and predatory mites.  Slightly harmful to foliage-dwelling predators.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 3 days for hand harvesting, irrigating, pruning, topping, thinning or tying activities.
  • For all other activities, do not re-enter treated area until residues have dried.

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF, 421KB)
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF, 703KB)

OMRI-USA = Organic Materials Review Institute of USA

OMRI-Canada = Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada.


Cabbage maggot

The adult is a gray fly, half the size of a housefly, which lays white eggs at the base of plants.  

Legless white maggots hatch and tunnel roots causing rotting of the roots and wilting of the plant. This pest is especially destructive in seed-beds and to young plants after setting in field.

Chemical control of cabbage maggot
Product Rate PHI* Comments

Scorpio Ant and Insect Bait


Group 5
25 to 50 kg/ha
(10.1 to 20.2 kg/acre)
  • Suppression only of larvae.
  • Registered on Crop Group 5-13 Brassica Head and Stem Vegetables – Chinese cabbage (napa).
  • Also registered on kohlrabi.
  • Apply using a spreader suitable for granulars or by hand.
  • Make a broadcast application on the soil near the base of the seedlings directly after transplanting or 5 to 7 days after seeding, or as soon as seed germinates.
  • Reapply after heavy rain or watering or as the bait is consumed, or every 4 weeks.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per year.
  • Works better when soil is moist but with little or no standing water.
  • Do not place bait in piles.
  • Toxic to bees and certain beneficials.



Group 5
25 mL of product in 2 L of water per 1000 plants. N/A
  • Registered on brassica leafy greens (crop subgroup 4-13B):  including arugula, broccoli raab, Chinese broccoli, Chinese cabbage, bok choy, collards, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, radish leaves, rape greens and turnip greens.
  • Apply as a drench before transplanting to the field.
  • Immediately after applying, apply another 2 L of water per 1000 plants to rinse the product off the plants and into the soil.
  • Do not rinse the product out of the transplant medium.
  • Entrust (PCP# 30382) is OMRI-Canada listed.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 24 hours after applying.



Group 5

12.5 mL of product in 2 L of water per 1000 plants.



Group 28

36 to 54 mL of product in 2 L of water per 1000 plants.

  • Registered on Brassica vegetables including broccoli raab, Chinese broccoli, Chinese cabbage, bok choy, napa cabbage, Chinese mustard, gai choy, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard greens and rape greens.
  • Use as a transplant tray drench before transplanting into the field.
  • Ensure the level of moisture in soil or potting media is at optimal field capacity before treating. 
  • If possible, discontinue watering 24 hours before treatment. 
  • Apply as a broadcast, low pressure, coarse, high volume spray to ensure product reaches the root zone but does not run off through the bottom of the tray. 
  • If necessary, make a second pass with fresh water at 2 L per 1000 plants before the spray solution has dried to wash treatment solution from foliage into the soil. 
  • Allow tray to dry before transporting to the field for transplanting, and do not handle trays for a minimum of 12 hours after application without PPE. 
  • Do not make more than 1 application per year. 
  • Do not make a sequential application of Verimark as an in-furrow treatment.
  • Do not apply earlier than 72 hours prior to planting in the field.
  • Do not make a subsequent foliar application of any group 28 insecticide within 60 days following a tray drench application of Verimark

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF, 421KB)
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF, 703KB)

OMRI-Canada = Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada.


Specialty Vegetable Disease Management

There are a few fungicides registered for these crops (see table below). Cultural practices to reduce disease problems include:

  • Crop rotation of at least 3 years
  • Use resistant varieties (if available).
  • Use certified disease-free seed or hot water seed treatments as described in the Vegetable Production Guide: Planting (PDF).
  • Use healthy transplants grown in clean plug trays and sanitized greenhouses.
  • Control disease vectors such as aphids and weed hosts.
  • Rogue out infected plants.
  • Avoid moving in the field when foliage and soil are wet (to reduce the spread of bacterial diseases).
  • Reduce overhead irrigation.
  • Deep-plow crop residues into the soil.
  • Eliminate cull piles.

Root rot

RootShield WP (Trichoderma harzianum Rifai strain KRL-AG2) is a biological fungicide for the suppression of Root Rot in greenhouse vegetable transplants.  When applied to transplants, greenhouse planting mix or soil, the product grows into plant roots as they develop to protect roots against Pythium, Rhizoctonia and Fusarium. 


  • Suspend RootShield WP using a spray volume of 30 to 45 g/100 L and apply at the rate of 55 to 110 g per cubic meter (loose) of greenhouse potting mix, soil or planting beds. 
  • Apply using hand-held backpack or ground spray equipment. 
  • Becomes active when soil temperatures are above 10 degrees C and is not effective while soils remain cold.
  • More effective at suppression of root rot in neutral or acidic soils.  
  • Should be used within 12 months of the date of manufacture.  
  • Contains the allergens wheat and sulfites

RootShield WP is used in organics.  It is OMRI-USA listed.  OMRI-USA = Organic Materials Review Institute of USA.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.

Chemical control of Rhizoctonia root rot

Product Rate PHI* Comments



Group 11

4 to 6 mL of product per 100m of row

Apply in 50 to 100 L/ha (20 to 40 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on daikon radish and horseradish.
  • Apply either in-furrow at seeding or as a banded application over the row soon after emergence or within 30 days of emergence.
  • Do not make more than one application per year.
  • A plant back interval of 30 days is required for broadleaf and root crops.
  • A plant back interval of 45 days is required for cereals.
  • Do not enter treated area until residues have dried.

Aliette WDG


Group 33

20 to 30 g product per 100 m2 in 20 L water per 100 m2 7
  • Registered on greenhouse-grown brassica head and stem vegetable transplants (Crop group 5-13) including Chinese cabbage (napa),
  • Also registered on greenhouse-grown brassica leafy vegetable transplants (crop group 4-13B): including arugula, broccoli raab (rapini), Chinese broccoli (gai lon), Chinese cabbage (bok choy), collards, kale kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach, radish leaves and rape greens.
  • Controls only damping off caused by Pythium spp.
  • Apply as a drench.
  • Make first application during the propagation stage.
  • For control of late damping off, repeat 7 days prior to transplanting.
  • Do not use within one week of a copper application.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.

Serenade Soil

(QST 713 strain of dried Bacillus subtilis)
Used in organics


2.7 to 14 L/ha
(1.1 to 5.7 L/acre)
  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on crop group 1 root and tuber vegetables including: horseradish and oriental radish.
  • Serenade Soil (PCP# 30647) is OMRI-Canada listed.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.

Surface Application:

  • Apply as a 15 cm band over the top of the seed row as a broadcast spray after planting.
  • Ensure incorporation into the seed zone within 24 hours of application via rainfall or overhead irrigation.

Post-plant applications:

  • After crop germination, additional applications may be made to the soil as a drench or spray directed towards the base of the plant.
  • Irrigate to move material into the seed or root zone.
  • Repeat at 21 to 28 day intervals.

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF, 421KB)
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF, 703KB)

OMRI-Canada = Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada

Chemical control of Pythium root rot (Pythium spp.)

Product Rate PHI* Comments


Group 2
30 mL/100L water 60
  • Registered on greenhouse brassica leafy vegetable (crop group 5) transplants for field production.
  • Also controls Pythium damping-off.
  • Apply once in the greenhouse as a soil drench to thoroughly wet the growing medium immediately after seeding.
  • Do not use a surfactant.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.

Serenade Soil

(QST 713 strain of dried Bacillus subtilis)
Used in organics
2.7 to 14 L/ha
(1.1 to 5.7 L/acre)
  • Suppression only.
  • Also suppresses Rhizoctonia damping-off.
  • Registered on crop group 4 leafy vegetables: raddichio and Swiss chard. 
  • Also registered on crop group 5 brassica leafy vegetables: collards, kale kohlrabi and mustard greens.
  • May be applied as a surface application to direct-seeded crop or as a transplant drench.
  • Serenade Soil (PCP# 30647) is OMRI-Canada listed.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.

Transplant Drench:

  • Apply as a drench at the time of transplanting.
  • Apply at a rate to thoroughly soak the growing media through the root zone or as a drench or directed spray using sufficient water to soak the root zone.

Surface Application:

  • Apply as a 15 cm band over the top of the seed row as a broadcast spray after planting.
  • Ensure incorporation into the seed zone within 24 hours of application via rainfall or overhead irrigation.

Post-plant Applications:

  • After crop germination, additional applications may be made to the soil as a drench or spray directed towards the base of the plant.
  • Irrigate to move material into the seed, root or transplant zone within 24 hours.
  • Repeat at 21 to 28 day intervals.

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF, 421KB)
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF, 703KB)

OMRI-Canada = Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada

Chemical control of root and crown rot (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)

Product Rate PHI* Comments


(boscalid & pyraclostrobin)

Group 7 & 11

Prior to cold storage: 
5 to 10 g per 100 kg roots in 2.5 to 3.0 L of water per 100 kg of roots.
Prior to forcing:
4 to 7 g in approx. 0.45 L per m2 of forcing tray.
  • Registered on Belgian endive.
  • Prior to cold storage:  Make one application as a spray to the roots as they move along a conveyor belt used to bring roots from field transportation into cold storage bins.
  • Prior to forcing:  Apply again, making one application as a spray to the roots at the beginning of forcing, after they have been packed in forcing trays.
  • Approximately 70 kg roots will fill 1 square metreof forcing tray.
  • Do not apply more than 20 g per 100 kg roots.
  • Do not apply after the beginning of forcing.

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF, 421KB)
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF, 703KB)


Downy mildew

Chemical control of downy mildew

Product Rate PHI* Comments

Oxidate 2.0

(hydrogen peroxide & peroxyacetic acid)

Used in organics

Dilute 1.0 L product in 100 L water (1.0% v:v) 0
  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on Brassica leafy greens Crop Subgroup 4-13B including arugula, broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage, Abyssinian cabbage, Chinese cabbage, bok choy, collards, garden and upland cress, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, radish leaves, rape greens, turnip greens and watercress. 
  • Can also be used on greenhouse transplants.
  • Use a non-ionic surfactant at 0.10% to 0.125% v/v (0.1 L to 0.125 L per 100 L of spray solution).
  • Repeat using a 7 day application interval.
  • Good coverage is required.
  • Do not apply more than 8 times per season.
  • Do not apply more than 93.5 L/ha (37.8 L/acre) per application.
  • Toxic to bees.  Do not apply if bees are visiting the treatment area.
  • Toxic to certain beneficial insects.
  • Oxidate 2.0 (PCP# 32907) is OMRI-Canada listed.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 4 hours or until sprays have dried. 

Aliette WDG


Group 33

2.25 to 3.125 kg/ha
(0.9 to 1.3 kg/acre)
  • Registered on brassica head and stem vegetables (Crop group 5-13) including Chinese cabbage (napa),
  • Also registered on brassica leafy vegetables (crop group 4-13B): including arugula, broccoli raab (rapini), Chinese broccoli (gai lon), Chinese cabbage (bok choy), collards, kale kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach, radish leaves and rape greens.
  • Maximum of 5 applications per crop season.
  • Repeat at 7 to 14 day intervals.
  • Do not use within one week of a copper application and do not tank mix with copper compounds.
  • May cause phytotoxicity when mixed with adjuvants which enhance pesticide penetration.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.



Group 40

400 to 600 mL/ha
(160 to 240 mL/acre )

Apply in at least 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on Brassica Leafy Greens (Crop Group 4-13B): arugula, broccoli raab, Chinese broccoli, Chinese cabbage; bok choy, kale, mustard greens, radish leaves, rape greens, turnip greens. 
  • Also registered on kohlrabi and Brassica head and stem vegetables (Crop Group 5-13):  Chinese napa cabbage.
  • Do not apply to greenhouse-grown seedlings to be transplanted in the field, until after they have been transplanted out.
  • Use a non-ionic adjuvant (0.25% v/v).
  • Repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 4 times per year.
  • Do not apply more than 2.4 L/ha (970 mL/ac) per season.  
  • Do not make more than 2 consecutive applications of Revus before alternating with a non-Group 40 fungicide.
  • The number of Group 40 fungicide applications must not be greater than 50% of the total number of intended applications for disease control. 
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.

Pristine WG

(boscalid & pyraclostrobin)

Group 7 & 11

2.0 kg/ha
(400 g/acre)
  • Registered on head and stem brassicae: Chinese broccoli (gai lan), Chinese cabbage (napa); Chinese mustard cabbage (gai choy), cavalo broccoli, kohlrabi.
  • Registered on leafy greens (brassicae subgroup): broccoli rabb, Chinese cabbage, collards, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach, rape greens.
  • Suppression only.
  • Repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals.
  • Maximum of 4 applications per season
  • Do not enter treated area for 4 hours

Reason 500SC


Group 11

400 to 600 mL/ha
(160 to 240 mL/acre)
  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on brassica head and stem vegetables group and kohlrabi and brassica leafy greens subgroup including: arugula, broccoli raab, Chinese broccoli, Chinese cabbage, bok choy, collards, garden cress, upland cress, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, radish leaves, rape greensand watercress.
  • Also registered on turnip greens.
  • Repeat at 5 to 10 day intervals
  • Do not apply to turnip greens more than 2 times per season..
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per season to brassica head and stem vegetables, kohlrabi and brassica leafy greens.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 30 days for all crops.
  • Do not enter treated area for 48 hours.

Diplomat 5SC

(polyoxin D zinc salt)

Group 19

463 to 926 mL/ha

(187 to 375 mL/acre)
  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on cucurbit vegetables (crop group 9) including: Chinese waxgourd, citron melon, edible gourd, Momordica spp. (bitter melon, Chinese cucumber), muskmelon honeydew melon.
  • Repeat using a 5 to 8 day interval.
  • Do not apply more than 2.8 L/ha (1.1 L/acre) per season or 12 months.
  • May be used in the greenhouse.



Group 43

Head and stem brassica; leafy vegetables (except brassica vegetables):
292 mL/ha
(118 mL/acre)
Crop subgroup 5B - Leafy brassica greens:
220 mL/ha
(89 mL/acre)
Apply in 200 to 1000 L/ha (80 to 400 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on head and stem brassica: Chinese broccoli (gai lan), Chinese cabbage (napa); Chinese mustard cabbage (gai choy), cavalo broccoli, kohlrabi.
  • Also registered on leafy vegetables (except brassica) including: amaranth, Chinese spinach, cardoon, chrysanthemum (edible-leaved and garland), dandelion, endive, New Zealand spinach, vine spinach and Swiss chard.
  • Also registered on leafy brassica greens (crop subgroup 5b) including: broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage (bok choy), collards, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach and rape greens.
  • Tank-mix with a non-group 43 fungicide that is registered for downy mildew.  Observe most restrictive directions including rate, PHI and re-entry interval.
  • Begin applications at initial flowering and repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals.
  • For leafy brassica greens (crops subgroup 5B), do not apply more than 3 times per season.
  • For head and stem brassicae and leafy vegetables (except Brassica), do not apply more than 4 times per season.
  • For leafy brassica greens (crops subgroup 5B), do not apply more than 660 mL/ha (265 mL/acre) per season.
  • For head and stem brassicae and leafy vegetables, do not apply more than 880 mL/ha (350 mL/acre).
  • Do not use in the greenhouse.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.


Group 40
450 mL/ha
(182 mL /acre)
Apply 200 L/ha (80 L/acre) of water.

brassicae:  7

cucurbits:  2

  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on Brassica Vegetables including: Chinese broccoli (gai lan), Chinese (napa) cabbage, Chinese mustard (gai choy), cavalo broccoli, kohlrabi.
  • Also registered on cucurbit vegetables including: Chinese waxgourd, citron melon, edible gourds, gherkin & momordica spp.
  • Apply as a tank mix with a non-group 40 fungicide that is registered for downy mildew on the crop in question (i.e.  Cucurbits or Brassica). Observe most restrictive directions including rate, PHI and re-entry interval.
  • Do not apply more than 5 times per season.
  • Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before alternating to another non-group 40 fungicide for at least 1 application.
  • For brassica:  repeat at 7 day intervals.
  • For cucurbits:  repeat at 5 to 10 day intervals.
  • For cucurbits:  do not re-enter for hand-harvesting, pruning or thinning for 2 days.
  • Do not handle more than 81 L of Forum per day.
  • Do not re-enter for 12 hours.


(ametoctradin & dimethomorph)

Group 40 and 45

0.8 to 1.0 L/ha
(300 to 400 mL  /acre)

Apply in at least 200 L/ha (80 L/acre) of water.

For Chinese broccoli (gai lan), broccoli raab (rapini), Chinese cabbage (bok choy), Chinese cabbage (napa), Chinese mustard (gai choy), cavalo broccoli, collards, kale, kohlrabi. mustard greens, rape greens.

  • Repeat at 7 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per season.
  • Use a spreading/penetrating  adjuvant at the rate of 0.125% v/v.
  • Do not use non-ionic surfactants such as Agral 90 or Induce.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 30 days for all crops not on the label.

For leafy vegetables including: celtuce, cress (upland), endive and radicchio (red chicory).

  • Use high rate only.
  • Repeat at 5 to 7 day intervals.
  • Do not apply with adjuvant.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 30 days for all crops not on the label.


(mono- and dibasic sodium, potassium, and ammonium phosphites)

2.9 to 5.8 L/ha
(1.2 to 2.3 L/acre)
Apply in 225 L/ha (90 L/acre) of water.

Leafy greens:

  • Registered on upland cress, endive and radicchio.
  • Repeat at 7 to 14 day intervals.
  • Do not make more than 7 applications per season.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.

Brassica leafy vegetable group 5:

  • Registered for suppression only on Chinese broccoli, broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage (napa, bok choy), Chinese mustard cabbage (gai choy), cavalo broccolo, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach and rape greens.
  • Repeat at 7 to 21 day intervals.
  • Do not make more than 4 applications per season.
  • Do no re-enter treated area for 12 hours.


(mono- and dipotassium salts of  phosphorous acid)

Group 33

3 to 7 L/ha
(1.2 to 2.8 L/acre)
Apply in 300 to 500 L/ha (120 to 200 L/acre) of water.
  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on brassica leafy vegetables (crop group 5) including: Chinese broccoli, broccoli raab, cavolo broccoli, collard, kale, kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach and rape greens.
  • Repeat at 1 to 3 week intervals.
  • For brassicas with one crop cycle per season, do no make more than 8 applications.
  • For brassicas with multiple crop cycles per season, do not make more than 3 applications per crop cycle; and do not make more than 12 applications per season.
  • Do not apply to plants that are dormant or heat stressed.
  • Do not apply to plants treated with copper-based compounds at less than 20 day intervals.
  • Do not apply when conditions favour wet tissue for periods longer than 4 hours.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 4 hours.

Confine Extra        

(mono- and di-potassium salts of phosphorous acid)

Group 33

3 to 6 L/ha
(1.2 to 2.4 L  /acre)

Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water.

  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on cavalo broccolo, collards, Chinese cabbage, Chinese mustard, kale, kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach and rape greens.
  • Repeat using a 7 to 21 day interval.
  • Do not make more than 6 applications per growing season.
  • Tankmixing with pesticide products containing a metal base and/or micronutrients may not be compatible and could potentially cause plant injury.  See label for details.


Group 21
0.2 L/ha
(80 mL /acre)

Apply in 300 to 500 L/ha (120 to 200 L/acre) of water
  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on brassica leafy vegetables (crop group 5) including: Chinese broccoli (gai lan), broccoli raab (rapini), Chinese cabbage (bok choy), Chinese cabbage (napa), Chinese mustard cabbage (gai choi), cavolo broccolo, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach and rape greens.
  • Repeat as a foliar broadcast at 7 to 10 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 5 times per crop per year.
  • Tankmix with a non-ionic or organosilicone surfactant such as Sylgard 309 at a the rate of 0.15 L/ha (60 mL/acre).
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.

Orondis Ultra

(oxathiapiprolin & mandipropamid)

Group 49 & 40

Brassicae & leafy vegetables: 
0.6 L/ha
(240 mL/acre)
0.4 0.6 L/ha
(160 to 240 mL/acre)

Brassicae and leafy vegetables: 1

Cucurbits:  2

  • Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water..
  • Registered on crop group 5-13 head and stem brassica vegetables including:  Chinese (napa) cabbage.
  • Also registered on crop subgroup 4-13B brassica leafy greens including: arugula, broccoli raab, Chinese broccoli, Chinese cabbage, bok choy, cress (garland and upland), collards, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, radish leaves, rape greens, turnip greens and watercress.
  • Also registered on crop group 4-13A leafy greens including: leafy amaranth, chervil, chrysanthymum (garland), cilantro, corn salad, dandelion, dock, endive, orach, parsley leaves, purslane (garden and winter), radicchio, spinach (Malabar and New Zealand) & Swiss chard.
  • Also registered on cucurbit vegetables (crop group 9) including: Chinese waxgourd, citron melon & bitter melon.
  • Do not follow transplant applications of Orondis Ultra with foliar applications of oxathiapiprolin-containing fungicides.
  • Repeat using a 7 to 10 day interval.
  • Do not make more than 4 applications per crop.
  • Use a non-ionic surfactant for brassica and leafy vegetables.
  • For brassica and leafy vegetables, do not make more than 2 consecutive applications before switching to a non-Group 49 & 40 fungicide.
  • For cucurbit vegetables, do not make more than 1 consecutive application before switching to a non-Group 49 & 40 fungicide.
  • For brassica and leafy vegetables, when 3 or more fungicide applications are made, do not use in more than 33% of the applications.  Where a total number of applications is less than 3, make no more than one application of Orondis Ultra.
  • For cucurbits, when 3 or more fungicide applications are made, do not use in more than 33% of the applications, or a maximum of 4 applications of Orondis Ultra, whichever is fewer.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 30 days for tuberous and corm vegetables (Subgroup 1C) and other crops not listed.  Observe a PBI of 180 days for legume vegetables, except succulent peas.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.

Serenade Opti

(Bacillus subtilis)
Used in organics
Brassica vegetables:
1.1 to 1.7 kg/ha      
(450 to 690 g/acre)
Cucurbits:      0.6 to 1.7 kg/ha      
(240 to 690 g/acre)
  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on brassica leafy vegetables (crop group 5) including: cavolo broccolo, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens and rape greens.
  • Also registered on cucurbit vegetables (crop group 9) including: Chinese waxgourd, gherkin and edible gourd.
  • See labels for application intervals.
  • Serenade Opti (PCP# 31666) is OMRI-Canada listed.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF, 421KB)
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF, 703KB)

OMRI-Canada = Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada


Powdery mildew

Chemical control of powdery mildew

Product Rate PHI* Comments

Serenade Opti

(Bacillus subtilis)
Used in organics
1.7 to 3.3 kg/ha      
(690 to 1300 g/acre)
  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on crop group 9 (cucurbits) including: Chinese waxgourd, gherkin and edible gourd.
  • Begin applications soon after transplant.
  • Repeat using a 7 to 10 day interval.
  • Serenade Opti (PCP# 31666) is OMRI-Canada listed.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.

Purespray Green Spray Oil 13E

(mineral oil)
Used in organics
10 L of product in 1000 L of water (1% solution) N/A
  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on crop group 9 (cucurbits) including: Chinese waxgourd, gourd, and Momordica spp. (bitter melon, Chinese cucumber).
  • Use up to 1000 L/ha (400 L/acre) spray volume to ensure thorough coverage.
  • Repeat at 7 to 14 day intervals.
  • Do not make more than 8 summer spray applications per growing season.
  • For first use on a new variety, test spray a small field area to check for plant tolerance prior to adoption as a general field practice.
  • Before or after an application of Purespray Green Spray Oil 13E, a period of 14 days must elapse before permethrin (Pounce/ Perm-Up C) is used.
  • Do not apply during periods of drought, when plants exhibit moisture stress. 
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.
  • Purespray Green Spray Oil 13E (PCP# 27666) is OMRI-Canada listed.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.

Miravis Duo

(pydiflumetofen & difenoconazole)

Group 7 and 3

1 L/ha (405 mL/ac)

Apply in 150 L/ha (60 L/ac) of water

  • Registered on cucurbit vegetables including: Chinese wax gourd and citron melon.
  • Also controls Alternaria leafspot.
  • Do no use in the greenhouse.
  • Repeat using a 14 day interval.
  • Do not make more than 2 consecutive applications before switching to a non-Group 7 & 3 fungicide.
  • Do not apply more than 2.0 L/ha (405 mL/ac) per season.
  • See label for details on plantback interval.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.

Aprovia Top



Group 7 and 3

761 to 967 mL/ha
(308 to 391 mL/acre)
Apply in 150 L/ha (60 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on crop group 9 (cucurbits): Chinese wax gourd and citron melon.
  • Also controls Alternaria leaf spot.  Check label.
  • Apply as a broadcast foliar spray.
  • Repeat at 7 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 3.9 L/ha (1.6 L/acre) per season.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 60 days for sweet corn and 6 months for crops not listed.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.



Group 7

500 to 750 mL/ha
(200 to 300 mL/acre)
Apply in 150 L/ha (60 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on crop group 9 (cucurbits): Chinese waxgourd and citron melon.
  • Also controls Alternaria leaf spot.  Check label.
  • Apply as a broadcast foliar.
  • Repeat using a 7 to day interval.
  • Do not apply more than 3 L/ha (1.2 L/acre) per season.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 6 months for crops not listed.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.



Group 7

50 to 333 mL/ha
(101 to 135 mL/acre)

Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on crop group 9 (cucurbits) including: Chinese waxgourd, citron melon, gherkin, edible gourd, bitter melon, Chinese cucumber & muskmelon.
  • Repeat at 7 to 14 day intervals.
  • Do not make more than 3 applications per season.
  • Do not apply more than 1.0 L/ha (405 mL/acre) per season.
  • Do not apply as a tankmix with any other fungicides, insecticides, herbicides, adjuvants, liquid fertilizers, nutrients or any other additives other than water.
  • No more than 2 consecutive applications before alternating with a fungicide with a different mode of action.
  • For crops not listed, observe a plant back interval of 1 year.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.

Switch 62.5 WG

(cyprodinil & fludioxonil)

Group 9 and 12

775 to 975 g/ha
(314 to 395 g/acre)

Apply in at least 200 L/ha (80 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on mustard greens and turnip greens.
  • Apply at first appearance of disease and continue on 7 to 10 day intervals.
  • Do not make more than 2 sequential applications of Switch or other fungicides in the same group (9 or 12) in a season.
  • Do not apply more than 2.9 kg of product per ha per year.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per year.
  • Observe a 30 day plantback interval for crops not listed.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.

Cabrio EG


Group 11

560 to 840 g/ha
220 to 340 g/acre)

Apply in at least 225 L/ha (90 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on oriental radish.
  • Apply at 7 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per season.
  • Do not re-enter for hand-harvesting for 3 days and for all other activities, do not re-enter for 12 hours.
  • Do not use treated crops for feed.




Group 11 and 7

500 g/ha
(202 g/acre)
Apply in 150 L/ha (60 L/acre) of water
  • Also controls Alternaria leaf spot.  Check label.
  • Registered on crop group 9 (cucurbits): Chinese wax gourd and citron melon.
  • Apply as a broadcast foliar application.
  • Repeat at 7 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 1.5 kg/ha (0.6 kg/acre) per season.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 6 months for crops not listed.

Diplomat 5SC

(polyoxin D zinc salt)

Group 19
463 to 926 mL/ha
(187 to 375 mL/acre)
  • Registered on crop group 9 (cucurbits) including: Chinese waxgourd, citron melon, edible gourd, Momordica spp. (bitter melon, Chinese cucumber), muskmelong honeydew melon. 
  • Repeat using a 7 to 14 day interval.
  • Do not apply more than 2.8 L/ha (1.1 L/acre) per season or 12 months.
  • May be used in the greenhouse.

Property 300SC

Group 50

0.3 to 0.366 L/ha     (120 to 148 mL/acre)

Apply in 200 to 1000 L/ha (80 to 400 L/acre) of water

  • Registered on crop group 9 (cucurbits): Chinese waxgourd (Chinese preserving melon), citron melon, gherkin, gourd, and Momordica spp (bitter melon, Chinese cucumber).
  • Start applications prior to disease development.
  • Repeat using a 7 to 10 day interval beginning with inital flowering.
  • Do not apply more than 1.2 L/ha (0.5 L/acre) per year.
  • Do not make more than 2 consecutive applications before rotating to a fungicide in a different group.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 1 year for cereal grains; and for all other crops not listed, observe a plantback interval of 30 days. 
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.

Vivando SC


Group U8

0.750 to 1.12 L/ha
(300 to 450 mL/acre)
  • Registered on crop group 9 (cucurbits) including: edible gourds.
  • Use with a non-ionic surfactant according to the adjuvant label.
  • Repeat at 7 to14 day intervals.
  • Do not make more than 3 applications per season.
  • Do not apply more than 3.36 L/ha per season.
  • Avoid using Vivando SC if it has been used on the area during the previous season. 
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF, 421KB)
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF, 703KB)

OMRI-Canada = Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada


Alternaria blight

Chemical control of Alternaria blight

Product Rate PHI* Comments



Group 3

364-512 mL/ha
(147 to 207 mL/acre)

Apply in at least 150 L/ha (60 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on head and stem brassicae: Chinese broccoli (gai lan), Chinese cabbage (napa); Chinese mustard cabbage (gai choy), cavalo broccoli, kohlrabi.
  • Registered on leafy greens (brassicae subgroup): broccoli rabb, Chinese cabbage, collards, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach, rape greens.
  • Do not apply more than 2.04 L/ha (825 mL/acre) per crop per season.
  • Repeat at a 10 day interval.
  • Do not apply more than 2 sequential treatments without switching to another mode of action.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 60 days for crops not listed.
  • May be tankmixed with Revus for labeled diseases. Follow the most restrictive directions including rate, PHI, maximum applications and re-entry interval.
  • Do not enter treated area for 3 days for hand harvesting, 1 day for scouting, and for all other activities 12 hours.

Quadris Top

(azoxystrobin/ difenoconazole)

Group 11 & 3

710 to 1000 mL/ha
(290 to 400 mL/acre)

Apply in at least 150 L/ha (60 L/acre) of water.

  • Registered on head and stem brassicae: Chinese broccoli (gai lan), Chinese cabbage (napa); Chinese mustard cabbage (gai choy), cavalo broccoli, kohlrabi.
  • Registered on leafy greens (brassicae subgroup):  broccoli rabb, Chineses cabbage, collards, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach, rape greens.
  • Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals
  • Do not apply more than 4 times per year
  • Observe a plant back interval of 60 days for crops not listed on this label or the Inspire label. 
  • Do not re-enter treated areas for hand-harvesting for 3 days, or for scouting for 1 day.  For all other activities do not re-enter for 12 hours.




Group 11 & 7

500 g/ha
(202 g/acre)
Apply in 150 L/ha (60 L/acre) of water.
  • Registered on crop group 9 (cucurbits) including: Chinese wax gourd and citron melon.
  • Also controls Alternaria leaf spot.  Check label.
  • Apply as a broadcast foliar application.
  • Repeat at 7 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 1.5 kg/ha (0.6 kg/acre) per season.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 6 months for crops not listed.



Group 7

1.0 to 2.25 L/ha
(400 to 910 mL/acre)

Apply in 110 L/ha (45 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on broad bean, yard long bean, asparagus bean, and Chinese long bean.
  • Also controls Sclerotinia drop.  Check label.
  • Repeat at 7 to 14 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 5.25 L/ha (2.2 L/acre) per season.
  • Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before switching to a fungicide with a different mode of action.
  • Do not re-enter for 12 hours.



Group 7

250 to 333 mL/ha
(101 to 135 mL/acre)

Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water
  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on crop group 5 (brassica leafy vegetables) including: Chinese broccoli, Chinese cabbage, Chinese mustard, cavalo broccolo, kohlrabi, broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage (bok choy), collards, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach & rape greens. 
  • Repeat at 7 to 14 day intervals.
  • Do not make more than 3 applications per season.
  • Do not apply more than 1.0 L/ha (405 mL/acre) per season
  • No more than 2 consecutive applications before alternating with a fungicide with a different mode of action.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.
  • For crops not listed, observe a plant back interval of 1 year.



Group 7

500 to 750 mL/ha (200 to 300 mL/acre)

Apply in 150 L/ha (60 L/acre of water)

  • Registered on crop group 9 (cucurbits) including: Chinese waxgourd and citron melon.
  • Apply as a broadcast foliar.
  • Repeat using a 7 to day interval.
  • Do not apply more than 3 L/ha (1.2 L/acre) per season.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 6 months for crops not listed.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.

Aprovia Top



Group 3 and 7

761 to 967 mL/ha
(308 to 391 mL/acre
Apply in 150 L/ha (60 L/acre) of water.
  • Registered on crop group 9 (cucurbits) including: Chinese waxgourd and citron melon.
  • Apply as a broadcast foliar spray.
  • Repeat at 7 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 3.9 L/ha (1.6 L/acre) per season.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 60 days for sweet corn and 6 months for crops not listed.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.

Miravis Duo

(pydiflumetofen and difenoconazole)


Group 7 and 3

0.728 to 1.0 L/ha (295 to 405 mL/ac)


Apply in 150 L/ha (60 L/ac) of water

br. leafy veg: 3

Ch. cabbage (napa):  5

cucurbits:  0

  • Registered on brassica leafy vegetables including:  broccoli raab, Chinese cabbage (bok choy), collards, kale, mizuna, mustard greens and rape greens.
  • Also registered on brassica head and stem vegetables including:  Chinese cabbage (napa).
  • Registered for suppression only on cucurbit vegetables including: Chinese wax gourd and citron melon.
  • Also controls Alternaria leaf spot in cucurbits.
  • Do no use in the greenhouse.
  • For Brassica leafy vegetables, repeat using a 7 to 14 day interval.
  • For Chinese cabbage (napa), repeat using a 7 to 10 day interval.
  • For cucurbit vegetables, repeat using a 14 day interval.
  • Do not make more than 2 consecutive applications before switching to a non-Group 7 & 3 fungicide.
  • Do not apply more than 3.0 L/ha (1.2 L/ac) per season.
  • For cucurbit vegetables, do not apply more than 2.0 L/ha (405 mL/ac) per season.
  • See label for details on plantback interval.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.

Switch 62.5 WG

(cyprodinil & fludioxonil)

Group 9 and 12
775 to 975 g/ha
(313 to 395 g/acre)

Apply in 200 L/ha (80 L/acre) of water
  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on crop group 5B (leafy brassica greens) including: broccoli raab (rapini), Chinese cabbage (bok choy), collards, kale, mizuna, mustard greens, mustard spinach and rape greens.
  • Repeat applications at 7 to 10 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 2.9 kg of product/ha/year.
  • Do not apply more than 3 times per year.
  • Observe a 30 day plantback interval for crops not listed.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF, 421KB)
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF, 703KB)


Cercospora early blight and Septoria late blight

Chemical control of Cercospora early blight and Septoria late blight

Product Rate PHI* Comments



Group 11

190 to 210 g/ha
(77 to 85 g/acre)
Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water at 241.5 kPa
  • Registered on celeriac and Chinese celery.
  • Provides control or suppression.
  • Use the high rate for Septoria late blight.
  • Repeat at 7 to14 day intervals.
  • For Chinese celery, apply in 280 L/ha (115 L/acre) of water at 241.5 kPa.
  • Do not apply more than 840 g/ha (340 g/acre) of product per season.
  • Do not make more than 4 applications per season.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 30 days for crops not listed.



Group 7

1.0 to 1.75 L/ha
(400 to 710 mL/acre)

Apply in 110 L/ha (45 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on celeriac.
  • Controls Septoria late blight only.
  • Repeat at 7 to 14 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 4.5 L/ha (1.8 L/acre) per season.
  • Do not re-enter for 12 hours.

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF, 421KB)
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF, 703KB)


White mould (Sclerotinia)

Chemical control of white mould (Sclerotinia)

Product Rate PHI* Comments

Serenade Opti

(Bacillus subtilis)

Used in organics

Beans and brassicae:
1.7 to 3.3 kg/ha
(690 to 1300 g/acre)
Leafy veg:
0.6 to 1.7 kg/ha
( 240 to 690 g/acre)
  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on crop group 6 (legume vegetables) including broad bean and yard long bean.
  • Also registered on crop group 5 (brassica Leafy vegetables) including: cavolo broccoli, collards, kale, kohlrabi, mustard greens and rape greens.
  • Also registered on crop group 4 (leafy vegetables) including: amaranth, arugula, Chinese celery, celtuce, chervil, corn salad, cress, dandelion, dock, endive, fennel, orach, parsley, radicchio and Swiss chard.
  • Check labels for details on application timing and intervals.
  • Serenade Opti (PCP# 31666) is OMRI-Canada listed.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.

Lance WDG


Group 7

560 to 770 g/ha
(224 to 308 g/acre)

Apply in at least 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on broad bean, yard long bean, asparagus bean, and Chinese long bean.
  • Apply at 20 to 50% flowering.
  • Repeat at 7 to 14 day interval.
  • Maximum of 2 applications per crop season.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours or until residues have dried.
  • For crops not on the label, observe a plant back interval of 14 days.

Miravis Prime

(pydiflumetofen & fludioxonil)

Group 7 and 12

0.8 to 1.0 L/ha
(324 to 404 mL /acre)

Apply in 150 L/ha (60 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on leafy greens including cilantro (fresh leaves), endive, parsley (fresh leaves) and radicchio.
  • Do not use in the greenhouse.
  • Apply to transplanted crops immediately after transplanting.
  • Apply to direct-seeded crops immediately after emergence.
  • Make a 2nd application, using no closer than a 7 day interval, if soil is disturbed by cultivation or thinning or if necessary.
  • Do not make more than 2 consecutive applications before switching to a non-Group 7 & 12 fungicide.
  • For any repeat applications, use a 7 day interval.
  • Do not apply more than 2.0 L/ha (809 mL/ac) per season.
  • See label for details on plantback interval.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.



Group 29

0.6 to 1.0 L/ha
(240 to 400 mL/acre)

Apply in 300 to 1000 L/ha (120 to 400 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on asparagus bean, Chinese long bean and yard long bean.
  • Begin application when 10% of plants have at least one open bloom.
  • Make 2nd application 7 to 10 days later, but not later than when 50% of the plants have at least one open bloom.
  • Maximum of 2 applications per year.
  • Areas treated can be planted to potatoes as soon as practical. For other root crops and leafy vegetables observe a 30 day plant back interval (PBI). For all other crops, the PBI is 70 days.
  • Do not enter treated area for 24 hours

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF, 421KB)
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF, 703KB)

OMRI-Canada = Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada


Grey mould

Chemical control of grey mould

Product Rate PHI* Comments

Serenade Opti

(Bacillus subtilis)
Used in organics
Leafy veg:
0.6 to 1.7 kg/ha 
(240 to 690 g/acre)
Legume veg:
1.7 to 3.3 kg/ha 
(690 to 1300 g/acre)
  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on crop group 4 (leafy vegetables) including: amaranth, arugula, Chinese celery, celtuce, chervil, corn salad, cress, dandelion, dock, endive, fennel, orach, parsley, radicchio and Swiss chard.
  • Also registered on crop group 6 (legume vegetables) including broad bean and yard long bean.
  • Repeat using a 7 to 10 day interval.
  • Serenade Opti (PCP# 31666) is OMRI-Canada listed.  Check with your certification body before using in an organic operation.

Lance WDG


Group 7

420 g/ha
(168 g/acre)

Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water

  • Registered on broad bean, yard long bean, asparagus bean, and Chinese long bean.
  • Apply at 20 to 50% flowering.
  • Repeat at 7 to 14 day interval.
  • Maximum of 2 applications per crop season.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours or until residues have dried.
  • For crops not on the label, observe a plant back interval of 14 days.



Group 7

1.25 to 1.75 L/ha
(500 to 710 mL/acre)

Apply in 110 L/ha (45 L/acre) of water
  • Also suppresses Sclerotinia drop.  Check label.
  • Registered on leafy vegetables: amaranth leafy, arugula, cardoon, Chinese celery, celtuce, chervil, Chrysanthemum, corn salad, cress, dandelion leaves, dock, endive, Florence, fennel, orach, parsley leaves, purslane, radicchio, New Zealand spinach and Swiss chard.
  • Repeat at 7 to 10 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 5.25 L/ha (2.2 L/acre) per season.
  • Do not make more than 2 sequential applications before switching to a fungicide with a different mode of action.
  • Do not re-enter for 12 hours.

Miravis Prime

(pydiflumetofen & fludioxonil)

Group 7 and 12

0.8 to 1.0 L/ha
(324 to 404 mL /acre)

Apply in 150 L/ha (60 L/acre) of water
  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on leafy greens including cilantro (fresh leaves), endive, parsley (fresh leaves) and radicchio.
  • Do not use in the greenhouse.
  • Repeat using a 7 to 10 day interval.
  • Do not make more than 2 consecutive applications before switching to a non-Group 7 & 12 fungicide.
  • Do not apply more than 2.0 L/ha (809 mL/ac) per season.
  • See label for details on plantback interval.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF, 421KB)
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF, 703KB)

OMRI-Canada = Organic Materials Review Institute of Canada


Clubroot (Plasmodiophora brassicae)

Chemical control of clubroot (Plasmodiophora brassicae)

Product Rate PHI* Comments



Group 29

Transplant treatment:
50 mL

Apply in 100L of water
Pre-transplant treatment:
2.9 L/ha
(1.2 L/acre)

Apply in 500 L/ha (200 L/acre) of water
head & stem brassica sub-group 5A = 65

leafy brassica greens sub-group 5B = 30

Transplant treatment

  • Registered on crop subgroup 5A (head & stem brassica): Chinese broccoli, Chinese napa cabbage, Chinese mustard cabbage, cavolo broccoli, and kohlrabi.
  • Registered on crop subgroup 5B (leafy brassica greens): broccoli raab, bok choi, Chinese cabbage, collards, kale, mizuna, mustard greens and rape greens.
  • Apply 100 mL of solution per plant immediately after transplanting.
  • Do not follow with a pre-transplant treatment.
  • Areas treated can be planted to potatoes as soon as practical. For other root crops and leafy vegetables, observe a 30 day plantback interval (PBI). For all other crops, the PBI is 70 days.
  • Do not enter treated area for 24 hours.

Pre-transplant treatment

  • Apply in a minimum band of 25 cm along the planting row and incorporate to a depth of 15 to 20cm with a precision incorporator in the same operation.
  • Transplant the seedlings into the treated band. If planting to a bed, a broadcast application could be made prior to forming the bed.
  • Do not follow with a transplant treatment.
  • For a list of registered crops and PBI information, see transplant info above..
  • Do not enter treated area for 24 hours.

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF, 421KB)
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF, 703KB)


Gummy stem blight

Chemical control of gummy stem blight
Product Rate PHI* Comments

Aprovia Top



Group 7 and 3

967 mL/ha

(391 mL/acre)


Apply in 190 L/ha (75 L/acre) of water
  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on crop group 9 (cucurbits): Chinese wax gourd and citron melon.
  • Also controls Alternaria leaf spot.  Check label.
  • Apply as a broadcast foliar spray.
  • Repeat at 7 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 3.9 L/ha (1.6 L/acre) per season.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 60 days for sweet corn and 6 months for crops not listed.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.

Miravis Duo

(pydiflumetofen & difenoconazole)

Group 7 and 3

1 L/ha (405 mL/ac)

Apply in 150 L/ha (60 L/ac) of water

  • Registered on cucurbit vegetables including: Chinese wax gourd and citron melon.
  • Do no use in the greenhouse.
  • Repeat using a 14 day interval.
  • Do not make more than 2 consecutive applications before switching to a non-Group 7 & 3 fungicide.
  • Do not apply more than 2.0 L/ha (405 mL/ac) per season.
  • See label for details on plantback interval.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.



Group 7

750 mL/ha

(300 mL/acre)

Apply in 190 L/ha (75 L/acre of water)
  • Registered on crop group 9 (cucurbits): Chinese waxgourd and citron melon.
  • Also controls Alternaria leaf spot.  Check label.
  • Apply as a broadcast foliar.
  • Repeat using a 7 to day interval.
  • Do not apply more than 3 L/ha (1.2 L/acre) per season.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 6 months for crops not listed.
  • Do not re-enter treated area for 12 hours.



Group 7
333 mL/ha
(135 mL/acre)

Apply in 100 L/ha (40 L/acre) of water
  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on crop group 9 (cucurbits) including: Chinese waxgourd, citron melon, gherkin, edible gourd, bitter melon, Chinese cucumber & muskmelon.
  • Repeat at 7 to 14 day intervals.
  • Do not make more than 3 applications per season.
  • Do not apply more than 1.0 L/ha (405 mL/acre) per season.
  • Do not apply as a tankmix with any other fungicides, insecticides, herbicides, adjuvants, liquid fertilizers, nutrients or any other additives other than water.
  • No more than 2 consecutive applications before alternating with a fungicide with a different mode of action.
  • Do not enter treated area for 12 hours.
  • For crops not listed, observe a plant back interval of 1 year.




Group 11 and 7

500 g/ha

(202 g/acre)

Apply in 190 L/ha (75 L/acre) of water
  • Registered on crop group 9 (cucurbits): Chinese wax gourd and citron melon.
  • Apply as a broadcast foliar application.
  • Repeat at 7 day intervals.
  • Do not apply more than 1.5 kg/ha (0.6 kg/acre) per season.
  • Observe a plantback interval of 6 months for crops not listed.

Diplomat 5SC

(polyoxin D zinc salt)

Group 19

463 to 926 mL/ha

(187 to 375 mL/acre)
  • Suppression only.
  • Registered on cucurbit vegetables (crop group 9) including: Chinese waxgourd, citron melon, edible gourd, Momordica spp. (bitter melon, Chinese cucumber), muskmelong honeydew melon.
  • Repeat using a 7 to 14 day interval.
  • Do not apply more than 2.8 L/ha (1.1 L/acre) per season or 12 months.
  • May be used in the greenhouse.

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF, 421KB)
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF, 703KB)



Chemical control of nematodes
Product Rate PHI* Comments



Broadcast: 4 to 8 L/ha

(1.6 to 3.2 L/acre)

Apply in 300 L/ha (120 L/acre) of water

  • Registered on transplanted okra. 
  • Controls root-knot (Meloidogyne spp.) and root lesion (Pratylenchus spp.) nematodes.
  • Use when nematodes are present.
  • Apply in any season when soil to be treated has sufficient moisture to support plant growth.
  • Ensure that soil is free of clods, debris and plant residues before application.
  • Apply uniformly to the soil 7 days before transplanting by one of the following methods:  broadcast incorporated, or banded and incorporated.
  • Do not use in conjunction with direct seeded crops.
  • If applying using a banded and incorporated method, see label for the rate required based on bed width, length and use rate.
  • Use a boom height of 60 cm or less above the crop or ground. 
  • Incorporate thoroughly by mechanical means to a depth of 15 to 20 cm.
  • Irrigate lightly using 1.25 to 2.50 cm of water, 1 to 5 days after application.
  • Treated areas can be covered with plastic or left uncovered according to planting practices.
  • Resume a normal irrigation schedule immediately after transplanting.
  • Do not make more than 1 application per crop, per year.
  • Do not apply more than 8 L/ha (3.2 L/acre) per year.
  •  Do not use in greenhouses.
  • Do not feed treated crop or crop residues to animals.
  • Observe a plantback interval of one year for crops not listed.
  • Toxic to certain beneficial insects.
  • Do not re-enter for 12 hours.
  • See label for drip (trickle) chemigation directions.

*PHI = Pre-harvest interval
BUFFERS – Refer to product label for buffer requirements, and consult the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Regulations and Safety (PDF, 421KB)
PESTICIDE GROUP DETAILS – see the Vegetable Production Guide: Pesticide Toxicity Table (PDF, 703KB)