Case Worker Services (Emergency management only)

Last updated on February 27, 2025

Services you can purchase

This CSA provides for the delivery of case worker services required by a Purchaser.

Role of Case Workers Service Provider

Case Worker Services support individuals in a community affected by an emergency and include, without limiting the foregoing:

  • Facilitating the process of case management for affected community members (“Recipients”), including assessing a Recipient’s physical and mental wellness, helping Recipients achieve autonomy, and coordinating and providing safe, timely services to the affected Recipients.
  • Ensuring that there is a seamless transition from Recipients being individual recipients of ESS to recovery (including those who may or may not be receiving event-specific or other kinds of financial aid and support).
  • Providing coordination and connection of Recipients to services, funding and Supports.
  • Serving diverse people and contributing to a healthy and safe working environment that is inclusive, culturally safe and respectful of differences in temperament, communication styles, organizational approaches and management. 

Case Workers should refer to the Disaster Recovery Guide for Local Governments and First Nations for an overall understanding of the recovery process. Disaster Recovery Guide (PDF, 860KB)

Case Worker Services may be provided by a single Case Worker or a team of Case Workers, depending on the size and impact of the event and the impacted community’s Recovery Plan, and may include the following activities and tasks:

  • Initial Assessment
    •  assisting a Recipient with preparing a household Post-Disaster Needs Assessment that can inform the personalized recovery plan for the Recipient/household.
    • collecting information from affected individuals and opening and updating individual case file(s) for each Recipient.
    • Evaluating Recipient needs to provide a personalized -recovery plan.
  • Identification of Supports
    • Determination of available Supports from government (local, provincial, federal), private and public sector, specific aid programs.
    • Knowing where Supports are available and how to access them.
    • Identifying eligibility for Supports based on initial assessment of the Recipient.
    • Assisting the Recipient with applying for Supports (e.g. filling out paperwork)
  • Disbursement
    • If applicable, distribution of Supports and other deliverables to Recipients via approved Recipient payment modalities, including but not limited to:
      • Electronic funds transfer (EFT)
      • Payment cards
      • Cheques
      • Non-financial support, including connection to other support programs as needed (e.g., mental health resources)
  • Duration of Services and Location of Delivery
    • Case Worker Services may be required for short term (six months or less) to long term (more than six months), depending on the extent of the emergency affecting the community and its members.
    • Case Workers may also be expected to work onsite within or near, to the extent possible, the affected community, at least for the initial assessment of Recipients. The decision as to whether Case Worker Services need to be delivered in-person or can be delivered through remote communications and supports will depend upon the needs of the affected community and discussion with the Case Workers.
    • Case Workers will be expected to make their own arrangements for securing appropriate office space and necessary equipment (e.g., laptops, office supplies) for the Services, unless an Order otherwise expressly provides.

Use this supply arrangement

Step 1: Check if your organization is authorized. Organizations that may use this supply arrangement are:

  • B.C. government ministries
  • B.C. broader public sector organizations on the CSA User's List

Step 2a: Engage suppliers in competitive service request process. Complete the Competitive Service Request – Appendix B (DOC, 66KB). Send the completed Appendix B to all of the suppliers found under Supplier contact information. After the closing date and time, choose the supplier to make the purchase from.


Step 2b: Engage a supplier based on selective criteria requests. Issue a Service Request (DOC, 66KB) to the CSA Holder that best meets the specific requirements needed for the Service Request.

Step 3: Complete your purchase. Countersign page 3 and return it to the supplier to confirm the purchase.

Information about this supply arrangement

  • Download a copy of the complete terms and conditions (PDF, 968KB)
  • This supply arrangement expires September 17, 2025 with three one-year options to extend
  • Only services outlined on the price lists are available; other services need to be obtained in accordance with CPPM 6 - Procurement Policy
  • There is no longer a dollar limit associated with this CSA

Pricing and Supplier contact information

Pricing information and bios are confidential and must not be shared. 


Canadian Red Cross Society

CSA Number: CS-100042

Pricing (PDF, 85KB)

400 Cooper Street, Suite 8000 Ottawa, Ontario K2P 2H8



Related Supply Arrangements

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Contact Information

Phone: 250-387-7300


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