BC Mail Plus Document Scanning and Data Capture Services provides high-speed scanning, digitizing, image capture and data verification services.
Who can buy from this supply arrangement?
What can I buy?
How do I access these services?
How much does it cost?
Have any questions?
Government program providing service
Important Information
Who can buy from this supply arrangement?
This supply arrangement is available to:
- B.C. government ministries
- B.C. broader public sector
What can I buy?
BC Mail Plus Scanning Services provides a wide variety of high speed digital imaging options including digitizing documents and data capture.
Document Imaging Services include:
- OCR (Optical Character Recognition) – search capability of documents
- Indexing – providing easy access to electronically filed documents
- Pre-processing-preparation of hard copy files and binders for digital imaging
- Post-processing-hard copy files and binders can be prepared for return, secure destruction or shipping to off-site storage
Data Capture Scanning Services include:
- Data capture from survey, registration forms and ballots
- Return data through secure file transfer protocol (SFTP)
How do I access these services?
How much does it cost?
Cost depends on the specific job requirements. Please consider the following when requesting an estimate:
- Approximately how many images (1 image=1 side of a piece of paper) are to be scanned?
- Are pre-processing services required, such as removing staples, removing binding, backing sheets and post it notes.
- Is there any indexing required?
- Do you need to have the ability to search your documents?
- Imaged in black and white, colour or both?
- Oversized documents (greater than 12” X 18”)?
- Once imaged are documents to be returned, off sited or secure destruction?
Please contact BC Mail Plus for an estimate based on your specific requirements
Have any questions?
Government program providing service
BC Mail Plus
1150 McKenzie Ave
Victoria BC V8W 9V7
contact: Scanning services
phone: 250 952-5102
Important Information
Are you ready to implement your electronic filing system? Contact BC Mail Plus. We can digitize your existing documents and provide structure for filing future documents.