King's Printer

Last updated on June 11, 2024

Who we are

King’s Printer for British Columbia is a cost recoverable organization within the Ministry of Citizens’ Services and is the official source of laws and publications since 1859. King’s Printer for BC is part of the King’s Printer Association of Canada, formed in 1952 and is comprised of representatives from the federal, provincial, and territorial jurisdictions of Canada.

The skilled King’s Printer team offers an affordable range of services to ministries, public sector organizations, and publicly funded agencies through four specialized departments: Crown Publications, Digital Publishing, Print Brokerage, and Protocol and Recognition. Our team includes specialized client service representatives; protocol and recognition specialists, project management and print management professionals; highly qualified publishing, web development and information technology experts.

We are a trusted partner that can provide expert advice and services.

What we do

The King’s Printer team works collaboratively to deliver modern solutions at the best value.

King's Printer services include sales, marketing, and distribution of publications through the Crown Publications eCommerce platform. Our knowledgeable team can offer you end-to-end customized solutions that will save your organization time and money.

Services include print and digital publishing solutions, such as simple-to-use Civix Suite XML software to enhance your existing publishing processes. Webhosting and maintenance services and other technical and digital concept solutions.

We manage and publish legislation to BC Laws, including the BC Gazette, we provide print and signage solutions and offer recognition and branded products.

For further information about our services, visit any of our Goods and Services Catalogue pages.

Learn more about our services:


BC Bid Tender Documents

Printing, inventory management, sales, and distribution of large tender documents.

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Business Card Production

The Province of BC’s official business card ordering platform.

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Digital Publishing and Civix Suite 

Customized digital solutions include developing, managing, and hosting secure registry databases.

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Full range of custom cost-effective print solutions to fulfill your organization’s need.

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Recognition and Branded Products

Branded and custom products, corporate awards, and giftware.

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BC Gazette

The BC Gazette is a two-part publication that provides the latest legal notices and provincial regulations.

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Crown Publications, eCommerce

eCommerce platform offering a wide variety of government related books, reference materials and digital publications.

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Engraving Services

Personalized protocol and giftware recognition products.

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Publishing and Distribution Services

Inventory management, distribution, sales, and royalty collection.

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Wide range of custom signage solutions

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Contact information

Crown Publications Customer Service

2nd floor - 563 Superior Street Victoria BC
PO Box 9452 Stn Prov Govt Victoria BC V8W 9V7